Monday 20 September 2010

From Twitter 09-20-2010

Sleep in preparation for an effective working week. definately.. !
Not the sunniest of days out there, but working in front of screen so doesn't really matter...
Annoyed to be on an ongoing email chain where several ppl keep adding graphical signatures/logos to email==lots of space. ANNOYED!
@jaylimburn now where's the "block and report spam" button ...
Should have known - went to grab can/coke from fridge (there were 5 left). All gone. Pesky kids. Need the extra caffeine for work...
@sxa555 Or education, or even not using email. Checkout - think it's 17 or 27 mins in. Oh and watch out 4 @jaylimburn
Dislike "bots" that just retweet on keyword - Block/report SPAM for me. Does not add value to twitterverse. Anyone can do hashtag search
@PeachyF1 its guessing (wrongly) from your isp address/provider.
@peregr1n will only help in areas you control and think there's a limit on #handsets (is it 32) registered to each. Don't have one tho.
RT @sxa555: A typical teen sends/receives an average of 50 text messages a day - wow: ...
@sxa555 Big numbers. And 15% of us teens text more than 200 msgs/day. Sounds huge, though in "rapid fire" mode suspect many are v.short?
Cool! Must admit I'd like to catch up old US series too. RT @boydhilton For those asking, The Apprentice starts beginning of October
@etherealtype smoked salmon fan! I'm always sneaking it in to the wkly shop. b-fast, lunch & tea. Yet I'm not a huge fish fan!
@etherealtype along with energy drink/fizzy sweets/tablets it's also my "secret weapon" if unwell..
@PeachyF1 it will depend on your ISP and how they route the traffic.I'm with O2 and luckily the location is within 5-8 miles on IP (nr city)
@sxa555 I'm < 150 but make up or it with tweets :-) And calling not always easier due to async + parallelism ?
@sxa555 My daughter's on 3 too and now we need to go for the £15 for 1000 textx to accomodate her usage pattern..
Back to school college nights/preping tea & realising what a royal pain a broken microwave is....
@sxa555 n900? Never seen that. Gsm been as good/bad as usual at home (one bar in study)
Jealous - son letting me know they have a college trip coming up (for £££) to CERN. Cool.
@Si_Biggles they have a 2 for one on collection. Not sure if you have to order online... Yumm....
@OzoneVibe I'd love to go... maybe I should go back to college
@OzoneVibe best we got (A levels) was a visit to a research reactor - interesting standing on top and looking at the Cherenkov radiation...
@rachelclarkef1 Well I certainly enjoyed electric dreams mucho! @OzoneVibe
@rachelclarkef1 But @ProfBrianCox is def a star be it deep research or communicating the science msg. (was also in physics at uni/manch)
@OzoneVibe I seem to remember being told the cherenkov radiation was safe due to the metres of leaded glass or whatever but now I'm worried!
@OzoneVibe Think this is the reactor we visited - just a baby @rachelclarkef1
@OzoneVibe funny decisions -- I was certainly debating between computing/telecoms & physics research or career during uni. I followed the
@OzoneVibe former but always retained interest in the latter... though the maths is beyond me... (scary looking at old uni textx) -
RT @elsua: ♺ @chrisbrogan Biggest lie we tell ourselves daily: working on our inbox is work / Amen, brother! Someone had to say it! #lawwe
@elsua So true, yet I still fall for it.. Must grab control #lawwe
@elsua I guess I can pretend replying to/creating tweets is work then ;-) (actually am done for day, purely social...) #lawwe
RT @jodrellbank: Tonight Jupiter is closest to Earth since 1963, it looks like a v bright star in the southern sky,
So I can't got to bed early tonight. Must try and see jupitor, though will ll the houses around may fail...
@minxymoggy could be intriguing to see. Certainly a brave change and reviews I've seen thus far look interesting.
@minxymoggy interesting tension (ie remote admin/deployment etc) as mobiles get more "personal." Needs to be attractive from both sides?
@Brownie1871 wonder what the wife will say if I suggest as a holiday destination ;-) Errr maybe not!
Emptying wallet ordering son's text books :-( still it's only college. uni gets loads more £££
still thinking about the kindle. Amazon keeps advertizing it to me!
@vixisabel ipad great fun, but the screen on the kindle looks very -err-- well paper like. Should be a relaxing read away from computer...
@OzoneVibe A bit far, but as ever those Boston Globe photos are *superb*
@MorganF1 I remember spending a fortune many years ago - low volumes . Still books are far from the only expensive aspects of uni...
@Brownie1871 Yep a tour around cern does sound fun though - maybe have to plan a france/switzerland trip sometime
@MorganF1 I guess when I went email wasn;t that popular (though I had it!). not really any amazon's around...
@nathanchantrell Had a little look last Thur. Screen is WOW in an old-fashioned way. My issue is often read near water/sand on hols...
@minxymoggy actually think social networking is key - even if for corporate social network systems
@MorganF1 hundreds of pounds for a book. Woah - I don't remember anything so much. Remind me what subject you're doing?
@pastamaster39 @vixisabel i have neither yet but isn.t kindle a case of something doing one job well. Its usp (for ereader)is the screen
RT @PodF1: Hispania mechanic recovering well: The Hispania Racing team said the mechanic injured during the Italian Grand ... http://bit ...
puppies just been fed their first worming. Ah bless. funny to see them lick the pink "kids medicine" liquid
Checking out some more puppy photos from earlier. Hoping to upload a couple of shots. #puppytime
more puppy photos being uploaded to flickr :-) Not done great on focussing though. They keep moving ... #puppytime
@OzoneVibe @jon_read So who's paying then
@minxymoggy tho to some extend SN is curation - ppl you trust/associate with - context around the content
@jon_read sounds good but slug/lettuce will have to do! @OzoneVibe
have done 4 of 12 relatively "urgent" items off personal todo list. that will have to do for tonight..
@SmallFurryHotel actually it was 5. 3 related to puppies, 2 to kids. So much for *my* items on the list!
@SmallFurryHotel not really got any paperwork - not purebred... obv will have vet checks etc
family going mad. They're now on a skype videocall to another dog (!) getting it to sit/do tricks... ;-)
Bother! Just realised #spooks started tonight. want! now! Looks like iplayer streaming at 10pm ... but have to watch in uncomfy study :-(
@vixisabel even for me it was. I didn't hang around to see if they were successful....
More puppy photos at . Now 14 days old. Last 14 photos are the new ones #puppytime
@sxa555 strange when regular wall posts on web UI can have different security settings (for example I default friends but make some public)
@minxymoggy SN isn't all short shelf life/microblogging tho. Think it includes blogs, file repos & other shared spaces as well
@Amy_Walker every day should be awesome. I will be positive.. at least initially ;-)
Wondering how long before "spooks" is on iplayer. "Coming soon". How soon. I need to know! Prerecorded so should be already encoded?
@minxymoggy sure though so much does involve collaboration & I suspect it's a cultural learning experience too
@Jodie_kemp Have recorded but not started watching yet. More for american audience? But important point - UK on was good a few years back
@HedgeWatch <reload>.... <reload>... <reload>
@HedgeWatch It now appears to be there!
Time for some peace & quiet (for everyone else). Spooks :-)
I just recommended Spooks - Series 9
@HedgeWatch certainly enjoyed it. The series are always so short//
@SmallFurryHotel Sounds like a lot of work. Somehow glad I don't have to.
@sxa555 You need to find a big name ally that you can get interested in this issue except that I don't think facebook listen to anyone
@OzoneVibe TGS for me another night. I always take reviews as just another input. Main think is no surprises, knowing what you get..
@Kkirgirl They were quick tonight with spooks fortunately. Just as well as I kicked myself for not setting sky+!
@Kkirgirl They're still quite little really and a small cross-breed, but yes growing quick. Around 600-680g now, getting more mobile/active
@minxymoggy I'd say only email & to some extent twitter is a good fit, but then am prob not the one to ask (use n900 - very geeky)
Time to check out jupiter. Must look outside. RT @stevephotog: It is beautiful warm and still moonlit night here in Hampshire
RT @OzoneVibe: @lighty89 In the sky! :) Left of the moon a touch. @VirtualAstro
@SmallFurryHotel We have all the weight/worming/medical etc info Need to sort receipt. Contract as in purchase or breeding etc? advice ->
@SmallFurryHotel sounds good idea - any good pointers. Guess we have a few weeks left but should get a little more organized
@sebastiangiraud I do cringe at some of the geeky it stuff though esp the amazement of the spooks #spooks #bbc
@SmallFurryHotel I figured that's what you meant. I guess that's more a purebred/kennel club thing
@SmallFurryHotel tho we are questioning prospective purchasers as we want them all be have good homes...
wondering why a Thai takeaway in Queensland, Australia is following me. Do they deliver to the UK maybe? Yummy am sure ...but...
@OzoneVibe Looks like Nov 7th @F1Badger get-together is on. Must add to diary. Assume it's london again for Brazilian GP
@sxa555 @EmpireSteve see facebook - Nov 7th for the Brazilian GP meetup in London it seems ref @F1Badger
@sebastiangiraud No I do really enjoy spooks - it's just those little moments.

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