Monday 13 September 2010

From Twitter 09-13-2010

@DougieLawson Here you go - #ted
@evoGage supposedly they run at low pri, and I/O is low pri, but in practice I think the hit is too high. will hav to experiment
@zarchasmpgmr That sounds like an AV check?? (which it isn't in my case) #MicrosoftLies
@RhiannonMLane Quality not quantity ;-) A good espresso....
@Lipstedo presumably a one-off rather than regular occurance. Sounds like it could be a long day...
@nnubeh I know what you mean, but I wonder if those that jump to 90% in 2 mins and stay there are 10 mins are little better ...
@nnubeh I so prefer cmd line installs ie on linux/*nix such as rpm/deb & shared repos for updates with yum/apt. Biggest prob /windows IMO
Am hoping weather is dry Thursday - day off in London and hoping to sneak out for a few hours for a photowalk
time to hit the gym then work. Was hoping to meet up with s/one in office but looks unavailable, and WFH this pm, so may WFH all day..
@RhiannonMLane don't drink instance and no espresso capability - nightmare. Need to get to costa/starbucks quick.(it's my holiday nightmare)
need to write some code today. Now there's a scary thought. Need some WD40 for the brain cells
Pups happily sleeping on their heat pad. Mum looks happy enough.Ahh #puppytime
@michaelbosc lots of photos - just not new ones. See ! They're cockapoos - second gen Cocker spaniel/poodle cross
when you think you've uninstalled some sw and days later it pops up .... Ummmm.
my error, obviously hadnlt
@littlecough ouch. Snapped driveshaft sounds serious. is that petrol? So what's the EV? Id like to go EV for next car but not sure yet
@littlecough Ah. The EV isn't quite a car replacement. I nearly want LPG for my 10yr old focus (when new) but I do v.little miles
@littlecough best of luck on the driveshaft issue..
@littlecough When new I was doing c.4000 miles/year and price diff not quite as much? Thought I'd have car for 3-5 years so not worth it
@littlecough Now do ~6000 miles/year and car is 10 yrs old.. so will prob be replaced soon. Keeping an eye out for anything int in next 2yrs
wondering if it's possible to tweak font size/scale up/down in @seesmic desktop - trying out the v2 client
finished an interesting tech call (education) - time to grab some lunch and do a little tweet catchup
@cyberdoyle @lesanto to be fair that depends on ISP. Can get 1 even 2+ MBps on adsl2+ with good ISP, though fttc/fttp better! #bduk #rbc10
@lesanto I wouldn't say that's unusual for ADSL. many cap *line speed* at 512/768. adsl1 maxes around 800. adsl2+ 1.3, annexem 2.?6
@lesantocannot answer. I wish for more, only getting 1 Mbps. FTTC is nextbest option here (up to 10). No experience of virgin (coverage)
why did I bother trying to make a sandwich. as soon as I picked it up, it all fell apart anyway!
RT @OviJade: I liked a YouTube video -- MeeGo Handset UX Build 20100907 @ Nokia N900
Looks like somewhat early days. A bit of a cross between S60 and Android. Thin...(YouTube
@SarahAnnGreen sounds like you'd best deposit your credit card somewhere safe first...
2 further @seesmic observations (currently) IMO - customization of notifications, + (minor) block/report user should remove/timeline
Just seen my first christmas advert of the year :-(
Having some vpn difficulties today - occasional drops & latency.. :-(
Just checked on puppies -- feeding like crazy. pretty lively. They're going to be trouble in a couple of weeks #puppytime
Oh not driving into #southampton today with #boatshow on so had to do a taxi pickup. Dinner now..
thinking next #southampton #tweetup could be Fri 1st Oct slug/lettuce - anyone?
@michaelbosc A good friend of my wife's had a cockapoo & she fell in love. Certainly from a sample of 1 they're lovely!
@michaelbosc there is sometimes the purebred snobbery though not had much mention of it. Cross can reduce chance of heriditary disease
@michaelbosc I have some delightful video, but it's got too late tonight with work/taxi/dinner etc
So we have 2 of us so far! Anyone else? RT @OzoneVibe: @planetf1 Sounds good to me! :) #southampton #tweetup Fri 1st Oct ?
@zarchasmpgmr thanks for pointer -- must check next time. Def seen trustedInstaller in the past. Did you find a fix/workaround?
dragons den, jamie, gadget show - which. 2 of 3 I think. Just need to order some puppy supplies first....
Any using #o2broadband around Southampton - they're rolling out a sw update. Just reverted from Be firmware to O2 ...
@OzoneVibe There's also the @f1badger race meeting hopefully too!
@andypiper That would be great Andy. We did Sat last time, but some ppl wanted a Fri. Slug/lettuce in Soton worked. Nothing booked
@andypiper but can grab food if feeel like it, drinks ok, transport convenient (ie not having to drive :-) )
@OzoneVibe I'm hoping weather holds out Thurs. have to head up to London for event in the eve so taking day off doing photowalk I think!
@OzoneVibe Wondering where I have to avoid sticking my lens to avoid getting arrested :-(
@Amy_Walker So calling the troublemaker - does 1 Oct work for you for a #tweetup. Think we said that Fri or week before?
I had to smile at that. Very drole... ;-) RT @asymco: Anssi was last heard saying: Meego!
@rachelclarkef1 I've got a 6pm invite, will prob get there once the supercheap ticks work. Heard there's #f1 photographic exhibition s/where
@rachelclarkef1 otherwise am just thinking of wandering around. not planned specific loc yet
@Amy_Walker Oh er. You'll be excited then! Well shout now if date rubbish as think we need to org critical mass & agree date a/head time
@vixisabel night? Sounds very organized. Barely finished dinner, now shopping then tele! i always end up asleep too late
@tuesdaytweetup @amandagolding Touting idea of 1/Oct meetup as we chatted about last time. Same place. Does that work for you?
@vickylygoef1 I've never seen an episode of the inbetweeners - my teenage kids have all desperately got sorted in time to watch. A must!
@noSPicedhAM I have but am on old T&Cs so no limits but conn only 4.5 :-) What I really want is good #fttc pkg. Hoping Be/Sky soon
@noSPicedhAM Cabs in now, golive imminent. Wary of BT Infinity, 300Gb limit (P2P doesn't bother me)
@rachelclarkef1 that's the one. No idea where it is, not searched but thought it could be worth a view
@amandagolding Didn't mean to steal thunder, just thinking diaries get booked up so we should start soliciting feedback.
@amandagolding Did you also say you have access to @Tuesdaytweetup ?
@zarchasmpgmr All have their issues. I use linux a lot, have on laptop for several years, but has problems too..
@rachelclarkef1 for anyone interested proud gallery f1 exhibit - info at
@OzoneVibe Oh yes I think a tw-eat-up is in order definately. Will have to make an effort to get there early. @amandagolding
Supposed to be ordering puppy supplies. got distracted....
isn't internet wonderful. Puppy shopping done - playpen, worming treatment & food ordered from 3 diff places #puppytime
@OzoneVibe Go on then Dave send it out!
@amandagolding Tee Hee. well sounds like you're offering to post loads of messages!
@zarchasmpgmr Hey I'm fine with z/OS too. But laptop/end user in particular is a certain unpredictable use case not predictable server
@amandagolding What 4sq thing?
@Amy_Walker just checking everyone's happy... well the hard-core so to speak. (yes @OzoneVibe that's you too!)
@zarchasmpgmr I should add I also use W2k3, well actually windows home server - been rock solid (HP EX490)
@zarchasmpgmr well once I stopped trying to persuade it to do case significant filenames which it really didn't like...
@neicey are you ok for that day?
@neicey If it's problematic I know @amandagolding had some idea about an online vote...
@amandagolding That requires co-operation of the establishment. How are your negotiation skills?
@neicey like the new avatar - different from a boring mugshot
wondering if anyone's compared Nikons new 55-300 with older 70-300 (full frame). Prob not much price diff. thinking 70- may be better optics
@zarchasmpgmr reg setting can make case signif, but it caused drive extender (in WHS) major grief. rock solid tho since turning off.

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