Sunday 26 September 2010

From Twitter 09-26-2010

@honeybee85 We're seeing so much excitment in the top places aren't we. Not. rain rain rain. Won't happen though #F1
@LateBrakers Not loking good at all. Just sliding down. #f1 #Hamilton
Given we've had only 1 SC it seems strange planning that leads to hitting the 2hr limit. But may give more opportunities for excitement #f1
RT @vee8: Mandatory tyre changes must go... it is killing racing, just like refuelling.
@vee8 Definately, very artificial. Need less good tyres which go off and have to be changed, but not mandatory change
ouch #f1
that could have been even worse #f1
Good to see both drivers ok #f1
actually it wasn't quite as fast as it could have been. Don't think bruno was too much to blame - just tricky situation #f1
@Petronella masa was very close must have been a metre or two away from impact?
@laura_marieee though not affecting the front runners, and mclaren's already struggling #F1
HAM's drink isn't working. with only just over half race gone though that's really quite nasty #f1
@MorganF1 in the silverstone pit lane . very nice ;-) #F1
TV feed now showing some of the interesting buildings/city sights -- good idea, it's more interesting ;-) #f1
HAm out after trying it on WEB #f1
it's all happening now #f1
Michaels having a tough time this race #f1
@peteralevy true. Mercedes must be under a lot of pressure to improve next yr . they clearly have money/skills but haven't delivered this yr
@tsahil Cisco had it for *years* before apple
@crossy33 @_MissAnnie_ Oh. WEB's a good bloke . Sure would love Jens to win but Mark's a cool aussie too #f1
not bad for massa given his last position start . 10th, 9th.. or higher. #f1
P3-6 are all 2s ahead of P7+, and P1-2 are a further second ahead #f1
At least someone's making the race more exciting now. Go kubica. #f1
@LateBrakers couldnt really see that well #Ham #Web #f1
get out for **** sake #f1
Crazy. Unacceptable. where were the marshalls. Ridiculous. Also why didn't he stop sooner #f1
@LateBrakers bit tight, think ham not quite far enough ahead/not quite enough room - but hard to apportion blame #Ham #Web #f1
@welp That fire was really looking quite nasty. Can see why he didn't go into pits (too much around). marshals slow elsewhere too
@SarahAnnGreen didn't quite do it for me. Some exciting parts, but bit flat at times #f1
@SRT40 Agree - safer not to go in, but surprised he didn't stop sooner?
@honeybee85 I think not -- given all the ppl /buildings etc in there. safer to keep away? #F1
@LateBrakers though they cant all drive around avoiding an incident .. I'd like to see it again/onboard but don't think it was B&W #f1
WEB looking pretty in drivers, but it's only 11 points, which is really nothing #f1
@SarahAnnGreen Not just me. Happened quite a few times. And I switched quite a few times due to football.. #f1
@lacanta @dank_ross @vee8 I'm with you' There were some exciting moments, but overall it wasn't great. avg definately #f1
@etherealtype After the screwed up Q1, then taking the penalty (as if it mattered) a good show, helped by retirements #F1
!! +1 RT @Lipstedo: @TheFable when alonso drives to his best I think he's amazing and really admire him....its him as a person I don't like!
@speed2xs @speed Sorry guys, Fortunately in Uk bbc are just starting probably another hour of review/analysis.. Maybe austin 2012 helps #f1
when I see that replay of HAM/WEb again I don't think web had anywhere to go. He was right on the apex on the kerb #f1
@amanjon That was a really interesting observation from DC - it's the kind of extra insight the bbc team are so great at. def on edge
@OzoneVibe indeed - with you on both accounts. can't have drivers "racing" around trying to avoid incidents #f1
RT @dozy_durose: We want overtaking, yet we look for blame when the drivers take risks. Lewis was right to try, Webber was right to defe ...
interesting Heikki saying he couldn't see a fire marshall... so stopped by williams on pit lane. Presume fire points are marked? #f1
having a live #f1 search during a race certainly stresses the computer cpu with tweetdeck...
RT @Cubejam: Bernie admits Korean Grand Prix might be cancelled: Bernie Ecclestone today has admitted there are some very real ... http: ...
EJ asking Bernie "when are we getting #f1 in HD"
Bernie saying "we'll probably be moving to HD next year" *2011* - Oh err. Might be changing spending plans!
Quick. HD TV recommendations needed for start of 2011 season. Get in before VAT. still on SD. said I'd change when #f1 moves!
Great question from EJ @jakehumphreyf1 So many ppl interesting in having #f1 on HD
@honeybee85 thought you were talking about ALONSO to begin with, but then the last part but that thought to rest ;-) @motleyf1
@_MissAnnie_ very nice.
@SlyRenard I'm partial to the Samsung panels when I've seen multiple screens side by side
still on 32" CRT (sony 100Hz freeview)
@SlyRenard not bought my #f1 tickets for next year yet. Already under spending pressure. Will take some thinking ..
@oldmanuk of course it's not just the TV, it's the HD source too - freesat/freeview/skyhd (even streaming).
@SlyRenard I did compare but in US (B&H photo) - in each price range I def preferred Samsung panels. #F1
Up goes the make up budget for the bbc next year if they have HD eh? #f1 @jakehumphreyf1
@oldmanuk skyhd simplest, freesat cheaper, freeview more pc-friendly rather than dedicated box. Also btvision option? consider with fttc...
@steevbishop when I compared screens out of interest a while back am not convinced the 100/200/250 labels help - but diff models vary
@steevbishop in how fluid motion is -- the higher end (unaffordable) samsungs in particular looked amazing
@jayegan let us know. Have a couple MC boxes. like them. not in lounge. May get new revo or similar, but would prob want freesathd ...
@TeeBeeMee Just point out that it isn't as bad as football (unless you also watch the games!)
For any #f1 fans outside UK - you should watch races here -- BBC coverage still on, interviews etc. Great job! Or maybe buy the bbc feed!
I almost never play video games though F1 2010 sounds appealing! #f1
@OzoneVibe I wonder how many countries currently take the bbc feed? presumably some do... #f1
@TeeBeeMee Ah I see. Must be tough - season getting longer too. I can't see it getting longer. which team btw?
@jakehumphreyf1 And to follow up from @OzoneVibe those that don't are missing out!
@OzoneVibe son has an xbox 360. #f1
@TeeBeeMee ah cool. renault must have ad a tough time in last few years - kubica made some great moves today though. #f1
@EverythingBlaxx Haven't tried N8, but X6 gets v. bogged down at times & browser/connectivity seems hit/miss. Used S60 for yrs but given up.
This could be fun. Ej giving fashion advice to @LeeMcKenzieF1 for her "anchoring" role next race.... #f1
There goes over 4 1/2 hours of super bbc #f1 coverage Great job again.
The worst part of an #f1 weekend - "This stream has now finished" :-(
Now time to actually say hello to rest of family I've not spoken to for 4.5 hours! #f1
@EmmaGx I reckon she'll do fine. Not sure how @jakehumphreyf1 will find his high quality commonweath games accomodation #f1
@OzoneVibe it is very quiet! #f1
@EverythingBlaxx in response to your point about symbian and CPU.
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: It's another #tweetup time!: Friday, 1st Oct, 7pm @ Slug and Lettuce, #Southampton. (Or 5.30 for the the twEATup cro ...
@EverythingBlaxx I realise it's not so much the us as the total package, but I had N96 before that - similar issue
@EverythingBlaxx N900 now. really Amazing device. not sure if next will be meego or android (have nitdroid on it too)
@EverythingBlaxx Agree, but they were hardly entry level devices at launch. Must play with N8 sometime but think S60 drifted for too long
@vixisabel though she probably didn't really expect to be on camera for this race...
@vixisabel Perhaps the more fashion conscious fans could advise @LeeMcKenzieF1 on outfits for next race!
@EverythingBlaxx ultimately though the OS is just one thing. HW another. The apps/capabilities/image/dev enablement/ease of use also
My deadline on fixing old microwave expired - not cable, ext fuse, 2 int fuses. think controller. few other glitches.Gave in - new microwave
@OfficialMGP sounds interesting read, but even though I'm logged in that link keeps taking me summary ending "Please register or login" ??
looking forward to #xfactor tonight -- watching delayed as usual -- once dinner over & family ready for another week
Also seeing how our new puppy security compound is working. Whelping box no longer stopping puppies escaping - found 3 out earlier!
@paulbackhouse must be close by then. I saw @OzoneVibe did earlier too checkin-in at local pub is more fun! #foursquare
so annoying I have to spend an hour or two encoding a DVD from some AVIs just so I can watch in living room.
@paulbackhouse at least yours was genuine rather than @OzoneVibe 's cheat! #foursquare
@sxa555 honestly not looked yet. The list of things need to get is spiralling. had to get new microwave this week - tumble, vacumm on wayout
About to watch tonights #xfactor
So nicole wanted to up the age range in #xfactor - why not. defintely going up in my estimations
@tomacintosh in what way? searches? filters? lists/follows/favs etc already do effectively

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