Wednesday 1 September 2010

From Twitter 09-01-2010

back from an enjoyable evening celebrating a friends birthday. So So many people in the pub burst our with "happy birthday" in song :-)
looks like most have gone to sleep tonight...
RT @Rafe: Apple press conf Weds livestreaming using "open standards" yet available only on Apple HW. Head = exploded. ...
@j_m_photography night! Hey there's a tweetup planned for Sat btw (7pm slug/lettuce soton)
@vixisabel 6 weeks! pleasure?
@vixisabel Ah! that explains it
@vixisabel Trying to find a cheap holidatyabroad could be a challenge with school dates...
Last night I made a "indonesian sidkalang 2009/10" - really didn't like it. Back to "brazil fazenda cachoeira 2009/10" . Much nicer! #coffee
Never been that form of java. Just doesn't taste right in the mouth. Oh and I mean coffee of course, not anything else (of course... ;-) )
"native" brazilian coffee performs so much better for me. Cleaner/crisper & hits the sweet spot :-)
@macie_sherwood Oh camera shopping! What are you thinking of getting? I def want a 70-300, should get a reflector, maybe remove but
@macie_sherwood time to practice too!
I wish ppl would create recordings with >telephone audio quality. Much much easier to listen to and understand than muffled phone audio
@chris_dudley you got it.... It's a bit stunted. Apart from content (ok important) my beef is the muffled audio - so much more tiring
b*gger - wife's just got to her car and someone's reversed straight into it. In a fairly empty car park. No note, looks like ins job. Poo!
@EmpireSteve As far as she can see the cameras cover machine & buildings but nothing on the car park. Contacting them anyway.
@EmpireSteve The pain is not just any excess and time but any cumulative impact to both our policies for next 3-5 years. Sigh.
feeling p**ved.
@EmpireSteve No, (well not yet). figure prob just call ins company. Have you dont that previously?
@macie_sherwood Yep. annoyed. Doesn't look like much cctv (cattle market, winchester) but checking with council.
#winchester #carpark question. Does Cattle market have CCTV? s/one reversed into car 11-12 TODAY. See anything? (peter symonds visit)
Checked wifes ins policy - excess only £50 for last year (I just increased mine!) & max NCD protected + guar courtesy car :-)
Hopefully #morethan will be good. only ever done a claim with #esure before (they were absolutely fine)
A friend had his 1 mth old £40k land rover close to written off by s/one else going into him. Poor guy. At least this is minor
I am *so* disorganized with paper filing - last years+ "papers" in big pile. Amazed I found insurance docs so quickly! They fell out. lucky!
@EmpireSteve indeed. not a big deal. driveable. From description probably just bumper/light (though cost piles up)
@Bendihossan yep think it was. From mem this was on residential street. car came round corner too fast (50+) and skidded/360 into stationary
@macie_sherwood I've always thought about having video cams/recorders all round, but that's too geeky!
@EmpireSteve Thanks! I've emailed #winchester #council about cctv, will phone once wife back (tho she has work too and is bit stressed)
@EmpireSteve Looks like can be reported to police as publically accessible but prob only worth it if there is cctv/witness otherwise little
@EmpireSteve point I suspect, just go through ins comp.
extra annoyed as this hassle has ruined my work conentration/focus :-(
Wife just spoke to "MoreThan" on phone. Frankly they were *terrible*. bad line/accident really difficult and stressful. Bad. #fail
@EmpireSteve They were frankly abysmal. So much so I've just written to them. A true test of a good company is how they respond to feedback
@EmpireSteve I've used #esure before and found them very good. Currently not tempted to use #morethan again. But lets see if they fix.
@jamestaulbut Thanks - yes we did. and unlike morethan, winchester council were very helpful. spoke on phone, emailing details
@jamestaulbut fortunately we have no claims protection "for life" (of policy no doubt, and not sure we'll renew given experience thus far)
@EmpireSteve I'll hold judgement until (if) I hear back from them. that's the test for me. taking issues seriously #esure #morethan
@EmpireSteve There must be a backup to the faceless off-shore callcenter #morethan
@EmpireSteve Have no probs with accepting ppl/companies screw up sometimes as long as they respond/improve/put things right... #morethan
@RachaelEdwards thanks. it's not a huge issue, but initial impression of #morethan claim was *extremely* negative.
getting annoyed at software that uses modal dialogue boxes -- too easy to respond in error. Assumes user is single tasking. Errr. Nope.
listening to a mandatory webcast that I think has been designed to send the listener to sleep...
Am wondering if this presentation audio is by a TTS engine. Completely lacking in emotion and connection
@merv @monkchips from a personal perspective it's precisely this attitude that totally puts me off apple products... #Apple
@MORETHAN wife had very poor experience reporting claim today - v.difficult to communicate/understand agent. Do you have a UK call center #?
@MORETHAN have sent initial email to, but wife stressed from call even though accident etc v.minor.
@macie_sherwood it's also too pricey really!
@RachaelEdwards Oh dear. So glad I know now.. main issue so far is just having a clear communication channel
@shellk1984 Have not seen ad but am tempted. less weight/space than lots/books. tho IMO the kindle books should be 0.5x paperback price
@shellk1984 due to drm/media cost. Also kindle could do with being waterproof for beach/sand..
@MORETHAN thanks for that. good to hear.
@EmpireSteve already have #HDR on my #N900 in #fcamera - good 'ol open source #apple #iphone
@knolleary that can happen due to frequencies used being different - at least usually easier to get phone line fixed... than adsl #btfail
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Next #tweetup this Saturday, 7pm @ The Slug and Lettuce, Southampton.
@neicey I haven't. thanks for reco. must think about that at renewal time. #eCar
just seen my local FTTC cab is now installed a few 100m away (think I'm just under 500m). Just need a good ISP :-)
@frontieruk I still need to find a decent ISP for my requirements though
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Two Door Cinema Club (2), Diana Vickers (2) and Pixie Lott (2) #music
Puppy time getting closer. Can feel them kicking now. Could get hectic in a few days....
Doing some quick cleanup on home server - less than 5% free :-(

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