Tuesday 21 September 2010

From Twitter 09-21-2010

headed outside for a quick check on #jupiter - big/bright isn't it! Must try to see uranus another night (22nd best, beneath moon?)
@sxa555 @OzoneVibe Got my name down for 7th Nov before anyone else in family :-) so hopefully good to go...
thanks bbc news. An article about NYC bedbugs closing niketown, and then they say "I bet everyone is feeling itchy". No No <scratch>
Not for consumers eh http://bit.ly/bX4p6R
This mornings interesting podcast at gym from TED -- Social networks, disease & your friends http://bit.ly/bS2JB6
@pj_kent yep I saw a clamping story (easy I guess). Maybe they should just say "nothing interesting today..."
RT @bobbyllew: Just to clarify. New series of Carpool starts on Dave on 3rd November at 8:30pm. Prime time baby.
I've subscribed to TATMobileUI's channel on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/TATMobileUI?feature=autoshare
Came across some of this demos via #engadget - TAT A swedish mobile UI design company -- some neat concepts http://bit.ly/bb0G2l
I've favourited a YouTube video -- Horizon 2D-3D Map http://youtu.be/InBOO8jrnM0?a
@HedgeWatch ah yes - like FlashForward, Caprica (which is back soon) amongst others
@skyhd Do you have a UK air date announced for the 2nd part of #caprica? (starts 5 Oct on ScyFy in US). Even for regular SD...
Ha! stumped by not being able to specify a long argument string for a desktop icon, I just created a env var & used %PARMS% on icon. #win
@noSPicedhAM No idea.. it's currently booted into ubuntu to work as webcam server (though wifi network keeps dropping ...)
Just reported another coverage issue with 3Uk. Now note -- this is constructive feedback. If U have problems report at http://bit.ly/bRY2fV
I met with some of 3Uk staff last week and they really do want & use the coverage feedback to improve the service...
#fail - booking a car service, form validation failed due to space in phone num I had 0xxxx xxxxxx - oh please. You can take a +44 next time

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

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