Wednesday 8 September 2010

From Twitter 09-08-2010

pups were sleeping, but now busy feeding again. Leaving mum/pubs to get on with it - sleep all around now #puppytime
great. puppycam running on #joggler as off to work today (OH at home with them though, I just want to see them). Will prob fail #puppytime
funny watching our bitch going in/out of pupping box. she really looks around and takes care to know where puppies are and not -> #puppytime
<- step on them. Legsalmost hover in air. She's going a good job though #puppytime
@dougedey Yes you're right. It has been a little tiring!
@xplane0202 @deanperry I just saw a friend use it, though it seems fairly random is much better - recent ppl
@fraggle35 dab of course != FM, though I assume all DAB devices also have FM - probably BAND button or similar?
@fraggle35 though at home/on phone I often listen to radio stations (inc 1,4,5 etc) by *streaming* instead
@littlecough Similar here. Feel bad about leaving them today! (though they are being looked after)
@Sheridan01 @mobileyog Though what is choice? Great ted talk - sometimes too much makes life complex!
@Amy_Walker the way it looks outside now, full body (wet) armour ... footwear? how about flippers?
@Sheridan01 I'm sure, I found that vid interesting though in that it can all be about perception and culture
@etherealtype @Kkirgirl thanks.. we think so.
I liked a YouTube video -- Newly Born Cockapoo Puppies
Son's new dell 1012 netbook seems pretty good. Typically the screen is SO SO much brighter than my higher-end laptop :-( Why-o-Why
Why do some windows apps add an "uninstall" icon into their start menu -- surely add/remove programs is much safer and more consistent.
@Cockneygovagh I think it's just old-style. To me it "suggessts" stuff that's out of date & not good quality. All about perception
@littlecough like labradoodles? Don't know. cockapoo is a more amusing name.?Think some do use spandoodle/spoodle but name in use since 60s
Oh wondering what's happening at the #f1 hearing in paris.
RT @AAS: The #N8 is being ranged by every major UK network from October 1st. Unusual for any phone. That's a very strong operator endors ...
@jtonline certificates? could be easier, but more likely could be harder to manage/assure identity, though better in hand. Or no security? !
Puppy photos from first few days [REPOST from last night]
Found this icon slightly amusing on my desktop. It's from Lenovo Access Connections - looks more like a torpedo to me!
(UK) If you get a HMRC tax demand due to their error you need to read this about ESC A19 -> (via @MoneySavingExp ) #fb
drowning in cpu/io treacle today - sw is too heavy. At least music is continuing to play without breakup :-)
So now more fine for ferrari. Need to find ruling now #f1
not a surprise, fia page is timing out! #f1
So 20 races confirmed for next year #f1
So no speeding for #f1 drivers on the road then - see last 2 paras of #f1 -- and no new team for 2011
@OzoneVibe aka "this case is more important than yours. Do you understand" ;-) f1
@grumsta @f1photos not really in terms of action, but there is a public perception issue, surely has to become more transparent #f1
here's the press release from today's fia meeting #f1
#silverstone 10 July in the calendar for 2011 #f1
So why no mention of the ferrari issue in that pr ? wasn't it a decision to take no more action? #f1
@Thrinne1 maybe. hadn't been following today, just noticed the activity
@OzoneVibe not on top of the minute-by-minute action. Other "distractions" (in the office..)
@f1photos I plead "busy working today" ;-)
@SarahAnnGreen @OzoneVibe this is the dilemma. it's a team sport, there's some figuring out how this works, as current rule is unworkable
@SarahAnnGreen @OzoneVibe the current rule is almost a warning "don't get caught by the (amateur?) spectators" ;-)
@OzoneVibe @SarahAnnGreen doesn't mean I like it though. Ultimately the embarrasment is down to lack of clarity. Public *thinks* it's
ozonevibe @SarahAnnGreen driver against driver, but in reality it isn't. That mismatch in expectations is where the problem lies
#joggler #unr fail - has hung around 3 times now. not sure on reason, but need to remove usb/fsck each time.
@alexandronov yep think it is. Heard it before - including I think from a presentation by a youtube figure
@Chl0w if we acknowledge it's a team sport IMO "team" aspects/orders should be MORE clear, not hidden to avoid misleading audience #f1
@tnkgrl I loose track of all the US carrier specific names. I know its part of the branding but from here (uk) just looks silly IMO.. (runs)
@macie_sherwood Oh didn't see it. Any good. Looks like 1st yesterday have to catch online or repeat...
@macie_sherwood did it start last night, or does it start next week. Can't see on demand five but one site said it started Tue 7 Sep?
@tnkgrl Do you think the unique names helps or hinders the consumer. Doesn't it obfuscate and make it more confusing to find best deal?
@Lipstedo Eeek. So amazed I've never done that
@Lipstedo Maybe a can comtaining alcohol will help treat it ;-)
Very cool - Southampton Uni only uk uni with 5* research in every eng dept (via @robstanning , @paraboo )
@mike_griffin_f1 definately agree. that's not what either religion is about
@macie_sherwood Ah good. Tues 14th will be watching. No doubt a high viewership with @suziperry presenting
@macie_sherwood I'm somewhat sceptical though about it being too simplistic, but we all always have something to learn.
@macie_sherwood Do you watch d-town TV (I think I asked you before - you did). Like that for tips
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Lissie (30), Lady Antebellum (14) and Faith Hill (10) #music
RT @chansearrington: @THE_TRUTH34 honestly, the only phone I've ever thought did a good job at IM was N900 everything else is shit
@chansearrington Agree (have one) - it's the full contacts integration. no limits. Could do with some way of managing comms to save pwr tho
Good to see the actual fia text "39.1 of the Sporting Regulations should be reviewed " - - Yep, has to be #f1
@chansearrington esp on 3G. A packet can "wake" radio, so need a way to "batch" where possible to avoid radio switch-on/save power
@chansearrington or of course use existing mechanism of SMS push - created for that exact reason. Also twitter not good fit/no good client
@frontieruk key is openness. It's a real tough problem to resolve IMO. a very grey line and fundamentally will happen. #f1
@macie_sherwood really. You *have* to watch it - about 10 mins/show. Great tips. . early nikon eps good for lenses etc
@Chl0w I frankly don't know. It looks bad & looses the racing thrill, yet with all the ££ and team-based racing... big brainstorm time #f1
@nathanchantrell I tried the non-unr distro but wouldn't fit on my 4gb stick. Might have to try diff stick #joggler
@nathanchantrell was running apache + webcam-server. Wondering it it was out of mem or similar. Screen blank/locked out #joggler
@nathanchantrell Ah disca - yep my stick was teeny bit too short. may ignore error and fsck. hopefully nothing in last few Mb (!!!) #joggler
New blog post on #FTTC - (or more a plea for sky or o2 to fix it!)
Phew that last blog post was a biggie. Hope it wasn't a total whinge and of some value to the collective brain ;-)
RT @CYPHERC: If ur a #n900 user support @tlaukkanen is a great developer, working on a awesome proyect #twingo a twitter app for the #n900
@echoedruins In what way. Can be slow if no 2/3g. Could do with wifi pos. And browser plugin takes a while to give valid data.. #N900
@huertanix Yes, it's broken after auth change. Apparently code is being refactored so no fix anytime soon. Use witter or web? #n900
RT @espritlibreinfo: RT @jarkas RT @ZaynalMY: #NITDroid 0.0.8 with GSM/3G alpha-quality support #N900 #maemo #android
Wooah, cool - see that last tweet. Looks like the #n900 #android port has added basic GSM/3G support (ie it's a phone ;-) )
Well maybe not a call, just data.
RT @taike_hk: #twitterapp #n900 RT @kimitake: qwassr for maemo (for Qt4.7), fixed some bugs and updated version num ...
@chrisr891 #witter works too (tho had some glitches) #khweeteur #twitter #client #n900 #maemo
home made lasagne (not made by me) ready (at last). Hungry!
watching a nat Geo prog on ferrari. Like all the trees in the factory & use of natural light
@amandagolding Absolutely georgous. saw photos? Not taken many tonight. Pups =feed/poo/sleep. Mum eating loads but bouncy enough #puppytime
@amandagolding they're putting on weight too .
@littlecough Ooh. Goan sounds nice. was it round your area, soton/london etc. may have to add to wish list.
@amandagolding Many more here - #puppytime
realised teenage daughter is becoming a bandwidth junkie too - most tv watching on catchuptv now...
@Amy_Walker definatey sounds like a case of too much information
@Amy_Walker Oh I obviously read too much in to it. Not even looked at ping in itunes yet

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