Thursday 30 September 2010

From Twitter 09-30-2010

Enjoying a lovely cup of "jailbreak" based americano from @hasbean
@DougieLawson I've only heard good things too. I will research that. But think will also look into rbs - maybe as default/failsafe
Very tired today despite early night. Guess a #mancold does that. Hoping its on its way out now
impressed that the 3 wk+ old puppies are doing a good job of mostly doing their wees in a pad in one corner of their area. well done!
WANT! RT @MickyFin: Jaguar C-X75 is the 780bhp electric supercar we've all been waiting for via Feedly
I liked a YouTube video -- Jaguar C-X75 Concept
@etherealtype Sounds like you have it rough :-( But can't be bad as its a #ladycold. It's #mancold that's really severe ;-) (ok hope better)
Wondering how #meego is progressing. should try. Using #maemo. wonder if next hs will be #meego or #android. Think more likely latter.
wondering whether to continue with #n900, call @ThreeUKLatest to get deal on samsung galaxys s/htc desire, wait for desire HD (or Z) .. Um.
wait probably for a few more months. See what nokia #meego brings. end/year ? and wait for fast+flash+goodpics android pkg
Is it just me noticing the posts more or are a lot of us suffering with colds etc at the moment... Think so.
@nnubeh :-( Hopefully will be eradicated by tomorrow...
#engadget MAJOR #fail - realised when logged in to their site USERID PASSWORD is in URL! Ooops just shared a link BAD BAD BAD #engadget causes google chrome major heartache. #fail
@chris_dudley I have no idea, but it's in URL. Probably disquss. needless to say pw changed
@chris_dudley I like their podcasts but don't like the site.
off to gym to aid in eradicating the lurgi.........
who broke the roads this morning - traffic lights, heavy traffic. Ok only 15 mins later, but thats twice usual time :-(
@chris_dudley the issue with all devices/phones is they all have flaws. I think lack of flash is another
raising a whole list of work items against myself. Oh well I'll keep myself busy ...
@mlymehta @MickyFin It sure looks nice and is big step forward, but there's a lot ahead to win esp wrt marketplace, 3rd party dev, mindshare
Just paid the price for accidentally pasting a URL containing clear-text password. stupid me, stupid site. Passwords now changed of course.
just realised headache has gone today. throat loads better. just tired/bit blocked up. obviously getting sorted for #tweetup tomorrow
@torgo same here - my thoughts Expect BT fine if <300Gb, no p2p but would prefer to wait for @bebroadband not here yet
@jemimah_knight I've reported bad p/codes 2 @ThreeUKLatest Also you can with @VodafoneUK too or suresignal.may help eventually if enough ppl
@saltyF1 depends how you look at it I guess. I was only one.... ;-)
@MichaelxHell @darrenhumphries use maemo->meego, android,iphone. but S60 3/5 got fed up. s/one needs to send me S^3/WP7 to try.not sold yet!
Grr. hate sales calls. Am less bothered by IM/Twitter/email/text as it's ASYNC. but dislike PHONE as it requires MY attention THEN.
@Amy_Walker :-( deep breath. hopefully small little hiccup before you get the car... #beadles #nissan #maidstone
@Amy_Walker Perhaps you should (to Nissan UK) though can be done later . Calm now... (easier said than done..). good luck..
RT @charlesarthur: Linkage: ACS:Law: This is what regulatory failure looks like >> TechnoLlama #fb
tired. home late. new prospective puppy owners in attendence (nice) - now have 2 kids taxi pickups and only just getting food underway...
still into work for a meeting tomorrow am, then free lunch :-) and then #southampton #tweetup (7pm slug/lettuce, 530pm to eat)
@MummaBear My daughter has one on her laptop (rest of us don't). It's a really useful idea.. (my work lt has a feeble led top/screen)
@Amy_Walker not good if delayed. Can understand s/times happens but sounds like they need to handle situation better.
@Amy_Walker mine should be. bfast/work/meeting but then train/free drinks/free lunch/recover/more drinks/food/train/recover :-)
@vixisabel cover under any insurance? If Prescription only you may be able to pay for prescription then order online (not had to myself)
@vixisabel though worming/flea treatment (and calmind ferramones!) all lots cheaper online (non prescription tho). can r/mend sites if want
@vixisabel ah just seen this other tweet. hopefully you get sorted..and ted's ok
@OzoneVibe just remember to get train back before passing out. Anyway it's only a drink or two with friends @
preparing dinner. Turn on Tv to see ann robinson drooling over a "hunk" demonstrating a car problem. Err right. keeps female viewers happy?
@Amy_Walker I doubt we'll be able to stop you! Hope it gets sorted
@OzoneVibe pathetic. .. BTW Do you use -- useful site. I'm on O2 though - no virgin around here
@vixisabel yes keeping 1. Felt a bit jealous though :-(
@vixisabel Though I think it's pretty tough for the vets to make money so I can kind of understand it
@MummaBear For my home desktop I keep meaning to stick one of those LED lights on the ceiling pointing at it!
RT @Hands0n: Must See TV - The Phone Shop, channel E4, starts Thursday 7th October at 10pm. The pilot was the funniest I've seen in ages ...
@MummaBear I like window open.. then the dangly things come in :-(
@OzoneVibe Ouch you got me there. Silly me! Watch it on your phone?
@Hands0n sounds interesting. never heard of it,
@Tommy_Hill not sure which is worse tiscali or talktalk #watchdog
@Tommy_Hill I actually had tiscali broadband in v early days when they only had about 3 staff and knew them by name. then, it worked gr8
@Jenna_Ice There's a lot of N8 love around as a device. Think key is store/developer engagement/buzz regardless of hw/os
@Amy_Walker we want to hear about the newcastle trip too
@skyhd am getting more int. in HD/anytime+. not u/graded yet but will only switch 4 FTTC. be/sky/BT. tv pkg good but news? Assume not yet?
@Amy_Walker nope.
bad news. laptop just went blank then rebooted again. Oh great it's my AT&T VPN client **AGAIN**
@Hands0n thanks, will look later.
@OzoneVibe on a related topic, why does the @5LiveF1 podcast have audio jingle containing modem sounds in 2010. We need to know.
@OzoneVibe @5LiveF1 maybe I was wrong. perhaps it's the radio 1 chart show podcast. Think it's the generic bbc podcast trailer
@skyhd Fibre to the cabinet (like BT Infinity but sky) - faster bband. Should be ideal for streaming sky anytime+ video so pkg interesting!
@skyhd - also says "Mid 2010 more exchanges will be switched to enable further trials" ...
@OzoneVibe Ah. I only listen rss (itunes ver). Think it's probably tacked onto lots of podcasts. Needs an update!
@OzoneVibe or they should keep it specially for you...!
@vixisabel Going to miss them. still got another 4 or so weeks..
@vixisabel Just being told we're about to feed pups first semi-solids. this could be messy during & after!
@skyhd thanks. I certainly will be.
Fed puppies first semi-solids. No photos as we had one pup+bowl each. Heads straight into the puppy food/water mix. They *loved* it
followed by a super manic run around -- now they're flaked out again!
watching this weeks #beenydisaster
@LukaSambuca :-( water,tablets,sleep (not especially uni compatible...) tackle simpler tasks in small doses?

Tweets copied by

Wednesday 29 September 2010

From Twitter 09-29-2010

@peteralevy halls/house? ( was at OP)
I uploaded a YouTube video -- DSC_8436_20100926_171658.AVI
@JohannaWhitaker Happy days on the digi awards
@geraintwjones yep, though there's a smaller breed than some. Didn't get woken by them last night but still feeling drained/tired #mancold
Oops #fail - using google chrome on #1and1 admin login "you are using an older browser" -- err no I'm not! Get with it!
@stevephotog really? It's not perfect but I keep coming back to it even though FF4 and IE9 are catching it up
@EmpireSteve I haven't had any serious CS issues. Sure sometimes frustrations. Twitter really has helped though - easier "access"
@EmpireSteve fortunately I rarely interact. It's only domain reg/email forwarding. Had 1 billing issue once.
was on way to office but decided to stick at home for a second coffee to fight off the #mancold
@vixisabel Actually I'm trying to keep my distance - don't want to breathe germs over them :-(
@vixisabel uploaded more photos yesterday btw - #puppytime
So on top of not feeling well *everything* seems to be broken this morning. Grrr. maybe all will magically fix itself at 12:00 ...
@ThreeUKLatest thanks, DM sent
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Missy Higgins (35), Faith Hill (32) and Lissie (21) #music
If I retweet something a friend retweeted of mine does twitter disappear into a singularity. If so run. now
actually twitter (tweetdeck at least) doesnt allow it
had a play with a friends Samsung Galaxy S. Have to say it has an appeal (in design) I didnt feel with the HTC desire..
@dougedey I only had a little play. Probably not as nice as sense, but I didn't conclude "horrid". Upcoming HTC Desire HD interesting 2.
@dougedey true, though like everything it's about the whole package
trying to use online banking with #santander (CC) is a total #fail. I am so closing my CC account. SO many more probs than ANY other EVER
Seriously need to look at other banks now that RBS in England is selling out to Santander. COuldn't face it.
@RossaSFerrari months to get it working. take ages to answer call. now login works intermittently. every other bank I use is mostly fine!
@RossaSFerrari every attempt it differs - javascript errors now. a total utter mess. Would I trust my current account there. I think NOT
@f1lover75 i don't need to. just paying balance on CC now and once settled think I'll close
@EmpireSteve really? Oh no ! And I guess its too late!
@EmpireSteve arrggh RBS have been fine. Been with them for 21 years
MBNA are always really good. Son (16) really impressed by Halifax/BOS esp call centre/online works perfectly
- @EmpireSteve Steve you have saved me from mental torment -- You CAN stay with rbs
If you're with RBS in ENgland and don't want to be transferred to Santander you don't have to - read thanks steve #fb
@EmpireSteve And now I have a magic number to call. I must shop around anyway but think staying with rbs/natwest is a better default ...
@EmpireSteve I'm always checking/swapping energy, cc,savings etc but surprisingly never current a/c
Just experimented - created 2 facebook pages to solicit reporting of poor mobile coverage to 3 in selected areas.
My FB profile at group for knightwood at, hursley at #three #mobile
RT @xplane0202: I uploaded a YouTube video -- The pups are growing up
Feeling rather tired/drained. Going to watch 1 prog then sleep..

Tweets copied by

Tuesday 28 September 2010

From Twitter 09-28-2010

Awake early after early night. Not 100% but we'll see
Puppies so noisy this morning and very cute playfighting. First day in pen and they've even done their toilet troubles in right place! #fb
@McLaren_Fan Separately, or is the monk driving the imprezza?
I liked a YouTube video -- World's Scariest Job
watching and feeling rather scared and glad someone else does this not me!
I think a 3G mast is more appealing if you're scared of heights! Wow. great vi...(YouTube
Reported another postcode with no signal to @ThreeUKLatest via - we all need to do this with our networks to improve
feeling bit cr*p - dilemma time. Think I'm going to be brave & go for a trip to gym to flush lurgi out. Could end in tears...
@geraintwjones youtube does H264 though? Does it not work at all on iphone? Even higher res works silky smooth on #n900 :-)
decided to work at home again today (fortunately easy to do) & be with my #mancold supplies & try lunchtime gym session. ...
@geraintwjones so does it work if you go to ?
same here 1st thing. +email RT @rachelclarkef1: @Alexandra_1608 morning. I'm on my usual 'drink coffee and read the web' wake up routine
@amanjon it was a little different last night in style - intriguing, really enjoyed though #Spooks
Echinacea, Vit C, some energy drink, an apple and satsumi (aka go away lurgi)
being brave, or stupid and going to try to attach gym..
think @xplane0202 will be excited by his refurb HTC Hero from @ThreeUKLatest which arrived today (limited budget). switched S60 x6->android
@alexbfree Alex - it's actually 1768 feet I think - so around 500m I guess & a little short of the CN tower. Not 1500m that's seriously high
Sony Ericsson confirms Symbian spurning • The Register:
Vodafone's 360 man walks • The Register:
OpenOffice files Oracle divorce papers The Register:
@ThreeUKLatest @xplane0202 recv 3store refurb HERO. USB cable faulty. called CS to report. xferred 3 times in IVR loop 15 mins. Can U help?
@ThreeUKLatest Here's the faulty cable pic - should ideally have been spotted in packaging :-(
@ThreeUKLatest Another thought - IVR menus. If cust gets redirected to another queue+menus needs to be xfered direct or told sequence
@xplane0202 seems very happy with his HTC hero - must admit am feeling bit jealous. #n900 is great but some nice android apps
#N900 currently booted into android ...
@OzoneVibe @Amy_Walker bottle here unopened so far. Waiting to go with a steak casserole which is on its way
@TheAlanJWright A pertinent reminder about how the experience is so much more than the device. The N900 is wicked, and base #maemo is really
@TheAlanJWright nice.. but the app selection just isn't there. Hope meego can be success, but stiff competition from android
@TheAlanJWright Having a HW keyboard though is great, yet so is a compass (not on N900).. Need a real os/hw mashup!
Further mifi observations - possibly some instability but still a good device @ThreeUKLatest
@EmpireSteve Signal is rather useful. Are you still on three. If so have you reported? Think mifi is neat though (version 2) not big at all.
More #puppytime photos being uploaded to flickr -- should be there in 20 mins or so :-) will post link then. #fb
Ok here we go -- latest puppy photos - another 10 or so added -> #puppytime #fb
@EmpireSteve best bet is ease of use. Simpler than tethering or USB dongle IMO
@joebycro @SarahBolwell Good luck for the #digiawards - liked Joe's sketch
@OzoneVibe the pressure is on. ppl who are getting puppies want new pics all the time! I can be too slow! Need more vids too..
@OzoneVibe Wife wants the puppies to have their own facebook page .... #puppytime #fb
@TheAlanJWright I should really take advantage of being out of contract and see what 12/18m will get me - tho am thinking gen+1 ..
@macie_sherwood definately... and new prospective owners already sorted, so in a # weeks we'll have to let all but 1 go :-(
@macie_sherwood Yes the discussion about keeping them all was in jest, but so cute even if did wake me up twice last night.
Some unedited puppy video on way to too - shakey, out of focus but needs must... #puppytime
@macie_sherwood :-(
@macie_sherwood don't think it's that much work. Been fairly easy so far after the birth at least, think more trouble now.
reminder: #southampton #tweetup 7pm slug/lettuce THIS FRIDAY 1st October. Some ppl there from 530pm to eat
@Amy_Walker that's tough! Would taking up drums help stress. Prob needs a more delicate touch though #Concerntration #fail
head/cold managable - better than earlier this week. Not sure if this glass has anything to do with it. Obviously not ;-)
Watching 71 ?? degrees north pt 3
I uploaded a YouTube video -- DSC_8454_20100927_152754.AVI
I uploaded a YouTube video -- DSC_8469_20100927_153036.AVI
just watching #tgs - clearly the #mifi is the tool for tweeting whilst paragliding?
@littlecough The box is now gone (they could get out) - now in a much larger enclosed area
And to join everyone else like @dan_power @jamesfarrier I too have 0 followers/following. Could be a case of talking to oneself?
what were those cars on #tgs from last night. Look scary to drive on a public road! #fb
@dan_power @jamesfarrier @OzoneVibe Ok so it looks like it may be intermittent. Back for now?
@OzoneVibe Or use something else that works like facebook (errr.....) and is fully functional (like diaspora.. err...)
@icicle_halo_ It certainly is a different slant on "social" networking ;-)
@OzoneVibe yes I know. so was mine ;-)
RT @SarahBolwell: We won!!! @ThreeUKLatest's company blog is officially the best (according to the #DigiAwards). Yippee!!!!
Just in case you missed it this morning and want a scare before bed try this
I love the gadget show questions - who won 2009 #f1 - Jen Aniston/Jenson Button/Jamie Cullum. Is there much point in a "competition" (legal)
@quirkygeek downhill then since I was in Manchester (fallowfield). Then it was open-till-4am pizza :-)
RT @icicle_halo_: Eeek! Don't do this BNTM! RT @samchotiner Ridiculously awkward tv moment
@icicle_halo_ Just watched 1 min in. Thats a real Oh **** moment. Oh my...
@peteralevy Uni?

Tweets copied by

Monday 27 September 2010

From Twitter 09-27-2010

@tomacintosh ok, yep fair comment, though since timeline is pretty rapid anyway guess it hasn't bothered me so far.
@RachaelEdwards well the RBR receptionist apparently flew out with some spare parts to Singapore....
@Amy_Walker not good, but there's always the friday tweetup & new car on saturday :-)
@Amy_Walker I'm sure your twitter friends will help ...
sleep time for me. cheeky peek at work email - not too bad, and some answers I neede so hoping for effective day tomorrow (later!)
puppies being more mobile and causing a few issues. Heading to gym/work but wonder if I'll be back once wife heads to work...
@ThreeUKLatest Hi - I tried to comment on a blog posts today a few times, but both firefox & chrome return a blank page. Is there a fault?
use dual monitors on work laptop at home shows how poor my analogue monitor out is compared to DVI. Sadly home doc stn doesn't have DVI :-(
I really want to use 2 independent screens on 2 seperate windows (7) boxes to access a single desktop on one of the boxes. ideas?
think I need some kind of virtual screen driver which works over IP...
@adrianh Could be worse - stuck in place with a) no signal b) just GPRS not edge - so at least you're on 3/4 1 #edge #sucks
@opensourcerer Am on O2 but would recommend @bebroadband (same network, telefonica, just diff T&Cs /££/limits now) . Only go LLU tho #opal
@ThreeUKLatest i realise they're moderated -- the issue was after I hit SUBMIT I got a blank page back rather than "your comment submitted"
@ThreeUKLatest or similar, so wasn't sure if there was a tech issue. If not you may have dups...
headache coming back :-(
@saltyF1 thanks quick fix applied - nasal spray added to the mix too... Adding some energy drink & back to the work...
@saltyF1 No, I'm working, I'm not on the spirit (yet?) ... ;-)
anyone else regularly getting https timeout errors with google chrome. using dev+w7 x64 and it's so annoying...
@xplane0202 yes I did, I just wrote the wrong thing. This is on #chrome beta though have dev on linux - and this also fails
PC a) - single screen, applications PC b) single screen . Would like apps running on a) to display spanned on a+b
@jon_read so would need to have a "virtual" display driver in a) that actually displays on b) -- ie a thinks it's now dual monitor
@angryjedi To use both screens for some work where I don't have right cables for direct hw connectivity to 2nd monitor
@jon_read VNC/RDP will let me view screen from another pc, synergy will share keyboard. Virtual driver would address diff use case
@angryjedi would require new dock or hdmi-dvi convertor and dvi switcher
@angryjedi was just musing as to something that could be useful, but can't see any decent implementations. limits & ££
decision time. Lunchtime. not feeling 100%. Do I tackle gym (result being I either a) feel great b) feel much worse) or skip for today?
thinking skipping gym. head+nose+.bit wobbly -- bite to eat. work. cook. chills/jobs . spooks. bed/early gym...
#digg seems a bit broken for me -- cannot submit a story. so see - reported personal info leak from ACS law
finally a new security code from #santander arrives in post. Why did it take about 2 weeks . not too impressed with them #fail
interesting new service from ford dealer - they fit a data logger for a week to analyse/report on your driving style . idea -> save fuel !
@oldmanuk snail mail. £30 for privilige though. Ah quick google found it -> "Ford econo Check"
@oldmanuk my letter/web is also suggesting you get £15 off BP ultimate & £15 off servicing so could be nearly cost neutral..
@oldmanuk I like the idea of focusing on user behaviour/education to improve energy consumption but can imagine what I'd get told!
@oldmanuk Could have a competition too "Accelerations exceeding 0.5 g (gravitation g = 9.81 m/sec²) are considered as hard accelerations. "
@bebroadband np, even though I'm on your O2 cousin. That may change of course when the 4 letter F word happens ;-)
@bebroadband it involved big green things
@bebroadband another competitive clue - Toy Story character
@bebroadband Buzz Lightyear "to infinity and beyond" ... got it?
wondering if it's just us that has a habit of exceeding our fornightly collected recycling wheelie bin's capacity regularly?
@Soggous pretty sure ours won't collect a second. I should ask them since I pay a fortune in council tax (band G) so surely 2 bins is fair!
@Soggous or maybe if I was less careful with recycling and just put in the regular bin ... but that's hardly the intent..
sneezing's started :-(
@bebroadband did you figure it out or shall I put you out of your misery!
getting confused in some docs over overloading (IMO) of the terms "state" and "status" ..
RT @Hands0n: Cellumap Independent (people power = true) coverage maps #android @vodafoneuk @threeuklatest @o2 @tmob ...
@Hands0n @ThreeUKLatest Like the idea of this though need to have both good and bad reports/lots of data
trouble brewing - possibly out of paracetemol & energy drink supplies. Either go to bed or venture to corner shop in warm clothes... :-(
made it to get supplies, cooked dinner, definately nee a "reboot" tonight. cold/headache will be gone tomorrow. Definately. Really ....
RT @BBC_Hampshire: Ferry sailings cut to save fuel: An Isle of Wight ferry firm cuts the number of crossings it makes in the winter d... ...
RT @katiecouric: Just had lunch at a kinda fancy chinese restaurant. Egg drop soup, garlic shrimp and giant cockroach crawling across th ...
I no longer feel like a chinese tonight thanks to @katiecouric
@AndyCDoyle that's been the case via tweetdeck for an age. I assumed it was in API but haven't checked
@AndyCDoyle ha ha nice one to get interest? Go on then
@SimonLR I'd assume writes to nand get balanced across cells, but not checked, nor what the lifetime is? #NITDroid
@scientist_no_1 can't wait either. 6th Oct . can you catch on iplayer?
@SimonLR but surely the nand does wear levelling so there is a logical-physical mapping meaning it's not same cells each time #NITDroid
@scientist_no_1 there's always the UK proxy option too!
in desperation attaching cold symptoms with a total excess of pepsi max...
@SimonLR true but then it's not that diffferent to any other writes to nand - email, sms, etc? #NITDroid
@Laney_Scott ok the new harry potter film
@Laney_Scott harry potter & the deathly hallows pt 1
@Laney_Scott I'll have to get the rest of the family to look. Reminds me of "scene it" ..
son very happy @ThreeUKLatest use DPD for courier - we have a depot within walking distance, so if out, no problem #win
@sxa555 it was the only one the local tesco had on offer. Too stingy to pay full price...
@Hands0n can be very variable of course, even in a single postcode. one end of our 50m road=3-4 bars. Drops to 0 at my driveway but a start
@Hands0n gps on #n900 not too bad at juice sucking. Keep meaning to log gps+cell+sig info and map...
@sxa555 efforts to zap the lurgi. Spooks then sleep.
@tomacintosh always good when expectations exceeded. Amazon always achieve on supersaver too it seems. So feel good. Customer management
Using #khweeteur but noticing similar scrolling lag to #witter . Sounds like #qt issues?

Tweets copied by

Sunday 26 September 2010

From Twitter 09-26-2010

@honeybee85 We're seeing so much excitment in the top places aren't we. Not. rain rain rain. Won't happen though #F1
@LateBrakers Not loking good at all. Just sliding down. #f1 #Hamilton
Given we've had only 1 SC it seems strange planning that leads to hitting the 2hr limit. But may give more opportunities for excitement #f1
RT @vee8: Mandatory tyre changes must go... it is killing racing, just like refuelling.
@vee8 Definately, very artificial. Need less good tyres which go off and have to be changed, but not mandatory change
ouch #f1
that could have been even worse #f1
Good to see both drivers ok #f1
actually it wasn't quite as fast as it could have been. Don't think bruno was too much to blame - just tricky situation #f1
@Petronella masa was very close must have been a metre or two away from impact?
@laura_marieee though not affecting the front runners, and mclaren's already struggling #F1
HAM's drink isn't working. with only just over half race gone though that's really quite nasty #f1
@MorganF1 in the silverstone pit lane . very nice ;-) #F1
TV feed now showing some of the interesting buildings/city sights -- good idea, it's more interesting ;-) #f1
HAm out after trying it on WEB #f1
it's all happening now #f1
Michaels having a tough time this race #f1
@peteralevy true. Mercedes must be under a lot of pressure to improve next yr . they clearly have money/skills but haven't delivered this yr
@tsahil Cisco had it for *years* before apple
@crossy33 @_MissAnnie_ Oh. WEB's a good bloke . Sure would love Jens to win but Mark's a cool aussie too #f1
not bad for massa given his last position start . 10th, 9th.. or higher. #f1
P3-6 are all 2s ahead of P7+, and P1-2 are a further second ahead #f1
At least someone's making the race more exciting now. Go kubica. #f1
@LateBrakers couldnt really see that well #Ham #Web #f1
get out for **** sake #f1
Crazy. Unacceptable. where were the marshalls. Ridiculous. Also why didn't he stop sooner #f1
@LateBrakers bit tight, think ham not quite far enough ahead/not quite enough room - but hard to apportion blame #Ham #Web #f1
@welp That fire was really looking quite nasty. Can see why he didn't go into pits (too much around). marshals slow elsewhere too
@SarahAnnGreen didn't quite do it for me. Some exciting parts, but bit flat at times #f1
@SRT40 Agree - safer not to go in, but surprised he didn't stop sooner?
@honeybee85 I think not -- given all the ppl /buildings etc in there. safer to keep away? #F1
@LateBrakers though they cant all drive around avoiding an incident .. I'd like to see it again/onboard but don't think it was B&W #f1
WEB looking pretty in drivers, but it's only 11 points, which is really nothing #f1
@SarahAnnGreen Not just me. Happened quite a few times. And I switched quite a few times due to football.. #f1
@lacanta @dank_ross @vee8 I'm with you' There were some exciting moments, but overall it wasn't great. avg definately #f1
@etherealtype After the screwed up Q1, then taking the penalty (as if it mattered) a good show, helped by retirements #F1
!! +1 RT @Lipstedo: @TheFable when alonso drives to his best I think he's amazing and really admire him....its him as a person I don't like!
@speed2xs @speed Sorry guys, Fortunately in Uk bbc are just starting probably another hour of review/analysis.. Maybe austin 2012 helps #f1
when I see that replay of HAM/WEb again I don't think web had anywhere to go. He was right on the apex on the kerb #f1
@amanjon That was a really interesting observation from DC - it's the kind of extra insight the bbc team are so great at. def on edge
@OzoneVibe indeed - with you on both accounts. can't have drivers "racing" around trying to avoid incidents #f1
RT @dozy_durose: We want overtaking, yet we look for blame when the drivers take risks. Lewis was right to try, Webber was right to defe ...
interesting Heikki saying he couldn't see a fire marshall... so stopped by williams on pit lane. Presume fire points are marked? #f1
having a live #f1 search during a race certainly stresses the computer cpu with tweetdeck...
RT @Cubejam: Bernie admits Korean Grand Prix might be cancelled: Bernie Ecclestone today has admitted there are some very real ... http: ...
EJ asking Bernie "when are we getting #f1 in HD"
Bernie saying "we'll probably be moving to HD next year" *2011* - Oh err. Might be changing spending plans!
Quick. HD TV recommendations needed for start of 2011 season. Get in before VAT. still on SD. said I'd change when #f1 moves!
Great question from EJ @jakehumphreyf1 So many ppl interesting in having #f1 on HD
@honeybee85 thought you were talking about ALONSO to begin with, but then the last part but that thought to rest ;-) @motleyf1
@_MissAnnie_ very nice.
@SlyRenard I'm partial to the Samsung panels when I've seen multiple screens side by side
still on 32" CRT (sony 100Hz freeview)
@SlyRenard not bought my #f1 tickets for next year yet. Already under spending pressure. Will take some thinking ..
@oldmanuk of course it's not just the TV, it's the HD source too - freesat/freeview/skyhd (even streaming).
@SlyRenard I did compare but in US (B&H photo) - in each price range I def preferred Samsung panels. #F1
Up goes the make up budget for the bbc next year if they have HD eh? #f1 @jakehumphreyf1
@oldmanuk skyhd simplest, freesat cheaper, freeview more pc-friendly rather than dedicated box. Also btvision option? consider with fttc...
@steevbishop when I compared screens out of interest a while back am not convinced the 100/200/250 labels help - but diff models vary
@steevbishop in how fluid motion is -- the higher end (unaffordable) samsungs in particular looked amazing
@jayegan let us know. Have a couple MC boxes. like them. not in lounge. May get new revo or similar, but would prob want freesathd ...
@TeeBeeMee Just point out that it isn't as bad as football (unless you also watch the games!)
For any #f1 fans outside UK - you should watch races here -- BBC coverage still on, interviews etc. Great job! Or maybe buy the bbc feed!
I almost never play video games though F1 2010 sounds appealing! #f1
@OzoneVibe I wonder how many countries currently take the bbc feed? presumably some do... #f1
@TeeBeeMee Ah I see. Must be tough - season getting longer too. I can't see it getting longer. which team btw?
@jakehumphreyf1 And to follow up from @OzoneVibe those that don't are missing out!
@OzoneVibe son has an xbox 360. #f1
@TeeBeeMee ah cool. renault must have ad a tough time in last few years - kubica made some great moves today though. #f1
@EverythingBlaxx Haven't tried N8, but X6 gets v. bogged down at times & browser/connectivity seems hit/miss. Used S60 for yrs but given up.
This could be fun. Ej giving fashion advice to @LeeMcKenzieF1 for her "anchoring" role next race.... #f1
There goes over 4 1/2 hours of super bbc #f1 coverage Great job again.
The worst part of an #f1 weekend - "This stream has now finished" :-(
Now time to actually say hello to rest of family I've not spoken to for 4.5 hours! #f1
@EmmaGx I reckon she'll do fine. Not sure how @jakehumphreyf1 will find his high quality commonweath games accomodation #f1
@OzoneVibe it is very quiet! #f1
@EverythingBlaxx in response to your point about symbian and CPU.
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: It's another #tweetup time!: Friday, 1st Oct, 7pm @ Slug and Lettuce, #Southampton. (Or 5.30 for the the twEATup cro ...
@EverythingBlaxx I realise it's not so much the us as the total package, but I had N96 before that - similar issue
@EverythingBlaxx N900 now. really Amazing device. not sure if next will be meego or android (have nitdroid on it too)
@EverythingBlaxx Agree, but they were hardly entry level devices at launch. Must play with N8 sometime but think S60 drifted for too long
@vixisabel though she probably didn't really expect to be on camera for this race...
@vixisabel Perhaps the more fashion conscious fans could advise @LeeMcKenzieF1 on outfits for next race!
@EverythingBlaxx ultimately though the OS is just one thing. HW another. The apps/capabilities/image/dev enablement/ease of use also
My deadline on fixing old microwave expired - not cable, ext fuse, 2 int fuses. think controller. few other glitches.Gave in - new microwave
@OfficialMGP sounds interesting read, but even though I'm logged in that link keeps taking me summary ending "Please register or login" ??
looking forward to #xfactor tonight -- watching delayed as usual -- once dinner over & family ready for another week
Also seeing how our new puppy security compound is working. Whelping box no longer stopping puppies escaping - found 3 out earlier!
@paulbackhouse must be close by then. I saw @OzoneVibe did earlier too checkin-in at local pub is more fun! #foursquare
so annoying I have to spend an hour or two encoding a DVD from some AVIs just so I can watch in living room.
@paulbackhouse at least yours was genuine rather than @OzoneVibe 's cheat! #foursquare
@sxa555 honestly not looked yet. The list of things need to get is spiralling. had to get new microwave this week - tumble, vacumm on wayout
About to watch tonights #xfactor
So nicole wanted to up the age range in #xfactor - why not. defintely going up in my estimations
@tomacintosh in what way? searches? filters? lists/follows/favs etc already do effectively

Tweets copied by

Saturday 25 September 2010

From Twitter 09-25-2010

The number of my twitter friends on 4sq is about 2.5 times that of gowalla. Now facebook places I've not explored yet...
RT @jason_tong: Sony Ericsson has no plans for more Symbian OS devices, focusing on Android @venturebeat
Liking the fact facebook reminds me of ppls birthdays, as I'm *useless* !
#itunes so annoying. Really must find new tool to sync ipod (nano), phone (n900/maemo) for music (aac unprotected/mp3) & podcasts [on win7]
Love the apple store. podcasts ->new and noteworthy "1-180 of 42665" with no way to sort/drill down. Crazy #fail
I want to do things like "all <=SD podcasts from UK relating to mobiles" ordered by popularity or some such. (can we have SQL box? !)
itunes is also so so sluggish at times - even just the scroll bas or clicking in left nav. #fail
@SlyRenard No I wanted to use that as a selection criteria, but not see all uk podcasts - that and certain topics and video etc..
@StuartGray yep, that's what I've done (tried to) though actually don't post that much
@StuartGray yep figured that out now, thanks - shows I don't use fb much
phew - back in time for singapore #f1 qualifying :-)
bit of a rush today with taxi service/quick shop/gym but ready #f1 !
@jakehumphreyf1 Hope you're feeling better from the manflu & the adreneline is pumping for quali! #f1
@amigaluv right click on desktop icon, go to properties & add it to properties #chromeflashfail
shame it's yet another race without @karunchandhok in a driving seat :-(
@etherealtype very sophisticated again. Skipped today - smoked salmon was yesterday! waitrose curry for tea though :-) #F1
RT @shellk1984: RT @F1_Girl: Bring back @karunchandhok ! Someone please sign him for next season. HRT treat him abysmally
so will we get heavy showers today? tomorrow? must be about due?.. well, in 40 mins #f1
RT @shellk1984: RT @willbuxton is reporting thunderstorms and heavy rain to hit Singapore at. you guessed it.10pm Ju ...
Quali could be quite interesting if the weather hits #f1
interesting article with :@karunchandhok and @jakehumphreyf1 on the india track. Guess it's a cross-country #f1 track :-)
@shellk1984 was thinking same, but so hope it does get worked out... agree though the commonwealth games effect can't help #f1
@steevbishop definately hope @karunchandhok has a seat for next year and races in the India GP #f1
@shellk1984 I suspect one advantage they do have is the ability to "throw" lots of labour at it. I'm sceptical but hopeful.. #f1
@honeybee85 I think they're non-english tweets - chinese etc - depends on your app/codeset/font etc -- in tweetdeck use "international" font
@honeybee85 Must admit though I struggle to keep up with ppl I follow let alone my "#f1" search column! so rarely see them
@AMIAFAD @shellk1984 that wouldn't be good. exploitation even if adults doesn't give a good feeling (dubai etc)
@honeybee85 I got confused by it when I 1st saw it 2. would be useful to filter by language since I'm only vaguely competent in 1 - english!
So what do we reckon. 11 mins until rain? #f1
I'm hopeful.... just enough to mix things up a little... RT @LauraLeslie23: @planetf1 There won't be a drop ;)
@biogoo And all we saw was the premium seating. Wonder what general admission is like ;-) #f1
@etherealtype Think they may need extra ride height for that track #F1 maybe like
@shellk1984 @AMIAFAD Me neither... worries me - do you have some links?
Ah. that means its red button time
@AMIAFAD thanks - appreciated. I see that was games. hope #f1 is ok. will read later @shellk1984
the color coding for sectors is a nice touch #f1
sore throat still lingering. Have a bad feeling about this... :-(
@lauracowen are you going the PhD part time or full time?
@honeybee85 Well I did do a chinese beginner's course...
@honeybee85 but nope didn't subject anyone to that... sounds like you have a problem? tweetdeck up to date?
nasty place to stop #f1
red flag? #f1
ah yes red - only option #f1
not at all good for ferrari for the constructors #f1
@honeybee85 Tweetdeck for android/iphone? (am using pc) - maybe a flaw. don't use sorry... bug?
session will restart soon - was wondering if rain would start in break. I know they said dry but surely well have some wetness? #f1
feeling sorry for massa :-( #f1
@LauraLeslie23 you'll have to explain .. sticking to @5LiveF1 for commentary :-)
@Petronella now if it was another driver from same team.. and a little closer to the end of the session .... ;-)
I'm with ANT - that was a bit scary to watch (senna) #f1
@OzoneVibe yes but don't watch it closelyt for that reason. Often get the "your stream is being throttled" warning #f1 #TweetDeck
@OzoneVibe @F1_Girl .... :-)
@OzoneVibe makes you wonder you you can use twitter without streaming!
Always get confused when the TV flips back to jake/ej/david but still have on @5LiveF1 then wonder why I can't hear anything..
@lauracowen Sounds like good fun, but tough challenge to balance things. enjoy..
@lauracowen what's the phd subject btw?
Quick reminder for any #southampton peeps - #tweetup 7pm this friday slug/lettuce @Tuesdaytweetup (#f1 fans welcome!)
So no sign of rain? :-( #f1
So are ferrari (alo) having electronic glitches? or was ALO just asking a question #f1
Oh err. not good for ferrari - time to reprogram the car #f1
@laura_marieee you mean like ham fastest! #F1
@laura_marieee always tough to call early in session... #F1
RT @guarana_uk: We have two copies of Codemasters F1 2010 on Xbox360 to be won. Follow @guarana_uk and RT to win! #F1
So KOB is in Q3.... so it seems #f1
Good to see the mercedes making it into Q3... but they def need to do better (next year?)
Expected top5 so far, ALO looking quick, wonder if WEB/HAM will get to front row #f1
HAM was giving it some. #f1
vet def looking speedy #f1
can I breath now. That was a busy few minutes #f1
@OzoneVibe ! it was tense though #F1
@etherealtype Still could be wet tomorrow too.. but v. easy for 2 to take each other out. Should be a cracker #F1
@evoGage indeed. It's at a "higher level" ... #f1
RT @laura_marieee: Alonso on pole, Vettel 2nd, Hamilton 3rd, Button 4th, Webber 5th, Barrichello 6th, Rosberg 7th, Kubica 8th, Schumache ...
@garethhopper yes I think it's a "hidden" advert for the tobacco company that still sponsor them? #F1
@etherealtype great season isn't it with still plenty to fight for in the top 5... :-) #f1
more taxi-ing and possibly time to buy a new microwave...
Tomorrow 12:10 :-) #f1
Just called johnlewis to pay for item reserved earlier. So easy and friendly. A pleasure to shop there...
Think #witter must have a sore throat like me. Taking ages to send a tweet. 30s+ .. #N900
Hopefully curry and friends birthday drinks will fix sore throat....
at least I got out of prepping dinner (ie warm curry!) by doing taxi service & microwave purchase!
@Amy_Walker I spent ages at my local nissan dealer having to go through figures after some big repairs - but we got within < £1 eventually!
no #xfactor tonight - off to wish friend a happy birthday could be 4 hours tomorrow, or just watch quite late...
@Tuesdaytweetup 1730 ish of course ;-) [once I figure out travel times etc]
RT @f1fanatic_co_uk: Massa changes his engine but despite a ten-place penalty he'll still start 24th, not 34th... #F1
@mseckington sounds like another interpretation of the term "hacking" ;-)
@dsilverman often listed as known problem. I keep trying dev for accel etc then switching back to beta to actually use.. I should learn
@Bendihossan Nope. Hello @welp
@welp there is of course the #southampton #tweetup. 7pm next fri slug/lettuce (some eating from 530). though hursley another option!
@saltyF1 8 weeks. thats tough. just a day but it's an awful #mansorethroat ;-)
enjoying a pleasant eve out at the local.
@jon_read oh no! Will just have to have another one in december especially!
back from pub early. wondering if the bottle of patrom tequila really should be checked out...
Trying out #twimgo on #n900 but hw kbd in web rintime is total fail. Nice but cannot use until addressed
Enjoying #xfactor

Tweets copied by

Friday 24 September 2010

From Twitter 09-24-2010

looking forward to singapore #f1 this w/end esp. with weather. work tomorrow, but should be good for w/end
@SuperR0B wired in-ear works for me with ipad/phone etc, but for PC I have plantronics 995 (with mic) - initially for phone but also music.
@SuperR0B For me it was the ability to stand up/move around on a call without tripping on cable that was key.
RT @TaimurAsad: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now Richer than Apple CEO Steve Jobs, Gates Still Tops the List !!
makes you wonder (ref last RT) "Like most other billionaires, Zuckerberg is a drop-out"
RT @samj: Facebook | More Details on Today's Outage <- Facebook DDoS'd themselves using their own clients? #fail
Interesting to read the writeup on the FB outage -- a useful lesson for design. and good on FB for describing it so we can all learn.
Wonder how Voda's 3G net coverage/speed compares RT @tracyandmatt: Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Review
This w/ends racing is going to be super with ham, web,but,alo, vet all up there. Would really like to see WEB win tho like mcl team.. #f1
@_MissAnnie_ Thanks. My first #FF of the day, beating @AdamManning this time. Must do mine later after work
failed to write my blog post on last weeks @ThreeUKLatest meetup - must go on tonights todo list..
decided I need to start work my 8 today. Reading RSS feeds & Getting some tweets in quickly..
Still keping an eye out for an article like "@bebroadband launches fttc" or "@skyhd launches fttc" :-( Maybe an xmas present? #speedfreak
Google gearing up more with their appstore - now (US) merchants can sign up to sell apps (preview version)
Useful page from google -- anything "new" is going to be posted here
Not ideal for gaming perhaps -- but this is a serious rig #ibm #mainframe #z196
Work connectivity not working well. Local router? vpn? Grrr..
lots of timing out on intranet access. Umm..
wonder what the optimum time to allow milk to soak into an apricot wheat is for best taste. too little - like biscuit. too much - soggy ?
RT @huguestruttmann: Read The #mainframe Daily : today's top stories are contributed by @planetf1 @developerworks and @system_z_events h ...
laptop screen annoying again.Just because it's lighter outside I have to move to a dark room to actually be able to see screen. This is cr*p
Isn't even sunny. #laptop #fail
@SlyRenard Lenovo W500 and the screen is *really* poor in terms of brightness. My kids laptops/netbooks *easily* outdo it many times over
@SlyRenard One of my colleagues did have a colorimiter so was going to check/calibrate and if below spec send for repair.
@SlyRenard though I think it's just not very good. Keep getting close to reraising issue - fine for all else but screen so important
Always get frustrated when someones rationale 4 doing something is "I just do as I'm told". Something I'm never good at (and proud of that!)
@Amy_Walker Glad that worked. Plan B involved a large hammer ;-)
@FakeDAmbrosio not me btw, try @Planet_F1
@Amy_Walker that could be very scary...
@sxa555 Well I have this insane idea that we actually get paid to question ... ;-)
definately a downer to working on a friday... missing #f1 practice. Cant listen and work, too distracting. Is it davison, chandhok or both?
@Sara_Kim reckon you should...
So WEB did well. Good stuff. must catch up on the news after work
@OzoneVibe I'll keep quiet until I figure it out later!
Caved in and taking 1/2 or full day off work next fri. As well as eve tw-eat-up got invited to free lunch... (colleague's 25yr celeb)
has the ability to add friends on #digg disappeared, or have I mislaid it ?
found the menu item in digg. non obvious
notice lots of ppl trying "first 5 followers" - not for me failing saying may be due to having too many followers...
@Jodie_kemp does it end "and they all lived happily ever after"?
lunch over. wondering whether to put off email even longer (yes!) and carry on with useful productive work ;-)
love the way rational team concert makes a hyperlink if you type "enhancement #1234" or "defect #5678" when typing in notes :-) #swdev
Work, dinner done. Now the weekend. :-)
@vixisabel Many thanks for the #ff #FollowFriday
think son is planning to ditch #symbian / S60 for android. I'd go same if hadn't switched to #maemo. Wonder if #N8 can save S60..
good -must have play, but not convinced by symbian any more RT @thenokiablog: #Video Amazing facts about Nokia N8 camera
RT @eric_andersen: Yes! "Twitter is a great place to add a personal touch to your brand" Great example of this? @onef ...
@eric_andersen definately it's the attraction for me as a consumer
feeling very out of touch with #f1 events today. That's what you get for working+household duties doing dinner...
@fradgepick think we figured on 7pm but some ppl eating from about 530 #Tweetup @icicle_halo_ @amandagolding
@fradgepick @amandagolding @icicle_halo_ I've now got a lunch invite too so taking 1/2 day (or full) off work. could be a long one!
@craigmullins @geekstats Who issue around "licensing" of content (movies, music, software books) wrt "used" sales/ownership. Rocky times?
@MummaBear I'm sure they grow/replicate ... one moment pc, video consoles, then phones, then picture frames #fb.. just goes on!
@MummaBear best thing I did recently was switch desktops to Gb lan & upgrade from small nas to WHS box. Gr8 to move/serve stuff quickly #fb
@Amy_Walker (your spec) + (lightroom) = does not compute..
@MummaBear think I saw last night some article reporting mobile penetration as 150% or something. Useless stat but get the point ... #fb
@Amy_Walker Using triple core 1.5yr old 4Gb system and that's slow at times (for photo/heavy stuff) and hit max memory limit
I liked a YouTube video -- Dog Confused By Escalator
@MummaBear I used to have a buffalo linkstation, switched to a windows home server - HP EX490 at xmas. Real neat for backup+sharing
@MummaBear though it took me a while to feel comfortable getting a windows box. High end nas's neater but too £££ (4 me) #fb
puppies getting rather lively. more play fighting now. nearly escaping from whelping box #puppytime
have to play taxi at 0645 tomorrow am so going to get an early night
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Next #tweetup : 1st Oct (That's next Friday), 7pm, Slug and Lettuce, #Southampton. (Or 5:30pm if you want to join th ...

Tweets copied by

Thursday 23 September 2010

From Twitter 09-23-2010

@quirkygeek turned? So which halls did you go to then?
fiddled a little more with the #mifi - definately sturggles to get a signal where my nokia n900 is ok
really must go to sleep earlier, esp if up before 6am. Problem with eating late 9pm - can never go to bed soon after
our dog is so well behaved. hope her kids are too!
@ericscorner yep, I think Motorola too, tho since razor they lost it, *until* the milestone. Would assume sensitive too. >> htc, samsung etc
@quirkygeek Ah I was in "owens". Haven't been to mcr for years but really enjoyed it. Big change but gr8. Have fun.
Definately did not get enough sleep last night . Tday is going to be long ...
@MickyFin I had that for weeks, creating new profile didnt work, then figured it happened only when particular extension was loaded
@MickyFin mine was a chrome crash after resuming from suspend
All I could hear this morning when I came down to kitch was the really loud puppies suckling. Hungry. Ah...#puppytime
@MickyFin well not definitively proven, but I do notice I still have "autopager" disabled
@MickyFin though I switched (do this often) beta->dev recently to look at the new gfx acceleeration
@adityasinghvi Surprisingly my daughter (14) came back from school today quizzing me about #BlackBerry as lots of friends getting them...
@adityasinghvi I've always dismissed (except corporate) but thought the Q was intriguing (3/4 phones in family #nokia) #BlackBerry
@bvlad I have N900 (3.5). Love hw kbd, but do wish for larger screen esp with excellent browser. thinking 3.7-4 but had had one to try
@jetlbomb Seen this a few times -- some spam generated from your id?
@adityasinghvi I guess I don't (yet) understand the dynamic. Doesn't feature in any of my short lists (maemo/meego, android, even iOS yes).
@adityasinghvi guess it's the messaging focus -- moving from email -> sms -> IM -> social network updates #BlackBerry
@geraintwjones yep
@adityasinghvi I'm with you (though never used myself) .just doesn't appeal #BlackBerry
@ThreeUKLatest Quick mifi Q. Do you expect mifi using "3internet" APN to work on 2G/edge albeit slow if enabled on modem or is it 3G only?
@pj_kent Yes, interesting. Mifi works very nicely in good 3 3G coverage -- from quick checks around gen area much better 3G than voda/o2
@pj_kent just not at home/office (!) though less of an issue since already have wifi.
@ThreeUKLatest Ok thanks for clarification. I figured -- explains why it didn't work and why default in modem config was 3G-only.
listening to lissie "catching a tiger"
what's the point of a thermostat if it's really just a warmer/colder hint rather than actually set a temperature objective?
@Amy_Walker And of course they had a 2 for 1 (collection) offer, so we ate too much...
liking evernote for ad-hoc notes :-)
@Amy_Walker sometimes using it is even worse...
spotify keeps advertizing BT vision (so ads working). not convinced about limited content though. need to allow PC streaming not just box
trying to map high level use case to API calls. Ummm...
@Amy_Walker Super! Enjoy the new car.
@Amy_Walker It's amazing sometimes how we (sw.eng) design sw so that users think it's their problem when things don't work...(hint: wrong!)
@Amy_Walker Ah. in garage? Ok.. could be a long 2 days...
@gerrymoth @mcdent though with TD it's easy to have one column per account - but may need several for @ dm etc
@Amy_Walker Sad. It's almost either that is a) obvious or b) they can't be bothered to update documentation #useful
@Amy_Walker oh of course I'm a week ahead. You get it the day after the tweetup right.
@Amy_Walker multiple paper trays. Think on my canon I have a) cassette b) top feeder & can select either ?? #stupid
@Amy_Walker Canon inkjet IPxxxx? (I have IP4500). Like it. Use cassette for reg. A4, but photo paper top. Select tray in print props/app
RT @ThreeUKLatest: Win a Windows phone with Three :-) RT @coolsmartphone
being fairly successful ignoring email most of day & getting on with real work activities.. collaborating in more appropriate "spaces"
100% cpu for quite a while... slows progress. sw eats cycles...
good news is music is not breaking up during heavy cpu workload :-)
@EmpireSteve great :-)
so facebook is broken?
RT @AdamManning: my beautiful wife is wondering if the BBC are going to do an emergency news bulletin that facebook is down as a measure ...
@michelledh both working ok here (now) - just fb that is down
@AKinseyFoto No. Don't use facebook that much anyway. Twitter is much more interesting & outgoing
@sirsteveyoung no taxis at airport? Is airport open at this time? worth walking over there?
@popey think that's pretty regular perf? Speed does vary across the disk so drops off towards right
@angryjedi You just have to enjoy @katyperry as she's so funny! @Amy_Walker #soghey
@Amy_Walker @angryjedi My current favs include @lissiemusic @elliegoulding @palomafaith
There's some big spiders wandering around the living room. Hope they catch/eat the numerous daddy long legs...

Tweets copied by

Wednesday 22 September 2010

From Twitter 09-22-2010

@DougieLawson Such a key question. I wonder the same every waking moment ;-)
@Rafe Wouldn't you make sure you put CONDUIT in to each room/area so you could feed cables/fibre optics in future years? #cnet
RT @anapospastos: RT @tlaukkanen: Upcoming #TwimGo version running on Nokia #N900 with #TwitPic preview in tweet details http://twitpic. ...
Must try new #twimgo version. Wondering if there's any progress on the hw keyboard issue #n900
Good tos see updates are coming sRT @GeekyGadgets: Samsung Galaxy S To Get Android 2.2 In October
Noticed how quiet it's been - minimal tweets today. Work. Not even really read a thing!
@OzoneVibe Oh that's interesting. Hadn't checked weather forcast. Still some days to go. Championship looking great being this close
@oiva I've a linux geek at heart but switched last year to a HP EX490 Windows home server. user data redundancy, superb win backup ->
@oiva <- for a household. Know it has some mac support but not tried.. Reckon good value. File serving performance good too.
@OzoneVibe :-)
@tnkgrl I think that only works in a "single purpose" device. For example a photoframe, clock, kindle. NOT ipad/smartphone etc
@Petronella I can't imagine what my kids will owe when they grad. (oldest 16). It's going to be a packet!|
RT @StuartMcIntyre: RT @robkroese: "Employers tell you to think outside the box, but really they want you to think inside a less expensi ...
@StuartMcIntyre @robkroese nice ;-) had to giggle.
@macie_sherwood Sounds somewhat challenging lighting conditions.. just flash or you getting £££ fast lenses?
Just voted on the "national tv awards". Sadly some of my favs missing,
@sxa555 @EmpireSteve either of you up for the @F1Badger meetup london/Nov 7th, Brazilian GP. @OzoneVibe
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Daughtry (51), Lissie (12) and Ellie Goulding (10) #music
@Petronella that's a good kind of loan ;-)
@sxa555 great. If there's 4 and we can agree on same stn (eastleigh?) /time we can get "4 for 2" group ticket :-)
@sxa555 Tho am really tempted to spent more of day in london (photos/food) before the #f1/beers @OzoneVibe
@OzoneVibe I hadn't. will have to figure out options closer to time. Still the date is written in indelible ink on the family diary!
Had a lovely chat earlier with someone who'd gone to the same junior school i had and was looking for someone with same name. Not me but fun
Wondering what to replace our broken 32l panasonic combo sensor microwave with. Another one same? Another brand?
RT @F1Times: Singapore weekend likely to be rain affected, 65% chance of rain during race - early reports suggest. #f1
@Lipstedo i have a good feeling about this weekend (exciting i hope)
@rachelclarkef1 sounds like a great jaunt. 2 races and a few european cities! All those local beers. Tough.
puppies getting more mobile and starting to play more. Cute but impending trouble... #Puppytime
Going to watch some beeny disasters...
@amandagolding am sure they would love to come but think mummy dog wont let them go out partying yet....
impressed by the expanding foam subsidence fix on sarah beenys program this week.
@Sofia @rachelclarkef1 at least its not orange coke. Tried it once. Not good...
@quirkygeek off at uni in manchester. I did my degree there. Lived in owens park/fallowfield. Legendary bop (at time)
@Sara_Kim hate water leaks. Neighbour had lots coming through the electric smoke alarms. Hopefully is a waste leak so will stop if not used
@Sara_Kim have had water through light switches at parents. Hope you locate leak. Keep electric stuff out of way/off ...
Updated #witter from extras-devel . Not good idea. Each tweet taking 20-30 seconds to submit...

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Tuesday 21 September 2010

From Twitter 09-21-2010

headed outside for a quick check on #jupiter - big/bright isn't it! Must try to see uranus another night (22nd best, beneath moon?)
@sxa555 @OzoneVibe Got my name down for 7th Nov before anyone else in family :-) so hopefully good to go...
thanks bbc news. An article about NYC bedbugs closing niketown, and then they say "I bet everyone is feeling itchy". No No <scratch>
Not for consumers eh
This mornings interesting podcast at gym from TED -- Social networks, disease & your friends
@pj_kent yep I saw a clamping story (easy I guess). Maybe they should just say "nothing interesting today..."
RT @bobbyllew: Just to clarify. New series of Carpool starts on Dave on 3rd November at 8:30pm. Prime time baby.
I've subscribed to TATMobileUI's channel on YouTube.
Came across some of this demos via #engadget - TAT A swedish mobile UI design company -- some neat concepts
I've favourited a YouTube video -- Horizon 2D-3D Map
@HedgeWatch ah yes - like FlashForward, Caprica (which is back soon) amongst others
@skyhd Do you have a UK air date announced for the 2nd part of #caprica? (starts 5 Oct on ScyFy in US). Even for regular SD...
Ha! stumped by not being able to specify a long argument string for a desktop icon, I just created a env var & used %PARMS% on icon. #win
@noSPicedhAM No idea.. it's currently booted into ubuntu to work as webcam server (though wifi network keeps dropping ...)
Just reported another coverage issue with 3Uk. Now note -- this is constructive feedback. If U have problems report at
I met with some of 3Uk staff last week and they really do want & use the coverage feedback to improve the service...
#fail - booking a car service, form validation failed due to space in phone num I had 0xxxx xxxxxx - oh please. You can take a +44 next time

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Monday 20 September 2010

From Twitter 09-20-2010

Sleep in preparation for an effective working week. definately.. !
Not the sunniest of days out there, but working in front of screen so doesn't really matter...
Annoyed to be on an ongoing email chain where several ppl keep adding graphical signatures/logos to email==lots of space. ANNOYED!
@jaylimburn now where's the "block and report spam" button ...
Should have known - went to grab can/coke from fridge (there were 5 left). All gone. Pesky kids. Need the extra caffeine for work...
@sxa555 Or education, or even not using email. Checkout - think it's 17 or 27 mins in. Oh and watch out 4 @jaylimburn
Dislike "bots" that just retweet on keyword - Block/report SPAM for me. Does not add value to twitterverse. Anyone can do hashtag search
@PeachyF1 its guessing (wrongly) from your isp address/provider.
@peregr1n will only help in areas you control and think there's a limit on #handsets (is it 32) registered to each. Don't have one tho.
RT @sxa555: A typical teen sends/receives an average of 50 text messages a day - wow: ...
@sxa555 Big numbers. And 15% of us teens text more than 200 msgs/day. Sounds huge, though in "rapid fire" mode suspect many are v.short?
Cool! Must admit I'd like to catch up old US series too. RT @boydhilton For those asking, The Apprentice starts beginning of October
@etherealtype smoked salmon fan! I'm always sneaking it in to the wkly shop. b-fast, lunch & tea. Yet I'm not a huge fish fan!
@etherealtype along with energy drink/fizzy sweets/tablets it's also my "secret weapon" if unwell..
@PeachyF1 it will depend on your ISP and how they route the traffic.I'm with O2 and luckily the location is within 5-8 miles on IP (nr city)
@sxa555 I'm < 150 but make up or it with tweets :-) And calling not always easier due to async + parallelism ?
@sxa555 My daughter's on 3 too and now we need to go for the £15 for 1000 textx to accomodate her usage pattern..
Back to school college nights/preping tea & realising what a royal pain a broken microwave is....
@sxa555 n900? Never seen that. Gsm been as good/bad as usual at home (one bar in study)
Jealous - son letting me know they have a college trip coming up (for £££) to CERN. Cool.
@Si_Biggles they have a 2 for one on collection. Not sure if you have to order online... Yumm....
@OzoneVibe I'd love to go... maybe I should go back to college
@OzoneVibe best we got (A levels) was a visit to a research reactor - interesting standing on top and looking at the Cherenkov radiation...
@rachelclarkef1 Well I certainly enjoyed electric dreams mucho! @OzoneVibe
@rachelclarkef1 But @ProfBrianCox is def a star be it deep research or communicating the science msg. (was also in physics at uni/manch)
@OzoneVibe I seem to remember being told the cherenkov radiation was safe due to the metres of leaded glass or whatever but now I'm worried!
@OzoneVibe Think this is the reactor we visited - just a baby @rachelclarkef1
@OzoneVibe funny decisions -- I was certainly debating between computing/telecoms & physics research or career during uni. I followed the
@OzoneVibe former but always retained interest in the latter... though the maths is beyond me... (scary looking at old uni textx) -
RT @elsua: ♺ @chrisbrogan Biggest lie we tell ourselves daily: working on our inbox is work / Amen, brother! Someone had to say it! #lawwe
@elsua So true, yet I still fall for it.. Must grab control #lawwe
@elsua I guess I can pretend replying to/creating tweets is work then ;-) (actually am done for day, purely social...) #lawwe
RT @jodrellbank: Tonight Jupiter is closest to Earth since 1963, it looks like a v bright star in the southern sky,
So I can't got to bed early tonight. Must try and see jupitor, though will ll the houses around may fail...
@minxymoggy could be intriguing to see. Certainly a brave change and reviews I've seen thus far look interesting.
@minxymoggy interesting tension (ie remote admin/deployment etc) as mobiles get more "personal." Needs to be attractive from both sides?
@Brownie1871 wonder what the wife will say if I suggest as a holiday destination ;-) Errr maybe not!
Emptying wallet ordering son's text books :-( still it's only college. uni gets loads more £££
still thinking about the kindle. Amazon keeps advertizing it to me!
@vixisabel ipad great fun, but the screen on the kindle looks very -err-- well paper like. Should be a relaxing read away from computer...
@OzoneVibe A bit far, but as ever those Boston Globe photos are *superb*
@MorganF1 I remember spending a fortune many years ago - low volumes . Still books are far from the only expensive aspects of uni...
@Brownie1871 Yep a tour around cern does sound fun though - maybe have to plan a france/switzerland trip sometime
@MorganF1 I guess when I went email wasn;t that popular (though I had it!). not really any amazon's around...
@nathanchantrell Had a little look last Thur. Screen is WOW in an old-fashioned way. My issue is often read near water/sand on hols...
@minxymoggy actually think social networking is key - even if for corporate social network systems
@MorganF1 hundreds of pounds for a book. Woah - I don't remember anything so much. Remind me what subject you're doing?
@pastamaster39 @vixisabel i have neither yet but isn.t kindle a case of something doing one job well. Its usp (for ereader)is the screen
RT @PodF1: Hispania mechanic recovering well: The Hispania Racing team said the mechanic injured during the Italian Grand ... http://bit ...
puppies just been fed their first worming. Ah bless. funny to see them lick the pink "kids medicine" liquid
Checking out some more puppy photos from earlier. Hoping to upload a couple of shots. #puppytime
more puppy photos being uploaded to flickr :-) Not done great on focussing though. They keep moving ... #puppytime
@OzoneVibe @jon_read So who's paying then
@minxymoggy tho to some extend SN is curation - ppl you trust/associate with - context around the content
@jon_read sounds good but slug/lettuce will have to do! @OzoneVibe
have done 4 of 12 relatively "urgent" items off personal todo list. that will have to do for tonight..
@SmallFurryHotel actually it was 5. 3 related to puppies, 2 to kids. So much for *my* items on the list!
@SmallFurryHotel not really got any paperwork - not purebred... obv will have vet checks etc
family going mad. They're now on a skype videocall to another dog (!) getting it to sit/do tricks... ;-)
Bother! Just realised #spooks started tonight. want! now! Looks like iplayer streaming at 10pm ... but have to watch in uncomfy study :-(
@vixisabel even for me it was. I didn't hang around to see if they were successful....
More puppy photos at . Now 14 days old. Last 14 photos are the new ones #puppytime
@sxa555 strange when regular wall posts on web UI can have different security settings (for example I default friends but make some public)
@minxymoggy SN isn't all short shelf life/microblogging tho. Think it includes blogs, file repos & other shared spaces as well
@Amy_Walker every day should be awesome. I will be positive.. at least initially ;-)
Wondering how long before "spooks" is on iplayer. "Coming soon". How soon. I need to know! Prerecorded so should be already encoded?
@minxymoggy sure though so much does involve collaboration & I suspect it's a cultural learning experience too
@Jodie_kemp Have recorded but not started watching yet. More for american audience? But important point - UK on was good a few years back
@HedgeWatch <reload>.... <reload>... <reload>
@HedgeWatch It now appears to be there!
Time for some peace & quiet (for everyone else). Spooks :-)
I just recommended Spooks - Series 9
@HedgeWatch certainly enjoyed it. The series are always so short//
@SmallFurryHotel Sounds like a lot of work. Somehow glad I don't have to.
@sxa555 You need to find a big name ally that you can get interested in this issue except that I don't think facebook listen to anyone
@OzoneVibe TGS for me another night. I always take reviews as just another input. Main think is no surprises, knowing what you get..
@Kkirgirl They were quick tonight with spooks fortunately. Just as well as I kicked myself for not setting sky+!
@Kkirgirl They're still quite little really and a small cross-breed, but yes growing quick. Around 600-680g now, getting more mobile/active
@minxymoggy I'd say only email & to some extent twitter is a good fit, but then am prob not the one to ask (use n900 - very geeky)
Time to check out jupiter. Must look outside. RT @stevephotog: It is beautiful warm and still moonlit night here in Hampshire
RT @OzoneVibe: @lighty89 In the sky! :) Left of the moon a touch. @VirtualAstro
@SmallFurryHotel We have all the weight/worming/medical etc info Need to sort receipt. Contract as in purchase or breeding etc? advice ->
@SmallFurryHotel sounds good idea - any good pointers. Guess we have a few weeks left but should get a little more organized
@sebastiangiraud I do cringe at some of the geeky it stuff though esp the amazement of the spooks #spooks #bbc
@SmallFurryHotel I figured that's what you meant. I guess that's more a purebred/kennel club thing
@SmallFurryHotel tho we are questioning prospective purchasers as we want them all be have good homes...
wondering why a Thai takeaway in Queensland, Australia is following me. Do they deliver to the UK maybe? Yummy am sure ...but...
@OzoneVibe Looks like Nov 7th @F1Badger get-together is on. Must add to diary. Assume it's london again for Brazilian GP
@sxa555 @EmpireSteve see facebook - Nov 7th for the Brazilian GP meetup in London it seems ref @F1Badger
@sebastiangiraud No I do really enjoy spooks - it's just those little moments.

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Sunday 19 September 2010

From Twitter 09-19-2010

I know this gets a bore - GO AWAY CAPTCHA. Don't like........
@debs_70 I'd say late 80s->90 was at uni then. Manchester. very happening scene. Cool..
With puppy interests at heart ended up watching tiger birth/growing up prog on "eden" (2000). Cute but scary
glad our puppies are a little smaller.....
@RachaelEdwards You know what - I was thinking same. I was actually somewhat taken back. She's not really a fish/chips fan - too much fat
@RachaelEdwards but she definately added to the show, espressed opinions and came across dare I say quite nice! (not as you say like in #f1)
@RachaelEdwards Think my fav guest = Katy Perry though. She's such fun. My son tho was glued to pixie lott ;-) (only episode he watched)
can see why mifi reports "sms only" for weak signal, though trying to find any signal let alone >1 bar is not easy at home!
Nic esunny morning, Definately missing long dog walks since puppies have arrived. ..
@MickyFin @philschwarzmann Seems strange to call T9 a flop, though it's time has IMO come and gone
@SmallFurryHotel have you had pups? Are they homed now?
housework is so exciting, but that's today, tidy, clean, cook ... reward then roast dinner :)
Enjoyed roast. Relax now. Annoyed beef wasnt pink enough despite cooking towards rare timings. Really should perhaps get proper dig therm.
@EverythingBlaxx looks interesting but am hitting the special chars in pw issue. Still its alpha so one to watch esp as tweego broken
@EverythingBlaxx since twitter is so key to mobile wish nokia would fund @janole to port gravity to maemo and meego
@EverythingBlaxx you think so? I loved it on S60. Tweetdeck on android is really nice though -- nothing i really like for n900 sadly.
@EverythingBlaxx I'll have to retry -- I had trouble authenticating
@SmallFurryHotel 6 - ah more work. Just 4 (boys). 2 weeks old no eyes open yet. Soon. All healthy though.. and mum
@EverythingBlaxx What are your favourite clients? I must try some out on other platforms.
RT @MeeGoExperts: Meego on Android Nexus One and Dell Streak . Lovely. @escagelion
@sxa555 wonder if will add support for #facebook places then - I can't deal with individual checkins #foursquare
Remember next #southampton #tweetup is 7pm slug/lettuce 1 Oct. (earlier if eating)
#witter is not auto updating for me. Really should get my finger lut and try to debug.
@richardpbacon i try to avoid sky news now. Got worked up during election interviews and tabloid over sensationalism.
@Beaker noithing new. Enterprise systems have done that for many years @chruspirillo @mitchwagner
Hopefully watching #xfactor near-live once household assembled.....
@sxa555 i should check but dont think i publish 4sq/gowalla anyway.. Though mayorships and achievements are
@SmallFurryHotel They could be trouble! How old were they there?
@lukehmuse @lisanicolec I had the same impression of nicole, but she came over really well on the xfactor imo
Blog post - playing with the mifi

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