Monday 27 December 2010

From Twitter 12-27-2010

@Amy_Wass came close to severed limb and electrocution here earlier...!
now watching top gear. dont think i'll be following their trailblazing route
@Bendihossan quite enjoyed actually!
@tlaukkanen Love #twimgo. On #n900 removed 2.0.5, installed 2.1.0. No sign of app. reinstalled qtwrt, still no sign.
@listen_to_dom He fell then guiding the rope tugging car out of dune, and appeared to hit head, be dazed, then to hospital
shows how much times have changed. Old Nokia 6630 smartphone on 3 - been on since Sat 18th Dec. Now giving low batt warning!
@honeybee85 Well no wifi, there were no apps left running - a change from plug-in-every-day behaviour now (also have spare batt AND get
@honeybee85 a juice boost in the car sometimes!). Hope you had a good christmas. As it's bank hol reckon can be lazy for 2 more days!
In case anyone's wondering, that 6630 has just been sat on windowsill at home - not been really using it!
eek going through new follower notifications, think I may have hit my hourly api limit?
maybe not... getting errors from twitter web site...
@lukehmuse does he not park in gear as well? I always do both... doesn't everyone?
Apparently the shops are open today. So for those buying enough food for a month you needn't have bothered. 48 hours+ they were closed!
@Joyouscomms I have no idea, but is it just me that feels it's all a little childish?
trying firefox again and quickly realising why I prefer chrome - it really is SO much more responsive
@peteralevy @Jodie_kemp interesting balance isn't it. Def more "commercial" (like f1) on fb, yet also family. Its much more static, but I
@peteralevy @Jodie_kemp am now using both - some longer-running content works better on fb. I did for a while ignore fb, but no longer
@etherealtype That's sweet ;-) Sometimes I wish it was just a little quieter here, othertimes busier. BTW what area do you work in?
@ruskin147 never even heard of it. Just looked. more structured. interesting, but it's yet another site. fatigue?
@Welshracer what's up at the clifton bridge then?
@Welshracer Ah - I've only read the website not seen the tv reports. Knew it was that area but not how affected bridge.
@sebastiangiraud good reminder -- I used to watch it every week, but now haven't seen it for well over a year.
@Joyouscomms So now you're calling my bluff on whether I'm interested by dropping me a teaser ;-)
@kazb711 oh really. It was a while ago for me... though son just about to start taking lessons
@kazb711 I always go for fault tolerance - whether its sw/backups, parking, 2 phones etc!
@kazb711 And why not anyway. I also always start car with clutch down, as well as checking neutral (again redundancy!)
@kazb711 you'll be telling me no-one parks with wheels pointing into kerb on a hill next (plan C)
@Brownie1871 not quite that far! but also tend to have spare (old) ipod in gym bag, spare mouse batteries etc. obsessed?
no apparent problems using Tweetdeck, but #newtwitter is constantly saying I've used up all API calls.
So any #whs experts around. Still have my QSM.EXE 100% cpu issue. Trying to figure out what else except backup/reinstall/restore :-(
@AndreasMiceli thanks I have. It appears to be scanning every file in any share. Think it wakes up from a notify. not sure on why
@Brownie1871 I was thinking same, not so much around here (well one place perhaps)
@etherealtype you studying again now then?
@SabersKunk I've found a few, but not really anything useful (so far).
@F1_Dan1980 @melissa_RBRx Oh. I'm sub to lovefilm currently (base pkg 1 disc that allows online streaming). DO hope 2010 comes out. no sign?
@AndreasMiceli thx, I had seen that thread but just reread it. He did re-install but not total storage rebuild. (please no). search more..
@AndreasMiceli have you come across "chkde.exe" - I have installed (and reinstalled) toolkit+addin but can't find it?
Anyone have windows home server toolkit v1.0 #whs -- this is OLD version which contains "chkde.exe".
Grrr annoying when important functinoality gets removed from newer program versions #whs
@unkn0wnvariable I love linux, but that is far too simplistic a comment ... In this case backup, search becomes relevant too
@unkn0wnvariable storage/backup appliance is intent . It does this quite well, though I have a problem to debug :-(
@AndreasMiceli brilliant - thanks. will be interesting to see what the tool finds - am getting some timeouts on de migration too
@AndreasMiceli running now. Is throwing huge number of warnings (1 per file?) so could be incompat. tho for now it's whinging about not
@AndreasMiceli finding shadows for a volume that isn't redundant. (my download cache)
@AndreasMiceli - probably "normal" now. Still at least I can filter those out and see what other things may be reported
chkde only found 4 tombstone areas in a share I can dump. Ummm.
@pj_kent sorted now thanks #whs
@pj_kent UE46c6620
still trying to debug my WHS problem. should really take a walk outside before it gets too cold/dark
#whs #fail investigations so far ->
Yay by disabling services I've got WHS staying at 2% cpu except for once a minute 1-2s of search index update. Cool.
Looks like the cause of high #whs #cpu is "world wide web publishing services". Needed for admin, but errant customization perhaps?
lovely walk out with the dogs, but today has mostly been spent debugging a (personal) IT issue. :-( not watched a film/read yet!
@vixisabel same here, but then did skip lunch today. It's back to the turkey!
@Welshracer it's better than some non alcoholic bear, but not as good as appletise/orangina!
@vixisabel we had a menu/offer from local pizza company drop through door earlier. they're probably thinking the same!
@rachelclarke no-one would believe me when I said I saw them in Southampton on 23rd.. see!
@vixisabel ah! really... enjoyed my 2nd xmas dinner :-) And the dogs rather enjoyed tucking into some left over turkey too.
@vixisabel Amazine how well behaved they are when they know you're sorting out some fresh meat for them :-)
We just lost all power for approx 1s. Router surivived, but pretty much all else died - servers, pc etc
Just as I was writing a long forum response in a web ui. Wish I'd been using the laptop!
Some spammers are very sad - basic keyword triggers. What a waste of space and low lifes you are
@unkn0wnvariable it's still 3 clicks in tweetdeck. One (or none) would be better.

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