Monday 20 December 2010

From Twitter 12-20-2010

@Inacurate look at google tv. its the studios/content owners to take most of the blame. not really in direct ctrl of vendors
just me or is the your fired show quite warm red/magenta tonight..
that was a great series of #apprentice. always love sugar's 'best bits'. oh tho we didnt hear anything sandish's eyes struck again...
@EmpireSteve it was just the studio lighting am sure. you could see the red and blue lights reflecting at one point.
@Inacurate to some extent in not being clear in limitations but its like of sony,warner imposing restrictions like us tv issues with google
@thecheekycritic we had a discussion at a party last night. Big Q is "do they realise" ?
RT @LisaBadger: snow forecast heavy in soton from midday tomorrow, this does not make me happy but I defy the weather and will not be a ...
didn't sleep well. noises in night! Not sure if dogs downstairs or something in loft.... too tired to locate! yawn...
@Si_Biggles So annoying seem ppl who can't be bothered to clear bonnet/roof etc then it falls off into vehicles behind. lazy/incompetant
looks very hard/frosty outside now. def idea to go out later rather than earlier. Think it's WFH for me today (since it's easy to do so)
Checked weather forecast "heavy snow" for #southampton today.. pretty much ALL day..
@EmmaGx at least it's not -19 or however cold it gets in some more northern areas #southersoftie #ukfreakyweather
always struggle with sites that have "south east" and "south west" england for #southampton...
@frontieruk 5-10cm this morning specifically for southampton/portsmouth/iow from metoffice
@amandagolding we need to get around so more of a pain really... tho only OH needs to go out to work today (mid afternoon)
@amandagolding at least easy to wfh today/this week for me. subject to dogs/kids not being too noisy (or headphones+music)
@EmmaGx though a friend posted at about 4am it was -11. Think he's closer towards guildford...
@vodafoneuk interesting explanation of competition. Do think more appropriate 1 per day per person (otherwise can be seen as potential spam)
@EmmaGx probably not.. though I wouldn't like to be on a hill trying to get in/out in this ice. Struggled just to get into gym sat
@EmmaGx small 10m slope. then later realised I'd have to go down (but had partially melted on sat by then so ok)
Ahh been looking at screen (work). Turned to look outside window. light SNOW #southampton #uksnow 3/10
@paulbackhouse @SarahAnnGreen I'm with Sarah on this one. roofs/bonnet. Says something about their driving skills too - more worry
@paulbackhouse @SarahAnnGreen also why do people go round corner into untreated road too fast and then wonder why they slide. Stupid.
@paulbackhouse yes ppl don't seem to understand it's no speed per se but awareness of handling & conditions.
@paulbackhouse like ppl that obliviously drive at 45mph on a straight 60 mph road then carry on at same speed in a 30 limit past local shops
@paulbackhouse don't want to do stereotypes (we have a mini 4x4 and kids in back sometime too)... it's just about consideration of impact
@paulbackhouse sorted? You mean the accel problem. No, but sometimes it's fine all day. might be cold weather or sensor issue. been too busy
@paulbackhouse to be fair it's probably ok more of the time than not ok. Plan to add some snake oil (polyether amine) - as in bmw/toyota
@paulbackhouse and then change fuel filter. Yes you reminded me I should check pipes.
@paulbackhouse Sticking/dodgy EGR valve another option. Hoping the cleaner helps a little. All fails could be injectors/pump :-(
@pembdave @quirkygeek @DJHMorecambe i wish, but AFAIK this is unofficial spam?. Very poor if ppl don't. incompetant
@paulbackhouse Yes, no codes currently. not aware of fuse, or response ie if discon. common practice is physical blanking. maybe. thx
@pembdave sadly common sense appears to be lacking given some ppls efforts driving in this weather. They should stay at home.
Virtually stopped in #southampton #uksnow SO53 1/10
quick weather check - slightly heavier #southampton #uksnow SO53 2/10
#southampton #uksnow SO53 0/10
@OzoneVibe if I'd posted a few mins previously it would have been 3/10 #uksnow
just finished a conf call (softphone), hung up and my music faded back in. Nice behaviour (win 7). Already knew/used but a nice reminder
#southampton #uksnow SO53 3/10
#southampton #uksnow SO53 4/10
Seeing the snowman the kids opposite have made #mademesmile
RT @PodF1: Austin submits F1 track plans to FIA: Organisers for the returning United States Grand Prix have sent their ... ...
@ApprenticeLaura How was karen? From a viewers perspectiive she was really good (despite loving margaret!) #apprentice
@EmmaGx in sat's case it was only 20m or so, andwas mostly melted in the key bits,
RT @BBCEntsTeam: A superb broadcaster. RIP RT @adrianvk Really shocked by the news that Brian Hanrahan has died. A wonderful wordsmith & ...
Snow falling more heavily now and settling more , visibility reduced #southampton #uksnow SO53 5/10
More snow, not rain yet #uksnow SO53 6/10
Bigger flakes now #uksnow SO53 7/10
@sirsteveyoung Well Spotted. I didn't - wife did. Very subtle - clever editing.
@frontieruk well we had snow. I didn't need to go out. OH did. roads fine once past the estate.
@amandagolding isn't there a gadget place on the lower floor - down by where waitrose used to be. Tho mostly electr. gadgets?
@frontieruk I've been out virtually every day of snow. Hope everyone else stays at home - easier for me ;-)
@OzoneVibe sorry to hear that. But hopefully for the best..
@nnubeh at least it wasn't 3 legged - could have been a triffid ....
@khouryrt I wish we'd see better cameras (nokia style) - don't think any hit the same std, though OS good
@nnubeh not a cylon either then?
@jtonline hacking it? installing tooling? Backup first?
RT @lukehmuse: Steam's Christmas sale has F1 2010 on the PC for £15 for those interested.
@rachelclarkef1 maybe not too much, but one? well I would. not face2face, but for a conf call ;-)
@sophiiebailey nothing on youtube/iplayer/sky etc at all? I know the feeling. depends what you want to watch.. right frame of mind etc
@iOlly no mobile phones? @TheGadgetShow
Tee hee. On a call last week I said "happy christmas" to a customer, but americal colleagues "happy holidays" @GrandPrixDiary @Queen_UK
still having that daily feeling that maybe I should order infinity/fttc given no real sign of sky/be though talktalk have announced
Switching back to #tweetdeck from #chromedeck - coming along nicely, but navigation is more tricky.
@skink74 I hate it mislaying things like that. I have a CPL filter and a 8Gb mem card "on the loose". they are def here somewhere...!
@rmappleby that presumably is each "first boot". Of course us nerds reflash so get regular activations?
@EmmaGx that's definately extra special though - time & consideration is more appreciated than money?
@Sweeping_Curves +1 ... not done a single one yet!
@ClaireLYoung @jonsnowc4 noticed that from bbc last night too. surely a lost cause given mobiles & just makes BAA look worse?
@Sweeping_Curves I can deal with cubes. Anything else gets more dodgy....
@vixisabel intrigued.
@EmmaGx I think it's nost just the "skill" but even if unskilled it's the time/dedication and thought.. sadly I'm useless at presents.
@EmmaGx unless they have a plug on them
@EmmaGx true. though usually stick to buying "plugged" items for me :-)
@vixisabel ahh sweet.
@EmmaGx my list is too long.... actually am pretty restrained.
@Joyouscomms you see I'd go banana, though OH is definately butterscotch.
@skink74 it's around, haven't been near water/metal/bright sun for a bit so have a little time!
@howardlucas were you coming from new forest @csomers Main roads I gather were fine going south from CF. (OH went to work). guess forest bad
@EmmaGx music/films, photography, phones etc all gadgets. still a nice walk in the country is free,.. and like that too!
@EmmaGx i have a huge backlog of DVDs to watch, and still have lovefilm with 10,000+ online. Media overload!
@vodafoneuk Can you help. Placed an order via quidco but not showing as tracked after 3 days. If can't resolve will cause lots of hassle
@VodafoneUK as would need to cancel under 7 day period as per and try again, need confirmation as significant affect
@vodafoneuk on cost.
@vodafoneuk sent an explanation to WRT135
getting somewhat frustrated at @quidco and @vodafoneuk since a) CB enquiries only after 30 days b) cancel period is 7 days. doesn't work.
about to watch extroadinary measures. any good? hope so

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