Monday 6 December 2010

From Twitter 12-06-2010

@snipeyhead enjoy it. I thought it was the best so far! (saw it on imax screen too - great) #harrypotter
@eric_andersen thats something to aspire to. If only search was so easy
@sxa555 @eric_andersen it's also down to those orgs not to abuse the "timeline". I've unfollowed some for excessive posts, othes are #fail
@sxa555 @eric_andersen more interesting/useful they'll be the winners (just as on twitter)
@paul_houle ? Using ok here? in what way? #fail
@THEpastamaster well G will be 12-25, suspect N will be 40-80 in real life. Gbit is up to 1000 (I've maxed around 600, say 400 4 file copy)
@THEpastamaster YMMV as they say -- though note that the speed drops off a lot both for distance and also if you move from say u/stairs
@THEpastamaster ring to downstairs. Worth a try but I'd make sure you can return (amazon? argos etc).I'd guess the "200" ones will give you
@THEpastamaster 70-80 tops. Also depends on speed of source/dest systems, file sizes etc.
@THEpastamaster may help ?
@EmmaGx At least you had some friends in your pocket presumably to keep you company even if it does look geekish (like everyone these days)
@EmmaGx Still have to pick up son from work (sat job) xmas do albeit only a few miles. Think it will be cold/slippery. would prefer sleep
@EmmaGx talking of n900 - have you tried "twimgo". I got through xfactor with it (a minor stress test). still not a tweedeck.. but..
@EmmaGx not in the dev repos yet sadly -- and you need to have qtwrt installed first
@EmmaGx I intend to. at least quiet. Did actually go out thu, 4 times fri, and sat .. carefully esp our side road (rink). main less bad
@EmmaGx but think tonight is in some ways worse - just ice.
@EmmaGx actually I don't think it is even in the "devel" (=fun) repo yet. You may need that for qtwrt. not checked. approaching usable
@EmmaGx twimgo thread at #n900
@EmmaGx BTW the tweets are doing nothing to shed the geek image ;-)
time to head out . joys @EmmaGx
serious frost out. so enjoying having to head out
this is hardest frost in ages. taking so long to clear
good. home again. cold and slippery out there
@EmmaGx its a web runtime app so should be fairly safe...
@paul_houle mm.. not seen that on w7 x64. i have it on 3 systems (1 is x86) and kids have it on a few too..
@paul_houle maybe dodger installer. perhaps ok if figure out how to cleanup. sorry no precise tips
@EmmaGx night.
RT @TaimurAsad Facebook Launches New Profile Design. Here’s How to Get it Right Now !!! #fb #facebook #fb
@sxa555 i have never used questions anyway. will check it out more tomorrow
@SimonLR well the merged (orange) uk company is 'everything everywhere'
@sxa555 or use an app that beeps/uses notifications? r u on 3 still? thinking of voda then wont be able to afford anything
@TheScorpius666 twimgo looking good
@sxa555 work/home cov my issue. using voda payg for last 2 weeks working out well just much lower data limits /higher prices..
@sxa555 the wlan restrictions hardly help
far too sleepy this morning. Late night taxi kept me awake too long :-(
@cyberdoyle What does BET stand for (regular dsl if no space in fttc cab?) @thinkbroadband #digitalbritainmyarse
@cyberdoyle perfect thanks #BET #digitalbritainmyarse
open fridge, see craberry sauce. think duck sauce, now it's all about the memories. wierd music on head #barbarastriesand
plan B being deployed. In goes a 1l bottle of energy drink...
positively tropical compare to my trip out at 00:15 last night, and a slow (ice) but fairly relaxing drive to work (only 4 miles!)
Odds on office heating working? Reported faults so many times. Demanding heater if no good today. not good enough
my part of the office is near deserted.
Microsoft/ATI/Intel - whats point of switchable graphics if always fails (in use) and no way to determine which app
Visual C++ runtime "This application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way". No appname listed. super #usability #fail
Mmmm. openoffice and pidgin failed. Looks like ntdll.dll & graphics stack issues. fed up. Going to re-install the SP1 RC to see if it fixes
@wlvs Ouch. Positively baking here in comparison. My pers favourites for quick heating aare the higher end themostatic oil radiators
@perrins am pretty sure we've taken stuff back to M&S for similar reason in past & got refund (tho take point about improving quality)
lots of things seem to be broken/down/slow this morning - progress is like wading through treacle.
error 400s, time-outs, things just not working, URLs not found, dead links. Arrrggghhh
Anyone have a brick wall I can use?
so cant do expense, cant get to various sites, email sending failing. Think I should go back to a warm bed #itsallgoingwrong
@jon_read was that meant to mean "me2"
@geraintwjones sometimes I think yep, I'll terminate you in an unusal way. Probably involving a brick or a hacksaw
@jtonline how long's the queue?
@bebroadband Are we going to get an update to "tom talks about fibre" ? that was back in July. thx
@Hedgewytch much of the time it's an emission sensor failure.. (o2 sensor, perhaps not heating) etc. I got a code reader few yrs ago. useful
@Hedgewytch Oh no! Loose wire probably. I had an issue after a service once. Of course the failure was unrelated. Anyway we came to an
@Hedgewytch agreement that was mutually acceptable.
still cold today in office. think I need to WFH until a heater arrives. Hands freezing. is it that cold or am I coming down with s/thing?
wondering if I should start up some "cpuburn" processes & boot old machine to warm office more? shame no monster unix server in here anymore
today has been about as productive as blutack is on a ZX81 rampack with a heavy handed typist.
@andysc not me, though there may be quite a num still on economy 7 storage heating which has got flexible in recent years - modern version?
@andysc do use electric to augment gas though - extension (radiator not working properly), conservatory (in spring/autumn - too cold now)
@andysc electric heated oil storage in both cases.
So @v4ibhav is it just me or is the #GalaxyS #NexusS somewhat uninspiring. Decent enough & android 2.3, but no big step forward?
@OzoneVibe And you can see proper snow, but not when it's just ice #uklackofsnow
@v4ibhav yep dual core seems to be the thing to wait for. (would like better cameras a la Nokia too) #NexusS #GalaxyS
seriously cold. drove to gym. some ice patches forming. take care driving #southampton
@sirsteveyoung it got disposed of
@tlaukkanen fair enough, I guess it could be wrapped in deb for ease of distribution though?
@IamNii_Teiko yeah to be fair by itself you're right. What I'm really hoping for is battery life and better cameras...
@O2 Any known issues in my pc (will DM). 1-3 bars 2G out no signal much of inside. NO 3G anywhere Checker says 5bars 2G and 3G good in/out
Are there any MVNOs that use UK vodafone network (like asda, talktalk) and cheaper for data (500-1000Mb)?
@racheeroo01 no - wish we had the option here, sadly not so stuck on 4Mbps adsl. FTTC (BT fibre to green cab, then copper) soon though
hoping tomorrow is a more productive day - with a half work day & a ex-colleagues xmas lunch it should be :-)
Does anyone have simple instructions for flashing HTC Hero (2.1, 3 UK GSM) to Cyyanogen 2.2 ? (lots variation -- he's getting bothered)
@OzoneVibe well I'll be in Winchester (Chinese), not sure what times the guys will hang around until
@OzoneVibe cellar peking
So much for checking a little work email - client crashed. oh for ***** sake what a day
@AndyCDoyle that sounds cheap compared to some I've seen - think you got off lightly. Isn't the asda smartprice good enough?
@epredator but addiction isn't just doing something of no benefit it's about it being disproportionate? (haven't seen prog)
@peteralevy that film is brilliant! enjoy it
@OzoneVibe ah yes that's it. rebranding.
@epredator I can believe it.The same ppl that are "addicted" to games would be addicted to something else if they didn't exist.
@epredator I mean they could be addicted to twitter for example ;-)
@epredator Whilst not a gamer (really, ever!) I think the *good* thing is that these days games are actually pretty social
@jon_read no you're too slow again - it was enter the dragon
@johnhood I take it this is the same series as was on Sky1 earlier in the year?
@epredator yes! good description
RT @bvlad: Samsung Google Nexus S UK pricing revealed, Android 2.3 user manual now available
I see a lot of signs of #maemo really going EOL now - things being withdrawn/stopped. So how long b4 official nokia #meego device?
RT @dr138: I'm talking with IBM bigwig Steve Mills this week. Anyone have questions?

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