Thursday 2 December 2010

From Twitter 12-02-2010

@Alexandra_1608 yes we had more snow over night . was out ~11pm last night - slow, not been out today
@JayMontano my wishes a) good twitter app like tweetdeck/gravity b) wifi positioning c) compass - other than that, ace
@jtonline cool. haven't been out to measure. visually I reckoned 15cm so sounds like right ballpark #uksnow
RT @BBCBreaking: Qantas launches legal action against Rolls Royce manufacturer of A380 engine which exploded last month
Brilliant even if another continent! RT @dsml: Weather warning: two feet of snow in the city.
@JayMontano it's nearly driven me to desire hd/galaxy s or even zte blade on many occasions. Gravity isn't Qt though :-(
@JayMontano what do you use? #witter can be slow/unreliable. #khweetear overloads api, poor history, and limited fn #Gravity #Qt
@JayMontano #tweego looks slick but no dm/mention/auto refresh twimgo seems clinky. website small text/more awkward #Gravity #Qt
@JayMontano witter best in function, but scrolling jerky, s/times locks up/looses credentials, gestures mis-interpreted
@Alexandra_1608 no doubt will head out for a walk later to see proper pretty!
@OzoneVibe trying to think how far you are from big tescos anyway - a walk?
@OzoneVibe not so bad then - at least it's not *on* the M3. looks like a proper footpath!
just seen a car outside spinning wheels incessantly trying to get up road (v. minor hill) - lighter touch needed?
@OzoneVibe Well surely if I press the pedal more I'll go faster right. simple. (oh it was a white van BTW)
@hardillb snow on the line? Well last year we had burst/leak in A4 and it was shut for a few days
@noelrooney seen how the main knightwod road is yet/chandlers ford. I'd hope its ok just side roads bad, but not checked yet
How are the main roads around chandlers ford/eastleigh /otterbourne right now. Ok or bad? Is it mostly just side/estate roads poor?
cameras at seem to suggest main roads are fine (taking care) - chilworth roundabout for example
@sxa555 Just tried #we7 again (amd phenom 3x core 8600Gt chrome beta) 35% with we7 page open. loads of animations. still totally unusable
At least 5 segments of pages have animated dverts for albums, sky,, join now, nme #we7
@parboo thanks. looks similar to last night.
@OzoneVibe good fine. Works as long as lots of ppl stay home
You fancy spending the night there then!
@sxa555 Just thought I'd check lastfm, and ok it's a client, not browser, but streaming is sitting 0 - 1 % spotify client 1% #we7
@sxa555 becomes relevant when its background music whilst working [and running other "heavy" software ;-) ] ie on laptop
remembered problem with WFH during snow - visitors, kids friends, noise outside. (hence music streaming & good headphones essential...)
stupid app. since when is "save as draft" the same as "save as draft and close". Duh wasted clicks fail
@ThreeUK Hi, Can I check that a coverage boost/mast upgrade/new mast (which?) is still planned for around 15/12 SO53 ?
@etherealtype guess you know this --> RT @aspender: RT @SOU_Airport: Southampton Airport is now closed until 4pm today...
RT @xplane0202: so i struggle for an hour tying to screw the back onto a chair and dad comes in just now and does it in 2 mins :S arghhh ...
simple job to collect daughter couple of miles away - basically an hour. drive/own road + destination = ice rinks/no grit.
main road ok-ish. Have another 2 journeys for kids today. Quicker to walk probably.
A friend of mine is over in zurich involved in bid/waiting for announce. he must be bricking it.
getting slightly more worried about driving up to near birmingham on sat (snowforcast there) back sun (forcast here).
currently trying "rockmelt" as browser again (DM if I'm following & you want invite, and are on facebook). Should me "snowmelt" today!
Like working at home when it's quiet. Today is not that, and it's a struggle to concentrate..
Popped down to grab a few shots of our pup playing outside - briefly - in the garden
@adamsapples should do. Prob need to be fb friend, or I can try cheating and send an email link if you prefer. DM me details
@TomRedknap Prob need to be fb friend, or I can try cheating and send an email link if you prefer can see if that works. DM me details
anyone else get an issue on chrome where the title bar disappears (this is under aero on Win 7). Happens with beta (v8) and rockmelt (v7)
@paul_houle yay! I used emacs (more xmeacs) for many years !
RT @kebirch: World Cup announcement delayed for a recount - ????? - there are only 22 votes. How can you miscount 22 votes?
so will we get the WC?
@iainduncani I see your twibbon!
Is it like #xfactor - do we get some guests for next hour before finding out the answer?
bbc reporting that's the case ? suspected anyway RT @Joyouscomms: England bid #fail massively disappointed
Yes! RT @AndyBold: When do they bring Wagner on? #WorldCup2018
hope it won't be like that austrialia "top model" competition where the announcer messed up
its empty!
russia ...
Mm. vpn fallen over again about 3-4th time today...
very timely!
@craigcalcaterra @steevbishop Seriously, how can anyone misspell russia ?
as usual my co-op insurance quote is higher than web quote. Can't be adjusted so just have to do it again. Silly. more admin for them!
same policy, same limits just free emergency insurance & 10% discount. Why not have web renewal site. guess its inertia. still good company
Christening canceled. Glad I booked a flexible root rate in hotel. Cancel was 1 click / no charge away
@OzoneVibe It's @xplane0202 s birthday so somewhat his call but think we may do a family meal out, prob saturday #twurryup
@OzoneVibe but will be at the tweetup next sat. quite a few meals between now and then! #twurryup
@OzoneVibe yeah not fai to just disappear out. I'd bring him along but think OH/sis will want to do something together #twurryup
today's been somewhat mixed. Quite disrupted and harder to focus. Hope tomorrow will be smoother
@andypiper never looked at android in depth, like the fact that on N900 maemo I can use ps, top, >>powertop<< etc to figure out drain
@mike_griffin_f1 I'd guess the average wealth per capita might be slightly higher though
Just checked my @O2 coverage. Sadly full (normal/good) voice/text/data/INTERNET coverage for home postcode is actually 0-1 bars
back from picking son up from work. Each time I've gone out (3 times) it's got slippier. Very slippery in places now.
don't want to go out again now...
@jaylimburn not at all -- focus. Have more confidence in it as used to it & "feel" the surface better. Also stability control #4x4sRule
!!OMG!! Don't think I've ever seen it forcast this cold -> -11 deg.C tonight
minus 11. seriously. that is **** cold.
should have bought some nice brandy - specially for the cold weather you understand. Maybe tequilla will work ...
getting that cold tonight roads are going to be far far worse than today I reckon. def stay at home tomorrow
@timbo_baggins you raised me 2 there!
@jaylimburn I guess what I meant was understanding the behaviour/dynamics/limits more important than absolute level? #4x4sRule
@jaylimburn Also I've seen a few IMO ******* today in #4x4s. Most people fairly sensible though
@OzoneVibe must admit I was out an hour ago and it didn't seem that cold, but only briefly (walked to atm!)
@martinjgale it was funny to see their team was so surprised to have won!
@OzoneVibe @Alexandra_1608 just like any city - always warmer than surroundings. All the hot air from the city?
Finally cooking dinner - new potatoes, ratatouille, and some ocean salmon #waitrose
@OzoneVibe @Alexandra_1608 oh I didn't know that
@OzoneVibe Warm quicker is good - though the **HIGH** for tomorrow is -4 - so no defrost? AARRGHH
@davenice very funny!
RT @davenice: @planetf1 technically -11 is only just ** cold, not **** cold. I presume we're talking freezer star ratings?
dinner is served. yummy
@Alexandra_1608 Just like we can't handle snow. guess it's down to whats normal or not... #NoCentralHeating
RT @hantsconnect: Brr, at - 5 degrees salt's not very good at stopping ice on roads and at -10 its not much use at all, be careful
@IamLewis4real So to throw a curveball many obvious choices mentioned I'm intrigued this & pushing tech forward ?
@OzoneVibe one of the itv forcasters was on lunchtime news and said overall coldest he'd done in 20 years
@peregr1n and of course we do have the olympics...
after seeing new forcasts wishing I'd bought more in the supermarket today. (like red wine!)
usually prefer alaskan salmon, but have our side of the atlantic salmon tonight. Def better than the farmed stuff...
Hopefully will be watching part 2 (we broke earlier in week) of Gangs of New York. #movietime
@vixisabel did you slip/get an injury? why else hang around at A&E? #fb
@vixisabel it's looking pretty cold and slippery round here. Studded boots then?
@SlyRenard not only have I not tried it, I haven't heard of it until now!
@nnubeh is it downhill and in a straight line? If so good.
@SlyRenard bit further than my local waitrose. But if I'm in the area I should look!

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