Saturday 11 December 2010

From Twitter 12-11-2010

@littlecough 'fraid it was quick tonight. xmas dinner appt! hey we're a sociable lot reallty..
@paulbackhouse hopefully then. am off there tomorrow.
lovely xmas dinner tho convinced coke is worse for you than wine/beer (driving) have to remedy tomorrow and let train take the strain!
Escaped from being crawled all over by the dogs.. they're extra cuddly tonight!
@peteralevy thanks for the #ff
@vixisabel trying to preserve family reputation? #fb
@sirsteveyoung is this for home? what raid sys are you using? is ti a drobo?
@Thrinne1 silly Q but have you called? Inside warranty-free? Outside - ask to cancel. they'll offer to fix free soon enough ;-)
@Thrinne1 ah! I see ... 3rd party involved...
@jayegan that';s throughput not sync? ISP restrictions/throttling?
@jayegan bt master socket bad? even in the "test" jack which disconnects extension wiring. if so does sound like BT needed :-(
@jayegan but if it's extension wiring / filter they'll want £££. Having adsl filtered at master is best for noise.
@EmLah we've only seen victorian and war so far. 70s is in sky. others expire on iplayer in next 2 days. If we got 2 watch 1more - 60s?
@jayegan at least if you get noise on voice line it's a voice fault so easy to get bt out rather than tricky broadband/isp problem
@honeybee85 i felt sorry for crofty on last race where his voice was totally disintegrating over weekend. i did 4 days on a demo at @sxa555
@honeybee85 a while back. on last day was talking to cust and suddenly voice stopped. couldnt get word out. doing radio too? @sxa555
@vixisabel i was going to say find another town.. though some things are invariant
@BellaCombs as long as you avoid the rabbit... @f1gossip
@Tuesdaytweetup Seen on the orange rooms website that you can signup for a "keycard" on night (at bar) for 2for1 drinks/25% off food
@OzoneVibe probably get the 1614 from CF, likely train. just looking at bus too as presume it goes up/down avenue
@OzoneVibe @amandagolding i suspect it could get noisy after 8pm anyway, so conversation best before
@amandagolding @OzoneVibe yep. I do prefer train to bus though BUS is hourly to >> 0315 << !
@parboo thanks for the kind offer. Just going to figure out 1st whether to do any shopping (looking) first whilst down there so may go early
@OzoneVibe and no I don't intend to be that late. Suspect much earlier after it gets noisy (b4 11? so prob normal train)
@amandagolding @OzoneVibe 6 of us out for a meal last night. Only small pub but at times could hardly hear across table. some ppl SO noisy
@amandagolding @OzoneVibe and this was a jovial across-the-ages friends/family gathering, just ppl get so noisy in large groups !
@KataHyde Did you visit the Christmas Market by the Cathedral? Very cute and bustling there
@OzoneVibe how many of you went to @amandagolding #TwurryUp ? sorry I missed it. sounded fun
dilemma - off to gym, or xmas decs/lights sorting. family probably wants latter
@LukaSambuca Na Gym wins. will use time to think about tonights cocktails /// Nope I meant xmas present lists ;-)
@LukaSambuca I mean if I do the gym I needn't feel guilty eating/drinking out tonight right #whatsthepoint ?
@LukaSambuca a health binge before xmas. Ummm.. too many parties/meals eek.
@EmpireSteve :-( sorry under the weather. next time.
@Maddie28 8 saw wicked in #nyc at gershwin in april and *loved it*. def a really good musical. would see again!
@LukaSambuca I see your point. Allows for more parties. will not try to compare cal.s earnt at gym with food/drinks later
@popey switching to techie mode to read ;-) did rather make me wonder how many people will be fsck'd tonight. multiboot needed for mornings?
@lookingspiffy am starting to feel a little worried now. 2 week countdown... may take look b4 tweetup tonight! #FalseExcitement
@anghelides that is bad bad bad! #fb
@popey boot live usb/cd? check disk/mount/logs? #ubuntu
Going to miss #xfactor tonight for the #tweetup. Have to watch late - at least get to watch results show tomorrow live...
@Walkerooo Yep should be a good one. #Tweetup #Southampton
@ananyah there's a lot of cher hate. guess marmite. I think she's good, tho trying but will evolve. fav def has to be rebecca 4me #xfactor
@parboo <feels bad> :-( I've decided to head to town shortly to look at xmas presents... so will catch you later but thanks for offer!
@Walkerooo do you have speech reco or are you really using your phone in the bath ' Worried tweets will get wet soon!
@OzoneVibe @Walkerooo And I'm free to eat/drunk tonight after burning off cals at gym ;-) #itdoesntaddup #Tweetup #Southampton
@ananyah I think I could *listen* to rebecca lots, whilst cher would be intriguing to watch and has a way to go.
@epredator it's a lost cause at this time of year... #TwistmasTweetup
@Walkerooo so xmas present for amy should be waterproof floating iphone (?) case ....
sat down to drink coffee before heading out and write a letter (ok long email). Did I, nope. #itsalltwittersfault
@epredator that could be pretty cool and dynamic especially with multiple projectors you could throw things around
going to brave town for an hour or so b4 #tweetup #uselessxmasshopper
every twitter app i've used is somewhat unreliable. esp in how network drop/reconnect is handled. grr.
@tpphotography #southampton #tweetup ...
@popey same here. be it ubunti fedora maemo. just prefer/trust cli more?
not that warm out. decided to leave ski jacket at home. eek. hope summer jacket warm enough later....
train is nice and warm :-)
@vixisabel thats hard to say but i think its more the sw...
@linerlovers are you writing a book/making a dvd?
@lau_amyf1 just local train (8 miles or so?) to #southampton for one of our regular #tweetup s @tuesdaytweetup . 20-30 ppl?
@parboo am not convinced its a good idea yet....
@linerlovers will be interested to see it. do u have other cruise stuff up there? url?
just realised i mentioned 'ubunti' in earlier tweet. are they little ubuntu boxes? babies? or is it correct plural? @popey
Ah. John lewis is pretty
about to wander over to #tweeup...
@tpphotography yes in town about to head over
@sxa555 difficult to image how daughter would have coped without it
@etherealtype good memories. long delays and slipups... i guess shopping forgives all then...!
@linerlovers will look forward it it
nearly at #tweetup bedford pl
Someone enjoying their burger @amandagolding
lovely crowd at the tweetup. food at the orange rooms very good #tweetup
RT @amandabotero: "já dei tempo ao tempo mais o tempo não me ajuda!" #Jorge&Mateus

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