Tuesday 7 December 2010

From Twitter 12-07-2010

watching some of the extras on 'gangs of new york' about #nyc history, 5 points, immigration, gans,politics etc. interesting
@tlaukkanen Great new features in #twimgo 2.0.1 - od+new RT, following reply-to chain. THANK YOU! #n900 @EmmaGx http://bit.ly/h4ySPU
@sxa555 nope - they were worse.
@Bendihossan Been using it for years. Like the recommendations & finding friends with similar music style also scrobbing #lastfm >> ping
@SamMillarF1 sounds cheap compared to quotes I got for my son. Will pay for a few taxis?
@SamMillarF1 we only looked briefly, just turned 17. It was 2500-3500 basically out of question, you may be luckier. lessons not till ny now
@icicle_halo_ @Glinner Also the "new" cinema for me is the "IMAX" screens. Large super quality, amazing audio. really adds to the experience
early start today and just half day )
hhave to catch up on tweets later... getting cracking with work today so I can enjoy mysef later :-)
Interesting ted pitch about work effectiveness. Watch this instead of going to a meeting! http://bit.ly/fX9vUH
Oh the curse of modal dialogs again. Get input/list field, click action 4 help. Info comes up modal so can't be used alongside entry #fail
Text field which doesn't accept "CTRL-A" to select all (and then delete) text. I do dislike inconsistency, standards are there for a reason
@Lord_Sugar Have you tried @BTCare on twitter ? they may be able to help. My pet peeve - barrier of call cent between me & supplier experts
just! had! an! email! advertizing! something! Must! have! been! from! yahoo! as !!!!!! after! every! phrase!
RT @Lord_Sugar: Bt were talking cr.. my IT guy coming with new router to prove 100pc. will spend today making bt CEO sorry he got out o ...
Just realised the new facebook profile page strips out leading "0" from phone number. So obvious surely! total #facebook #fail
Same, typo? where do I sign? RT @CarlWoodfin: @VodafoneUK why does it say the iPhone 4 is Free from £25 per month? I can't find that deal!!
RT @caostheory: Oracle will port its Enterprise Linux distribution to its Sparc processor. http://bit.ly/eVIC6T
@BT_Infinity thats fine but blocker for me is*punitive* 1Mb/30 days if exceed 300Gb even though that amount prob ok. end/period would be ok
@oldmanuk since when? reference?
@oldmanuk Not in my experience? Just tried some forms now, everything seems to take CTRL-A as select all?
@oldmanuk err same on linux and I think Mac (no personal exp)?
on way to meet up for xmas lunch with some old work colleagues in winchester. yummy.
way 5o go. bag on 1 seat of 4. feet up on another. glaring at 4th.yes these are only few seats left and am sitting down.
@BT_Infinity its decent but about risk/mistake and duration of inability to then use ie for iplayer etc. just my input ...
do prefer travelling by train. prob as quick and cheap even with change just less frequent. next time to winch!
average age of bus users loads higher than train (more kids)
noticed a few small breaks in voda coverage and big 3g gap otterbourne-st cross on journey. 3 better
lovely starters. waitress finally has a rest from beer topups... only just
serious meal. beer/starters now mains coming. v.nice though. more tsingtau!
lunch finished. good to catchup. may check out shops... or pub?
woohay. 4th atm before had one with money. winchester citizens are cleaning the banks out
@noelrooney agree royal oak it is
m.check.in not working?
@sxa555 page didnt render 4 me
bbc uk news web page has tram crash story.... but its only a soap...
checking phones coming home cf vodafone is demonstration of how superior @threeuk 3g coverage is. will be sad to leave but basic cover rules
@Squeaky_the_pin am I bad if I sometimes drop them on twitter? So tempting when just a few chars short....
finally time for a sit down/coffee after getting home and taking dogs out for a walk... still very full of lunch! Salad l8r I think...
@OzoneVibe wtricky to say in such a large group (well 25 or so) - certainly enjoyed it though. I would say "good" > avg <excellent 7.5/10?
@OzoneVibe they're very good at bringing TsingTao at an unbelievable rate. ....
@OzoneVibe yep. still got xmas lunch tomorrow (work) and friday (friends) before the tweetup. salad/gym in the gaps.
@EmpireSteve @jetlbomb if you install the desktop client you may get longer after download before it deletes tho i dont use just stream
@EmpireSteve @jetlbomb http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/install
An efficient quick customer service call to capital one (as is usual) :-)
@Walkerooo I think it's pretty tough at this time of year to find somewhere let alone get 30 ppl to agree - poor guy organizing @OzoneVibe
@Walkerooo @OzoneVibe xmas lunch for about 15 ppl at work had a hard enough time just face 2 face. Dave's done a great job to get sorted :-)
@Walkerooo nah sorry amy not trying to get at you at all, just feeling the pain ... maybe a comprimise is to agree to stay there @OzoneVibe
@Walkerooo @OzoneVibe until 8pm or so, and can always move on if required, though this time of year everywhere will be busy? you coming?
@Walkerooo maybe we should arrange a boxing ring. Ok stop!
@Walkerooo @OzoneVibe same..
@jon_read all friends now again .... See you Sat @Walkerooo @OzoneVibe
I appear to be loosing my voice. Oh dear... not in itself a big issue but maybe time for extra vit.c/echinacea
My #N900 media player papears to have lost DLNA capability - no devices showing/reboot no diff. other players fine. What did I do...
no surprise but reassuring to see (best contract deal £) = (best SIM only deal) + (free handset price) on multiple h/sets. simfree it is.
@Sweeping_Curves I've not seen the other eps, but the 70s one intrigued me. May watch.

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

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