Sunday 19 December 2010

From Twitter 12-19-2010

@etherealtype I was worried the snow would stop ppl but I think we had 32 of 40 or so turn up. not bad.
so what's been hppening on twitter... err apart from someone spamming youtube playlists... ? ;-)
@GreatButton eek. not had any issues with lovefilm so far.. neat service
@etherealtype it was quite near having lights/loud music/videos but yes the tech isn;t quite perfect yet
@etherealtype also need to check how much BW I've used. I have an unlimited service now, but have been toying with moving up to bt
@etherealtype infinity (fibre to cabinet). but that has a "mere" 300Gb/month limit
@GreatButton have you tried their streaming service. Not HD but works nicely (on sony bluray/samsung internet@tv )
even the kids now have put slower music on.... must be getting close to sleep time...
@etherealtype did you have a nice evening? strictly? not watched it...
@GreatButton must admit I find the issue these days is so much content between onlien/iplayer/lovefilm/dvd/bluray/skyhd, little time!
@vixisabel tee hee. I'm not the only one then :-) #fb
time for some katy perry 'firework' #dontwanttogotobedyet
Ok so last few Rihanna tracks done. time to power down for the evening ... good game....
Surprisingly untired given was up at 0545 this morn Party fun! All finished now, everyone else home/in bed :-( No stamina for all nighters!
One skill you def pick up at uni and never forget - how to party. honest!
@etherealtype hob, drama. thinking fire, not good.... must admit like our new hob. finally safe one (cuts out if flame goes out...)
Unbelievably never got around to starting up dance central/kinext tonight. #fail ?
if I had my way it would be time to go out clubbing at this point .... ;-)
And scarily this is adrenaline, not drunken tweets... just having fun!
@interestedb yep
@lipstickmiss :-)
@etherealtype no chance here. bought some at about midday. mostly gone by 2pm! Close shave on the cream cheese too!
wish some of my twitter peeps could have been at my party tonight. Let me know for the next one!
@interestedb had a house party :-) sadly all over now . sleep time soon :-(
@interestedb the benefit of doing the party <hosting> - everyone else came here so I'm nice nad warm!
now thinking - def. need better speakers/amp for next party :-).
@etherealtype ah! Always thought about one of those. (high tech). supposed to be very good! Sticking with old fasioned gas...
@etherealtype Ummm. I don't think the same applies to asda. Think you may be up a level ;-)
@interestedb Fun yes, like parties :-)
@victoriarusso :-( Are you stuck there waiting for a flight ? #heathroW
@interestedb indeed. really should make new years res to have more / go out more too. Hey partying is fun...
@interestedb well if you're around the #southampton area do let me know. Birthday is 15 Jan so seriously considering one around then!
@etherealtype You cooking xmas day? parents?
@Sofia sorry sofia. A little glitch with a party playlist. Hope you can come back. didn't realise what had happened understand & apology :-(
@etherealtype ah bless. yes I guess some a fair way across the atlantic ..
@etherealtype I know the feeling. you;re not alone with that thought!
@etherealtype we're getting there with food, but clearly past there with liquid refreshment -)
one thing I am really bad at - going to sleep... "where's the party" as madonna would sya ;-)
after many many hours constant streaming (non hd) still "only" 23 Gb in 4 days so still on target for 160Gb/month
So 160Gb/month is still within @BT_Infinity 300Gb FUP yet I still feel uncomfortable....
Eeek 0336. perhaps not the most sensible time to head to bed #partyanimal
wondering how many less followers today ...
@Kateroon All went well (apart from youtube...!)
Yay only 6 unfollows in last 24 hours. ONly one genuine person, and not someone I interact with. saved..
Now my timeline (mentions actually) is so full of replies...
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe Sort of. View youtube playlist. Click button/select all, dropdown "add to favourites" that was it...
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe The reason -- samsung internet@tv doesn't seem to support youtube playlists, but can play FAV stream
Turn on tv only to find Rihanna had revisited us after last night!...
@Shelley__Lee thank you :-)
@anotherproblem really went to facebook too. oh now!
@anotherproblem I don't see anything on fb. do you - on my profile ?
@icicle_halo_ @OzoneVibe Actually it was too easy to do quickly! and yes sorry 'bout invites. would have loved to but numbers etc :-(
@vixisabel Depends on the crowd to some extent (will you ever see these ppl again!)..
Realising how easy it is to spam my youtube/twitter followers by doing "select all"/"add to favourites" :-( #mademesmile
@anotherproblem The gelocation plugin on my laptop sounds as if it's defaulting to ISP/IP based location. Am with O2...
A night of youtube activity (!) has pushed bw usage up a bit though taking last 4 days avg ov mth still only 200Gb (still thinking bt/300?)
@nessie111 Did you pop it in the freezer. Surely that stuff doesn't freeze though I guess it gets v.thick? Not tried!
@edent @Documentally no worries if it should be an opt out (and better configurable) - for the reason described
@anotherproblem well I was... but that was post party.
@nnubeh not waitrose? Set sights higher... unless of course you were running it!
Must remember to check & blog about youtube experiences later....
@Documentally harder with mobile usage...
@vixisabel obvious frustration ?
RT @KirstieMAllsopp: Whoever is tweeting for @HeathrowAirport needs a bloody medal, they r keeping it going & properly replying!
@nnubeh support? development? test? small/large vendor? All best for new job
@Documentally I know vodafone and three have content filtering, but I've never needed to have them lifted
@nessie111 I really enjoyed it thought it was the best so far... felt closer to the characters. have read book tho.
@ananyah not fun. Was that off the main road. even in deepest south estate roads are like ice rinks
@ananyah I went out early 7am yesterday. struggled to get up one hill - 5 attempts. Felt good, went into gym, then realised I'd have to go
@ananyah DOWN later and started to get worried. Fortunately by then a) some grit b) down here things had started melting.
@formulacyan but it will always be a economic balancing act investment for few weeks/year. i don't know rel. costs @lilyroseallen
RT @LauraLeslie23: I am an official @stuartbaggs fan now! :) Everyone follow him.
@ananyah eek that's not so good.
@ananyah very gentle driving. was out yesterday, and whilst there's def ice here and same good happen you clearly have it loads worse up N
visiting friends so prob missing the #apprentice live final. will watch delayed but will require a forced seperation from twitter tonight!
@Hands0n i like the idea as at least its payg so no big outlay/commitment. sadly nr 0 o2 cov inside, little out house,no 3g so not for me
@OzoneVibe you should be safe unless my friends asks for a twitter/youtube demo (that wont happen tho)
@OzoneVibe also i think that unlike here (3bad Vgood) they have 3ok Vbad so maybe offline anyway!
lovely full xmas dinner with friends. delightful and an acceptable reason for being late for #apprentice !
realised friends are another place with no/minimal 3 coverage but vodafone is ok
looks like the cause of youtube probs last night (starting with not playing) was down to most vids not being allowed on tvs-due to licensing
really despise these arbitary restrictions. just seems way to encourage illicit use.
@Inacurate a) samsung ue46c6620 tv b) sony bdp-s370 bluray
@chris_dudley exactly ask google. because the companies are being a*****
@chris_dudley @inacurate so a proxy which does user agent spoofing may fool it. (thinks) anyone tried this? shouldnt be needed.
@Inacurate @chris_dudley though whether the app then works is another matter
having fan xmas gift exchanges
about to not wtch #apprentice.... watching later. will be the other side!

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