Thursday 28 October 2010

From Twitter 10-28-2010

@RachaelEdwards def agree with you there - I dislike even odd half days. in fact when they're a puppy they need even more attention
@skyhd I've just had a call from someone purporting to be sky, but it sounded dodgy/unprofessional. Did not give security details, think ->
@skyhd it's a scam. How can I authenticate the caller? Can you check my account to see if it was genuine. I am awaiting a call but sounded
@skyhd wrong. Can provide account info via DM if you follow
Interesting question 4 all org making outbound calls like @skyhd . How do U authenticate to person your calling before authenticating them
day off of course involves chasing puppies around the kitchen...
Nice ;-) RT @onlythoughtwork: "An internal error occured while showing an internal error" Aha :-) #eclipse #android
@bebroadband @peaktimesumo Interesting Q. How much data would it need to carry onboard at that speed to get 100 Mbps #100MbTaxi
too early (lie in) is it 5 mph=8kph=2m/s. So 50Mb=5MB. seperation of 5m = 5*= 25MB ? ?
@angryjedi An approximation to make maths easier sorry
@angryjedi How much data would a stream of ondon taxis back to back have to carry onboard to stream data at 100 Mbps @bebroadband
Thoughts about outbound call security & call centres. Wonder what "industry practice" is @skyhd #fb
Ouch sitting down results in being attacked by revenge of the killer claw. These puppies are sharp. (and not just in being creative)
@angryjedi Exactly...
@sxa555 exactly - so do I. This seemed to confused them - who knows if it was genuine or not but aint giving details out randomly!
RT @sxa555: @planetf1 "Industry practice" is to assume customers don't 'get' security so won't challenge the caller...
@EmpireSteve I can whinge about Santander, but if anything they are extra-secure (too much so at times) so no complaints there
I can assert that puppies aged 4-7 weeks take a lot of time...
@skyhd Dm sent
pups still running riot. Arrgh. Hoping they tire soon (think it will be) so I can head to gym. Day off seems harder than working ....!
@noelrooney on vacation :-)
pups finally tired. Now I get to go out..
@sxa555 i had same. Would assume so. I prob wont change. Yet to see any diff btw global and uk
finally made it for hair chop. Had got very bad....
RING RING "INTERNET". Me: Hello. Recoding "Congratulations". Hang up. GO AWAY YOU SPAMMERS
Trying to cook, clear up. And supervise puppies....
Thinking my latest tv/home cinema exploits have pretty much taken the #f1 budget for next year. May have to look at 2012 ...
Started playing classicfm to the puppies in recent days. Think it does calm them a little...
@mbdrake and also a pleasent beer!
Tech is a pain isnt it. After deciding to skip 3d on a tv, good old hdmi 1.4 comes into the av amp arena.
Wait/get low end 1.4 unit (200) or go for clearane 1.3 mid range like sony 2400es. Outdated for next upgrade but thats surely 3-5 years away
@peteralevy @jodiekemp as they say its what you do with it counts. Tech is mad at the mo. So many new things around.
@rachelclarkef1 @engyles @leesmithjjones same here. One o my favourites. Could drink them all day but best not!
@kimifan get extra smiles today? !
As uk citizen me too! RT @ruskin147 : Being interviewed about my job by my son for his homework - and telling him I'm #proudofthebbc
@honeybee85 @gregjames melissa was the worst loser, and she really did appear to antagonise. She tried hard in after show to be softer tho
@noelrooney you know me. I can explain to you all about it. Hdmi 1.4 adds 4k video, 3d, audio return amongst other stuff. Irrelevant for me.
@Kkirgirl well one of our pus was brewing for a poo earlier and looked as if he was doing a waltz!
Just enjoyed a "mumbai spice" india from waitrose. Reckon its te best supermarket curry i have had! Yum scrummy
@Kkirgirl the way they behave sometimes planet rock (still existgs) may be more their thing. Imagining guitar smashing
@engyles @rachelclarkef1 @leesmithjjones we have tequila, lime, cointreau here. And ice crusher!
@OzoneVibe the tv malarkey is causing some additional expenditure. Already have 2 hols next yr so think cutbacks needed. Eek.
@OzoneVibe will have to revisit closer to time
@icicle_halo_ have you been watching 71 degrees north? Looks seriously cold there, and some of those challenges are tough
@icicle_halo_ think suzy amy has been a real star against the tough lads.
@Pinkgineer ah bless! i hope you had a great time together ;-). i'm sure you could get him going!
@rachelclarkef1 well for the hard version may as well go straight the the tequila. Bought some 'patron' on last foreign trip which is nice.
@mike_griffin_f1 yep agree with you there. Too skinny doesn't look good.
@Lipstedo paw good. Hi five? Rollover?
@_LauRawrrr_ not nice. Not too fond of it myself.
@OzoneVibe i do tend to do my research (ocd?) Drives my family mad...
@SmallFurryHotel busy. Last evening we have all of them. One cockapoo poss still avail (buyer pulled out change of heart re dog)
@icicle_halo_ at least you're watching somewhere warm then!
Just watched cheryl coles interview with piers morgan. Intense stuff.
@OzoneVibe @Walkerooo seriously long day. Sure fun tho.
Iplayer plays really nicely on the tv. But ff/rw is ludicrously bad.
Until the picture freezes. Tv rebooted once tonight already. Midas touch...
@mike_griffin_f1 shame you cant enter offset. It mostly forgets last location to resume

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