Tuesday 5 October 2010

From Twitter 10-05-2010

@Amy_Walker Thought you'd been quiet. Lots of driving I'd assumed trying out the new juke :-)
No lie-in this weekend. up for #f1 japan quali 5am sat, race 6am sun. Prob should try and get some early nights in! (blown it for tonight)
@dougedey english test, oh that's funny.
noticed a daily mail newspaper at the lounge table (from visitors). Not even worth energy to open. Should be good for puppy bedding tho.
@f1photos yes you're right. I won't put it in the bedding area, I'll ensure it's in the toilet area so it will be full of s***
@Texrat kinda hope so but not if we only see token meego handset. Must be mass market tho not another n900 IMO & energisde devs
Child benefit - concern for some 1 vs 2 parent family >40k though do agree the need for simplicity & cost effectiveness of deployment
@paulbackhouse no I am concerned about that but also worry that the family implementation would throw up issues around qualification
@Amy_Walker So what's the number to call then - 0800 GET-JUKE or something?
Just received one of those "team" emails from exec. Very pleased to see they sent LINK to full article not wasteful in-body enail/gfx #win
Wouldn't it be nice if #spotify worked on #maemo on #n900 (or else #meego). A #qt implementation perhaps?
Had a very effective 1 1/2 hours code/dev/ut. Great start to day. may now think about wrecking that and driving to office!
We have "withheld" calls blocked (sales grief). Annoyed a "genuine" urgent caller decided to w/hold their number. grrr. #fail
RT @AndyBold: Steve Ballmer more excited about Kinect than WinPhone7. Think about that for a moment, and then consider whether you still ...
@AndyBold not really an endorsement is it. Though kinect s likely a much easier sell that MS control channel for
RT @Quayfront: RT @BrandRepublic: X-Factor Facebook storm grows as 150,000 plus protest Gamu’s axing http://bit.ly/9n5n4r /@thewalluk
@anotherproblem We have our voip gateway (linksys SPA3102) set to not answer so we don't get any ring. Was thinking of divert to message
RT @Skype: Skype now available for #Android phones http://bit.ly/d2yebw
enjoying emails back from some colleagues about some work we're doing - cool, this is great etc in almost every note. Happy days.
@stevelitchfield same here. so much focus on the "price" of the phone and barely an acknowedgement of the cost/term of contract. Crazy
wondering if I should have a rule in my work inbox that bounces all mail > say 500K on the basis docs/binaries should be posted elsewhere
@Kkirgirl Very nice. Would love granite worktop. Almost refitted kitchen years ago, then decided to move. Have to save up!.
@Kkirgirl you'll be expected to do (even?) more dinner parties though?
Mmmm. home "made" smoked salmon salad for lunch. yumm.
RT @seetu: RT @v4ibhav: Ari Jaaksi, #Nokia’s VP Incharge Of #MeeGo Devices Quits http://bit.ly/d4OmZf
@janole those things needed to be said. I respect nokia, the hw can be great, but IMO they've taken eye off ball in last few years
@janole though I remember for several iterations have wierd connectivity issues with APs, or browser issue that didn't affect other devs
@janole my other concern was follow-through support ie rather than near frozen releases, supporting new OS versions like ios,android
@janole I don't think NOkia helped by IMO shipping N96,N97 seemingly underpowered. Blew it after N95 (8) which was recent hi spot (for me)
@janole lack of "confidence" in future will completely stop me even adding N8 to short list sadly)and not yet clear how meego will progress
So annoying that on dual monitor Win 7 desktop can't watch streaming vid full screen as soon as click elsewhere it reverts.
flash issue. seen there's hacks - tools didn't work. must investigate. but surely it's obvious usability.
@welp I only had a quick look and found "flashhacker". Did you come across anything else. otherwise will have to look into in spare time.
Listening to discussion - nice quote (paraphrased) - it's not skills that matter, it's a willingness to learn, the right mindset :-)
Ok skills are part of the equation, need some enablement, but beyond that, agree
on a conf call where one of the participants keeps grunting (approval noises). Fine face2face but offputting on a broadcast call
Looks like http://www.three.co.uk is broken
@ThreeUKLatest Hope you find some strong medicinal liquid for three.co.uk . It appears to be in need of a pick-me-up
RT @f1fanatic_co_uk: RT @PeterDWindsor: Latest data from Sports Marketing Surveys shows that live TV audiences for F1 2010 are up by 6.1 ...
@IamNii_Teiko it strikes me as such an obvious use case - watch web conf / streaming vid on A), and work/email/notes on B). Obvious
@michaelrowe01 I don't have option of pandora without locating a US proxy (I assume). Liked lastfm but it's gone nowhere in so long now
converted some "floating" product licenses to permanent/static. Hope that fixes some crashes/issues....
The timezone for my site is set to London, so it should IMO default to 24hr #posterous #fail http://post.ly/11kap
@timbo_baggins good practice (leader can enforce) though here it was one of the presenters [panel session] ;-)
lovely dinner, just sneaking in a little photo uploading/editing from last few days of puppies
Who knows where #nokia will go http://tcrn.ch/bxrFjr . Where will S^3/4 go? When will #meego be ready ...
A few more puppy photos currently uploading. Bit short on metadata ...
Ok, just a few more puppy photos uploaded at http://bit.ly/bYQzgB #puppytime
sneaked in a few code / unit test fixes whilst photos uploading. now time to relax...
@vixisabel yep the darkest one http://flic.kr/p/8GHNJf #Flickr - be sorry to see them go :-(
@vixisabel they all have homes now, and the new "owners" have all visited/cuddled #Flickr
@honeybee85 sorry to hear that :-( some day.. . some are decent I'm sure! meanwhile drown sorrows in an exciting #f1 w/end?...
RT @gerrymoth: @worldofnokia personally I think it's the 3rd party app side of symbian which is letting nokia down, so what's wrong here ...
@worldofnokia far more likely too, if only that I'd have confidence in community/3rd party.. tho would still want to see 2.x/3.x updates
Just realised I probably can't watch #f1 quali live as have to play kids taxi. Yes at 0630 :-( poo. still there's the race, and could 1/2 ?
@honeybee85 thought of coming along to one of these http://bit.ly/czcGYn - last one was good fun #F1
wondering if I should get a new microSD to triple boot my #n900 #android/#maemo/#meego :-) ...
Do wish #n900 had digital compass though. Love the #android google starts app (and maps with street view)
@gerrymoth "kids taxi" = driving. Not compatible with watching .. And signal is fine once I'm 10m outside my house, not in the office, ->
@gerrymoth <- and not at the local pub ;-)
I am still following all @ replies - and may reply if interesting topic. Is that rude? Do ppl expect replies begging with @ to now b private
@lookingspiffy I saw the news article. Is #southampton your wish (I'm nearby) or something you read?
@AndyBold I do to, it's part of the twitter fun, but I have had one person feel otherwise -- not to what I said, just the principle
@gerrymoth Well I was explaining on phone to 3uk that local pub/school/shops/church has no signal (mostly) either. Pub needed for tx/rx sms!
@david_hay I wondered if anyone would. Ha Ha you get the prize
@etherealtype really enjoy it too. reckon it's tough tho. Do you watch American A? We quite enjoy trump too
@david_hay respect ?
@SimonLR Ha. Must admit been tempted by Android recently. Really coming along nice devs, but keep reminds me I like the n900 lots
@AndyBold good you've satisfied my curiosity.
@OzoneVibe well at least you have the new laptop now! #F1
@tlaukkanen looking nice. Any news/thoughts on qrt hard keyboard mapping issue? #QtWebRuntime #N900 #Screenshot
@OzoneVibe I've never really been able to get into FP - work etc #F1
@SimonLR I've not (yet) looked at #meego. Must get microsd to try out. But right now it looks a way away from #maemo refinement
@OzoneVibe True, though I may be at gym! (umm... live streaming on phone perhaps...) #F1
@OzoneVibe Best wishes to @LeeMcKenzieF1 - will miss @jakehumphreyf1 but will be a change for this week #F1
@Thrinne1 @Alexandra_1608 I went to uni manchester. was sure the rain thing heresay. Errr no after living there convinced wet! Down S dryer!
@OzoneVibe :-)
@LukaSambuca Maybe that's the point. Makes people think?
@LukaSambuca I haven't seen it.just hit the web site. I see what you mean. it is more attention grabbing I guess.
@Thrinne1 It's definately warmer/dryer I'm sure

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

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