Friday 22 October 2010

From Twitter 10-22-2010

Ah worked out the new TV remote has a backlight function. And no, I still haven't read the manual!
Have to ignore #f1 news -- sleep -> work. Hope to catch some f1 later this eve
laptop reporting 00:09 left. Time to move location I think...
can't believe it's only 9am. That's why it's quiet. Good times to get stuff done...
@IamNii_Teiko I only realised as the printed sticky on battery cover had wanring about "higher battery drain if backlight enabled"
@IamNii_Teiko Then I saw the big bright orange "lightbulb" button on the front of the remote! Actually the samsung TV UI is very easy to use
realising I need to lookup what a "zetabyte" is. Oh scientific notation is much easier. So zeta=7 (green) and it's 10^7 aka 10^21. Umm
"the current total amount of global data is expected to pass 1.2 zettabytes sometime during 2010." (idc from ) #fb
Of course I meant zetta is 7 (greek), so rationale apparently is 1000^7 hence 10^21 (typos in first post)
Amazing quotes on that wikipedia page - internet traffic expected to reach a zettabyte in 2015... corporate data 50x in just 3 years. Big.
Roll on the yottabyte (10^24). creating the data easy. understanding it hard
@saltyF1 ... thinks ... not someone to get a lift with ;) unless you meant stock car racing?
@ananelson As in fashion, "zetta" is the new "exa" ;-)
@ThreeUKLatest Just saw network winner. Errr how did that work exactly . Deep breath. incredulity. (no need to comment). Out of 5? !
@ThreeUKLatest maybe the website needs to be less reliable and perhaps you can cap/slow the data? Maybe that would work ;-)
came down to get next coffee, pups desperate to escape so let them out for a play. Here's trouble...
great. one worked out how to push the cardboard in baby gate to one side and squeeze through the railings. Arrrgh. help.
arrgh being attached by 4 mad puppies
@saltyF1 for a while yes! Only have them for another week. Anywhere I work in kitchen they follow ...
oww. puppy jump. bite nose. that hurt (ok only slightly, so sharp claws/teeth though)
phew. rescued by oh. can grab a coffeee and get back to work now
@OzoneVibe nope sleep->work
Woohay. Just lost some data from a web form then remembered I had the lazarus chrome plugin which had auto saved my several paragraphs #win
just remembered i had some wasabi peas left (from M&S). Very nice.
moved desk chair. heard a noise like carpet ripping. Oops (it's old/knackered). But actually it was a wasabi pea being squashed!
yay. another win. Yet another of this afternoon's meetings cancelled/rescheduled!
@antonpiatek thinking bank heist job - can you cut to a pre-recorded feed. what about "activity" vs "work" (assuming you're not asleep)
seem to have screwed my phone up. A little kernel recover and/or reflash tonight I think....
making lunch whilst pups have a play creating havoc in the kitchen ....
@chris_dudley there are already some laws.. license if > 5 litters/year or as a business. big worry is puppy farms/welfare
@chris_dudley personally I'd want a puppy brought up in a home environment rather than "farmed"...
@skyhd A/C qstn. Is it possible to undo cancelation (yesterday) and get an offer re-instated. even upgrade more £ Figured a plan to keep sky
@skyhd will DM a/c num
done in with work, fed up with sky, zapped my phone, tired -- so going to sit down and watch a little #f1 fp1/fp2
The integrated iplayer on new Samsung hdtv is very nice - even at SD (#f1 fp1 isn't in HD) it's very watchable.
Not sure how much HD I'll watch. Felt very frustrated and stressed after a call with @slyhd today after a pressured call yesterday
One thing I would say about new hdtv (which I knew beforehand) - the sound is pretty poor compared to old large crt. Have audio system tho
@f1_emma Puppies only for another week, then one remains -- thanks for the #FF though
@f1_emma I must try and post some video of the chaos that ensues when we let them out of the pen to roam the kitchen! Sometime this w/end
@etherealtype imagine what they think of you (tea?) and they do eat lots of other bugs...
RT @F1Times: FIA tweaks pit-lane entrance after complaints - #f1
Great to see the Korea #f1 track actually exists -- even if the tarmac is only 2 weeks old!
@OzoneVibe well I was imaging a rally circuit #f1
Woah - TV popped up a dialogue box saying it had detecteda new ipod touch (for remote control)
.. which then stopped iplayer, and when I go back in it's back at 00:00. Grrr.
There's a lot of undulations in the new Korea track
@pj_kent UE46c6620 (led backlit, internet@tv, pvr)
RT @pjba1: So student support for 2011 - grants and loans frozen at 2010 levels (which actually means 2009 levels) but fees to rise by i ...
The samsung internet@tv iplayer is great for play, but FF.RW is really awkward
@samsungled Enjoying new UE46c6620 - Any news on UK - ITV player, 4od, demand Five to internet@tv . Iplayer looks good though ff/rw tricky
Incremental updates for current owners. Spot on -- RT @mobilespeak: Nokia boosts Qt commitment, changes Symbian strategy:
@EwanMarshall thanks fo the #FF
@fradgepick thanks for the #FF
#f1 on hold. time to let the animals out of the zoo
@jacksri I did, but I was aware of that beforehand. The slimline sets in general have poor sound IMO. I hav an amp hooked up - no big deal
@steevbishop it's just reflective of current TVs. All the brands have internet capability now. Think Samsung/Sony best. Then panasonic
@steevbishop rest are very poor for net IMO (sharp, LG) but then can always use a bluray/freesat etc box. So nice to have
@steevbishop I think it's a cunning plan to make you think it's totally out of date in about 2,3 years!
reminder. Not wearing socks when puppies on loose. They have sharp teeth. Ouch
@jacksri One thing I only realised in last week was that on virtually *all* tvs the SPDIF doesnt pass-through 5.1 from inbound DVI (ie blu)
@jacksri outputs 5.1 from internal tuner/content only, and pass-through is 2 channel. So audio needs switching via amp, but then hit the
@jacksri processing delay issue, which needs compensation in amp or source system (and switching, but I only have one optical in ...)
@jacksri so much for hdmi simplifying cabling.
Thank you kind sir ;-) RT @AdamManning: #ff @planetf1 - a splendid gentleman who is one of life's naturally gifted conversationalists.
RT @TEAM_talk: #Portsmouth release statement saying Championship club is set to be closed down & liquidated by the administrators.
@amanjon Nope next weekend
@GotPassport a glass? no reason for straws? (less clear for fast food) #TravelWell
@OzoneVibe dinner. lots undulations. surface interesting esp if rain arrives on sunday. pit lane ent of course. could be quite an int 1 #f1
@OzoneVibe don't think I'll have time to do fp2 too
Bother the iplayer run of fp1 #f1 dropped out , and FF is so so (only 8x and refresh rate is about 1 fps)
@SamsungLED Is there a way in the iplayer app on to skip to specific time - or FF more than 8x. Can be slow to go 1hr10min in!
@saltyF1 definately good to have a longer season, but even more that we have such great coverage on the bbc #F1
@macarne so you have tickets, but you're not there. NNoooooooo! :-(
@Scott_Joslin_F1 Just isn't @karunchandhok or @antdavidson - both fantastic commentators (as well as drivers) #F1
@Texrat Have had that with n900, 5800 before. Can you charge in an external charger? voltage too low for in-phone charger? (annoying)
@macarne The giys in star trek had the right idea with their transport didn't they. Must have been made for these situations
@Texrat I forgot about that very apple-esque battery feature on the #N8. Absolutely doesn't appeal to me
@f1_emma You are nuts. 3am. you're having a larf as ricky gervais would say. Even 5am quali is a struggle. hoping to make it!
a regular itunes whinge. must stop using it. How can a UI from apple be so poor and clunky. COnstant go slow/lookup. not properly threaded
@f1_emma @debs_70 ok well you can tweet a synopsis about 0500 and those of us just getting up for quali can hear about it in a few mins :-)
@deanupton isn't it the first lesson UI programming to keep the interaction related threads responsive. Duh #itunes #fail
@leinir Yes, so that means it's workable as a replace batt when broken/old but nt for regular extra capacity
@skyhd Did you see my query.issue from earlier ref HD?
@skyhd ok . will wait and see. thanks for checking

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