Wednesday 13 October 2010

From Twitter 10-13-2010

Pupps getting double breakfast - turns out my son had given them food too. Will see how hungry they are!
@belindaparmar Do you have it on trial or is this a long term choice? Used S60 for years but feld it wasn't progressing
@lesanto churn in tech/3d/google tv-think if I get one I'll save/go CCFL. Shortlist now Samsung LE46c650(3yr)/Sony EX503(5yr) both £730
@lesanto and that is also driven by the overall package - internet apps too. Think samsung 4 picture/control, but sony reliability? um.
@lesanto used to, but can be overpriced/lacking flexibility & think they use samsung panels ) but reliability may make them better bet?
In an interesting 2hr tech seminar. Last guy was very intriguing
So worn out after cuddles, play & portraits (well photos anyway!)
Don't understand something about the conf call I'm on. They're talking about football then going on about quarters? It's halfs! Strange ;-)
RT @philnewts: @JasonBradbury -They get a web cam working 600 metres underground in Chile but still the UK struggles with highspeed Inte ...
@andysc Is that "local" or via phone? In audio form? I'd be so annoyed if I was sat next to you - assume commercial plane? (sorry) !
@andysc ! Bad assumption on my behalf. Though that's what worries me about phones in planes (like trains). I understand now ;-)
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Lucie Silvas (18), Jewel (6) and Filippa Giordano (1) #music
#apprentice in 10 mins though will be watching delayed 15 mins at a guess ... Twitter is so a reason to watch "live"
Still havent got around to trying #meego. Not enough time. Must try next weekend. Next release must be imminent
@BambolaBambina you'll have to remind us Brits in January. Sadly @skyhd isnt showing it until then :-( #caprica
@Jodie_kemp bad bad bad. (Wonders if run out here... Must get a virgin wines order in!)
@honeybee85 they really do seem to have it all under control kudos to them. Could have been such a tragedy. Still tough mentally tho
@JoC00per southampton? Thought it was early nov. Is this another one? Open invite? (Tho prob busy)
So have not seen any tv yet. Looks like some catching up to do on the miners
@emmastonier great idea but serious commitment of time and money. Some day perhaps....
Watching #apprentice delayed. But the girls product is terrible!
what a change in the girls team this week from last week. Woah. bitch/moan/argue. +1 for Karren's comments in boardroom #apprentice
@JoC00per ah thanks. more the merrier. Think I'll skip, but will be at the @Tuesdaytweetup on 2nd. have fun
@torgo I find it great - just one thing, make sure you exclude any intranet domains as otherwise you can get issues with DNS & VPNs
@welp @sxa555 I've not used it (gen), but lastpass has a generator too - find it works well and got thumbs up from steve gibson
@Thrinne1 Ah yes, that classic. I had it the other day needing to head out of door to a meeting. Just about made it in time.
@Thrinne1 I think when I had vista it did once crash at that point, but managed to recover itself ok, so maybe conservative
@Thrinne1 but when you need to go you need to go. You're in control not technology!
RT @wideawakewesley: The Event starts on Channel 4 in the UK on Oct 22nd. If you like a bit of decent Sci Fi TV, check it out, it's off ...
@wideawakewesley never heard of it, but sounds intriguing. thanks for suggestion
@xspyda I think lots of good ones around? Have any existing lenses or ppl you can borrow off. If so same brand may be good
@xspyda I've been happy with my D90. cheaper - D5000, D3xxx but Canon, Sony, Olympus too.. Budget for mem cards, poss flash etc too
@Bendihossan @syn at least sounds prob tech correct. Basically they haven't provisioned enough bandwidth
@noSPicedhAM I've not seen it but think there's more interest in return to live given potential for realtime interaction? #BbcFilm2010
@xspyda Something like Nikon D3100, or you can get older models down as low as £300 - though with lenses, and other bits it aint ever
@xspyda going to a cheap hobby..
@lissiemusic Hope the break works out. love the music & passion.
@xspyda Would compact or bridge work better/cheaper? (but poss less lighting control, and not so good in low light)
@xspyda My son has Panasonic FZ38 and is pretty happy with it as a serious all rounder (not a slr though)

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