Wednesday 20 October 2010

From Twitter 10-20-2010

@evoGage decent speed - if that's on ADSL, and you're quite close have you thought of ADSL2 - could get 16+ ? (though fttc can be >> upload)
@SimonLR @Inacurate have you heard any more about 1.3. Sounds like imminent. end/month perhaps. planning total flash+nitdroid+meego #N900
@evoGage fair enough. I'd like to have reliable HD streaming, or multiple SD streams - 8 to be safe. as am at 1/2 that am looking to #fttc
@lookatbowen Strange. I understand some of the comments, and I've gone off S60, but it may suite some. toys, pram comes to mind
@Pinkgineer another one of those phrases I never know whether translates UK->US - in this case it clearly does.
@Pinkgineer keep using them. helps the cultural understanding.. It's always wierd sometimes realising that american words/phrases can date
@Pinkgineer back to old English, and it's us in the UK that have switched meanings not that it's been corrupted travelling the atlantic!
@Pinkgineer One thing that is very different... rain definately isn't news around here ;-)
RT @Texrat: @Inacurate the childishness of @Gizmodo's editorializing is reinforced by the childish comments they encourage and approve.
@pj_kent No just stopped looking as has been ordered, arrives today :-)
pups making a racket gain this morning, but delivery of their food has meant they've gone all quiet again!
Can hear crunching sounds though!
@vixisabel ...
@Hands0n you're lucky to get edge, up until this year I think they were'nt even really deploying edge broadly!
@Hands0n 3 3G is def so much better *but* I still get the feeling voda wins on overall coverage - the 900Mhz penetration may help
@Hands0n I also wonder if they have more microcells in strategic places to fill in gaps (and of course there's suresignal for home)
Everyone I'm trying to ping at work isn't in yet.. My fault for starting work far too early today
@vixisabel must be so looking forward to it too. Love travelling but constrained by family commitments (school etc) - oh and money.. ( x 4!)
@vixisabel China's on the list though. Never been to far east too. singapore, hong kong, australia, africa. I've mostly done europe/some US
Annoyed that my headache won't go away :-(
Quick router check - 21Gb this week. Sounds quite low for us. Maybe 300Gb from BT is ok..
getting frustrated by something that should take an hour or two at most, affecting several ppl, not being addressed for 30 days. grrr.
@MickyFin I wouldn't say. Anyway these things are never just one person's fault. Probably makes sense at individ level, but not big picture
@MickyFin no, not at all. It wasn't you, don't worry!
@MickyFin nor indeed anyone on twitter
serious #win - 1-2pm conference has ended after 15 mins and addressed the issue it was setup for. Cool.
slightly late lunch ...
@Walkerooo certainly gives you a whole lot more material - what tv show was it that showed closeup shots and you had to guess the item? #224
RT @BBC_TopGear: Top Gear USA, filming is underway! #TopGear
@Hedgewytch Wierd though that it's on history channel! Are they all old cars? #TopGear
silly pc. goes to sleep in middle of me watching a web conference. Only I'm allowed to do that!
Oh here we go another note chain about legal issues. So we all talk about things we don't know all the time, but in this case time to refer!
gym sacrificed. Needed to finish work,walk dog, tidy,cook,eat, sort puppies and then play with new gadget. Kids helping
@tomacintosh i think his request was fine. Everyone either has an iphone OR can understand what he means... Lol.
@Hands0n definately agree on data. It's just that difference in the extent of coverage imo - seems esp in buildings poss due to freq and
@Hands0n 900Mhz penetration. For me poor (no cov) areas include much of house,work,sons college. Tho local pub recently fixed!
@sxa555 i dont know. Bit i do use posterous which i can setup to post to twitter, facebook,flickr,blog etc..
@Suw they must be using the same secret tech used by most call centres and conference providers for their onhold music
@kevinrose its obviously us brits who talk proper like.
@jonmbutterworth um? Drinking and sleeping in? Seriously tho jealous. My son off for a college trip to visit cern next yr. You guys rock.
@ShiploverUK i thought we'd have to kennel our dog but always found friends happy to look after. Maybe cats are harder tho?
@Hedgewytch not for me now.
So the new tv is installing facebook and twitter....
@vixisabel and first reaction of family. Its not that big. Oh great. Still an improvement for #f1 and the like from old crt.
@vixisabel you must be off soon. Flight tomorrow? Have a good trip i take it you'll be tweeting/blogging about china when u get a mo!
@OzoneVibe @oldmanuk samsung ue46c6620. Nothing too fancy or large by current stds.
Like the samsung tv interface. Didnt get on with sony in shop. Struggled on simple things and even confused sony 'expert' nice job
@Hands0n maybe its just bad luck for me. At least one more area should be improving in dec. Hopefully home.
@sxa555 in posterous you can select by email address variation
@vixisabel thinking about 2012. Prob usa, far east interesting tho. Of course flights get expensive for 4. Have fun. You must be buzzing
quite a change to see youtube on a large screen
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Missy Higgins (27), Lene Marlin (11) and Delta Goodrem (7) #music

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