Monday 28 February 2011

From Twitter 02-28-2011

@SarahAnnGreen then it's nearly (720p) as good as sky etc (I have iplayer integrated into tv & bluray.. and we now have bt infinity)
freshly cooked bread, freshly ground coffee & made into espresso. Still feel tired and first day back at work...
I have *lots* of spam on my work email - a little post-holiday clearout over coffee whilst drying the tears ;-)
@unkn0wnvariable quite a lot of spam -- I like doing a first pass filter of spam/auto/easy emails before heading in ;-)
@unkn0wnvariable We have spam filtering too -- generally things are fairly clean, but every now/then a batch comes through ...
@unkn0wnvariable So of course it's server side -- but I also have a 2nd layer client-side, though it's on my laptop (in for repair..)
Sensible a questionairre I'd seen mooted as requiring 60 mins is now targetting more like 15. More likely to get returns!
@thomsonholidays Just had enjoyable pkg hold to tenerife. Plea - please allow surbeys to be done online on ret. paper tedius/known info
@thomsonholidays so much of info is already KNOWN by you.. I did add comment to form, I know info is important
Why does an email to an international audience use US date format without clarifying. Ambiguous.
@SarahAnnGreen :-( If you get 5Mbps+ currently iplayer HD should be ok (single user). It's about 3.2 Mbps I think.
@SarahAnnGreen I had 4 Mbps before and with overheads etc it was "marginal" (ie not really working)
@btcare are there known issues with (for infinity FTTC test). Failing yesterday/today (not sure week b4 that)
@OzoneVibe Personally I prefer YYYYMMDD format in international emails -- I think it's clearer/less ambiguous
@OzoneVibe In words works, but is english of course...
@jtonline Sometimes it's difficult to detect whether sarcasm is present. Maybe it's just my nature to assume?
@OzoneVibe Try @vodafoneuk or the vodafone forums faults board?
@racheeroo01 hopefully in the "expected" kind of way...
@Alexandra_1608 10! lucky you... I wish.
just signed up to education call I thought was at 2pm. Oops it's 2am. I think not. Declining the offer ;-)
@OzoneVibe Just seeing a suggested report that vodafone is down for some ppl? - seems ok for me here now (but just gone online as at home)
RT @lauramohess: Nightmare for vodafone users this morning. The future is defo orange!!!
So are there big @vodafoneuk issues - nothing on faults board but suggests could be more than localized
@OzoneVibe Always UTC YYYYMMDDHHMMSS ..... etc or
indeed. they need a flu vaccine .. RT @OzoneVibe: @planetf1 Perhaps Twitter have taken over the running of Voda? ;-) @VodafoneUK
Had a great (honest) 1 3/4 hours on post-vacation work catchup. Time for some breakfast now I think...
@OzoneVibe maybe they're catching up with all my holiday tweets?
HLR issue? RT @TinaLMartin: RT @maffff: @JordanNorr1s Vodafone for those in Surrey, Hants and Berkshire. Server in Basingstoke is fucked.
RT @PapercraftsTV: Please note #Vodafoneuk issue with #Vodafone network is not area specific affecting 3.2 million UK numbers, not an area.
Big #fail from @vodafoneuk if there's a widespread fault and no statement on website/eforum etc. Need to communicate.
@maffff the thing where your customer info is stored in the network ("home") which is why only some voda customers affected. yours is bust?
@vodafoneuk 2 handsets on data traveller. ONe had "nearly used up" SMSs (we kept under), other didnt (but went over). Unhappy. @xplane0202
@VodafoneUK So not unreasonable as both on same contract/same DT /same location to carry on using 2nd - should not be charged 20 @xplane0202
@vodafoneuk Can you share any info about current outages. Looks more than localized/a few/mast -- HLR outage? (I am ok, some friends arent)
RT @Hedgewytch: RT @tomwarren: Major Vodafone outage at their Basingstoke Data Centre - down for a large majority of people. Ouch.
RT @ruskin147: Vodafone tell me there is a "situation" with their network, promising a statement soon
@vodafoneuk usability concern - are there mobile (lite) versions of a) ac management/billing b) eforum. if not should be
Lack of info facebook/twitter from @vodafoneuk on current outages v.poor. Orgs should be connected up support/mkting for SM. @mjserres
with @threeuk 2003-2010 I never noticed a widespread outage/HLR. yet voda/orange/tmob/o2 have had wide issues. thoughts?
of course I left @threeuk to go to @vodafoneuk due to signal (for my circumstances was, and still is, right choice/no regrets)
@OzoneVibe good to hear. ok then so my main criticism isn't the outage, it's lack of communication on twitter/facebook/web . Outage 8.5hrs?
@motorracinghosp nope, they used to. now do use orange a little, though 3g nets tmob/3 merged now
@ThreeUK more general I guess. I think lesson from voda isn't so much outages but expectation that Communication is crucial inc social media
@ThreeUK and that support/sales/marketing are all represented. maybe tweet/sentiment analysis too to detect/respond to concerns
RT @TinaLMartin: @maffff @planetf1 @JordanNorr1s my friend just said the Basingstoke Office was broken into and equipment stolen which s ...
@TinaLMartin makes sense. A test of their disaster recovery process. @maffff @JordanNorr1s
RT @scotiasystems: @Moloney92 Update on #Vodafone UK Network Outage :
@TomWright1991 no 3 of us here (2 ported nums, 3rd recent) all ok but know quite a few ppl affected
Lovely day back. Expired passwords. Heating broken.. Just hoping laptop is fixed from its repair...
@mjserres generally v is good. But am dissapointed at their slow pickup of the issue and lack of use of SM to communicate
Yay. Laptop now seems to manage 130 lux up from 60 before lcd panel. Not led 300+ but should be good enough #win #w500
@ruskin147 May also be worth asking why it took them 8.5 (?) hours for a lightweight post on forum. Nothing on twitter/facebook/website
@ruskin147 IMO the #vodafone fail here isn't just the outage, but also the lack of social media use
@jtonline the word "over-engineered" comes to mind
Just as well @vodafoneuk *is* working fine *for me* since work wifi isn't...
kicking myself for putting up with my original laptop display for so long. this replacement (panel) is a lot better whiter/brigher
@xplane0202 mobile data working here/for my account. Just as well (wifi down). Not chased up roaming. figured voda could be busy...
@xplane0202 try forcing 2g? (that helped @ozonevibe with no signal issue)
@riveerrrrssss Currently in Hursley. Number was ported-in from three in December. Also a orange-ported 1.5 yr & 3rd a new contract.
@OzoneVibe interesting if just the reset did it/or just started working. Could switch to 2+3 to retry. But may prefer to just leave now!
@OzoneVibe good thought!
@OzoneVibe sent a DM instead!
Just listened (as many times before) to "lost without your love" by @missamypearson - rather like it - those notes shouldn't be allowed.
@etherealtype Sun a nice thought. Bit :-( though. Prescription of water+SS ?
@sxa555 it's not unique to iphone, just seems more so (user intelligence). Oops. shouldn't have said that
@rachelclarkef1 Surprisingly beds at our hotel in temerife appeared to be height adjustable (like hospital).Didn't try but seemed a surprise
RT @MorganF1: One day I really am going to have to ask a young man how jeans stay up when the belt is lower than the buttocks #againstth ...
RT @Jamesallenonf1: #f1 New blog started up by wife of someone who works in F1 on what it's like - #fb
@sxa555 I've been tempted by nexus-s, but not jumped yet. Like idea of android, but By end year will see. WM7+Nokia could be strong
@vodafoneuk He is my data traveller issue I mentioned earlier Not heard a twitter reply but figured U might be busy ;-)
@sebmatthews and the headline just says "thousands loose service"....
oh laptop or net issue. google, bbc all v.slow loading . oops
I am terrible. firmware update available for samsung tv, so it had to be done...
So is vodafone working for everyone now?
Yummy fresh (well supermarket!) tuna steak+veg for dinner tonight. Simple but yummy!
@paulbackhouse And how is infinity?
@hunni_h :-( not good. at least ok otherwise.. still very annoying/frustrating/scary though
@paulbackhouse I was unclear whether it was regional or subscriber based - sounds like you had some issues. could have been a mix
@paulbackhouse May be worth checking on -- though that hasn't been working for me. Not noticed slowdowns tho away last wk
@SarahAnnGreen @SRT40 might be useful ?
@ananyah why do ppl keep getting virus's - need their heads banging together?
@vickiblatchley red as in hair dye?
@SRT40 To clarify too, 3 had their own 3G network, now own 50% of MBNL. Other 50% partner was Tmob, now tmob/orange merged @SarahAnnGreen
@SRT40 @jayegan @SarahAnnGreen had mifi on loan from 3 for few wk Brilliant if coverage ok.
@ananyah do the users you support have AV installed?
@kayels are they maintained correctly. At our david lloyd many don't work properly esp the ipod dock connectors @SarahAnnGreen
@FreshPlastic If they had talked about their problems more then perhaps. back very little use of SM until post-midday. not good enough
@ananyah what! sounds very messy ... why so? you need to get them in straitjackets
@SRT40 I do use that too - have done for quite a few years symbian/android/maemo, though I did think the mifi was a very easy to use device
@paulbackhouse when the engineer did my install he said demand was v.high to a point there was possible capacity concern (in the fttc cabs)
@mjserres you saw @_pocketdynamo was tweeting about going to the same event? ....
@kayels ah i see. Dl is pretty good/clean/nice kit. But they're not really up on tech side. No twitter, no sms/email notification of
@kayels cancelations, have wifi but always broken etc
@kayels any email usually takes 1-2 weeks to get response. Ok not huge issue but poor show/sloppy these days
@OzoneVibe ah yes i responded to maria's tweet too. Looks like she is there too @_pocketdynamo
@kayels would be good too if they had spotify or lastfm and iplayer... ! Ok enuf.

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