Thursday 10 February 2011

From Twitter 02-10-2011

RT @ruskin147: My colleague @dominic_Laurie is doing a piece on 5Live at 1200 on complaining to firms via Twitter. If you've succeeded i ...
ouch! def. some truth. not all bad tho! RT @dhanji: The guy who said 'a bad workman blames his tools' obviously never used Eclipse.
time to put the headphones on - kids etc home ...
@neilcockerham interesting. Not seen that one. Pretty sure mine was sys-restore (snapshot on boot) + windows search (lots/files) +superfetch
@neilcockerham trying without these for now as rarely use, have WHS backups daily, most data in SCM systems etc anyway, 8Gb ram
today wasn't super-effective, then lissie "when I'm alone" came on lastfm. Love that song!
interesting. new win 7 feature? volume=0 != MUTE. Just very quiet (at least on usb audio) - prevents accidental silence perhaps (user error)
@askseesmic Yep. Windows 7 x64 hosts, 2 systems, both on work & home nets. Perf mon shows loads of data i/o to facebook. 100s MB/hour
Just made a coffee and thinking in just over a week will be in the sun :-) But may have no good coffee m/c? beer an effective replacement??
@etherealtype :-( hopefully the sweeties are helping
remembering all the extra non-work things I should do today. Still working so list getting longer :-(
Gadget delivery for today - new vacuum cleaner. Woohay. I wonder if it has twitter. Or facebook. wireless? Does it play music? Ummmm
A great idea -- I wonder if it acts as a games controller? ;-)
@OzoneVibe ;-)
Note to self. Don't try to drink fresh hot coffee in insulated cup straight after making it. YEOUCH...
Getting quite dark out there now. I know since I can read this rubbish laptop screen clearly ;-)
just realised laptop has been on wifi (802.11n) all day not gig.e - further proof homehub 3 is so much more stable/faster for wifi!
nice. reading a long businesss scenario for a sw solution (relates to team collaboration). Love the last step in scenario (to follow -> )
"Everyone is taken out to dinner Sunday evening, no exceptions"
@paulbackhouse yay! so when's the install date?
@paulbackhouse other than router pretty much had 0 problems with #infinity :-)
@paulbackhouse ability to watch iplayer HD stream downstairs whilst 1 id watching catchup tv, another on spotify or xbox - no problem
@paulbackhouse downloads nice/quick to - good for sw updates. Just hope backhaul doesn't get overloaded
RT @txTVRav: RT @SultanAlQassemi: Al Jazeera: Mubarak's speech will be at 8pm GMT, 10pm Cairo. In one hour from now.
@paulbackhouse another 11 days!
@NeilBaileyF1 it's all about the context ;-)
If you've migrated FROM O2, worth checking they haven't charged £15 for lack/notice. I gave enough, but was billed incorrectly
to their credit as soon as I called billing - just to ask what the bill was -- they said "err, that's not right" so sorting out refund :-)
@littlecough so I looked at ecotricity, but we're talking multiple 100s £s/year more than a 1yr contract elsewhere :-( would like to but...
Wondering whether to stick with eon (agree to stay for year to get discount) or go to edf (fair bit cheaper)...
@leinir indeed, very easy to misss. The charge applies I think if you use MAC within 14 days (may be 7 or 10)
Wohay. exciting. opened up new vacuum cleaner and tried it out. It sucks.. sebo D3 total (tho got it elsewhere)
@unkn0wnvariable 2 in close succession . a) end of fixed price term b) increase in variable rate ...
so what did mubarak say. not a lot by sound of it.
RT @SkyNewsBreak: Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak says he will pass on some of his powers to his vice president - but will not yet step ...
too little too late from mubarak?
@Booooothman well that's really going to help...
@unkn0wnvariable they go up and down. I've found generally eon one of the cheapest, but not always at any point in time
I've never used edf, and they get #2 in customer sat ratings on uswitch? @unkn0wnvariable
@nataliekitcher orange rooms? Only been there once (too studenty when busy) but the food is superb there. esp burger or thai green curry!
Somehow I think things could get messy (more so) in Egypt now...
Wish mubarak would just go so that there can be an orderly "revolution" not a messy one..
@qole what shirt tomorrow? A coloured flag?
@epredator interesting observation. 9:05 not 21:05 ? I guess I always write times 24h?
@LauraLeslie23 he didn't go far enough (anywhere really). not good...
@_pocketdynamo thinking same. Mubarak should have stepped down - a chance of more "peaceful" transition. not good.
@Si_Biggles no, I'd be game.
@LauraLeslie23 there is no way I can see him ther ethen
RT @BBCNews: Egyptian President #Mubarak issues sharp rebuke of foreign interference and says won't accept 'dictats' from abroad
Comment ref last RT - foreign interference... errr. LOOK OUTSIDE THE WINDOW!
RT @f1lover75: What an idiot Mubarak is…Words fails me right now…
RT @ragtag: In the words of Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot #jan25
RT @etherealtype: My eyes are rolling so hard right now. #egypt #fail
@etherealtype it's like time to start banging the screen! "Oi!"
@john_jameson streaming from bbc web site? (bbc news)
@nessie111 oh too true... I usually skip through the auditions these days, real shows better. still enjoying despite no simon.
@nessie111 and xfactor us this year of course
@frontieruk win7 looks very nice (apple-simple, but better), though missing lots of things for geeky me. (multitasking for one)
@LauraLeslie23 staying down there? longterm?
@N900_Drips i guess it will be a wm7 port after tomorrow?
@LauraLeslie23 I imagine it will be a little different! Plenty to do for sure/lots happening. Never lived there myself, tho enjoy visiting
must remember to signup to vodafone data traveller/passport ready for when I go abroad -- something three never offered...
@frontieruk yes I now, style is nice, but then I had multitasking touchscreen m/phonein 2004 - symbian.. ok outdated now but good at time
@frontieruk dont get me wrong though - have seen WM7 and it looks *very* nice -- rather impressed and surprised...
@unkn0wnvariable canaries (teneriffe) - yes, limited countries ie spain/france etc 25 MB/day for £2/day or £10/month. Not bad.
@unkn0wnvariable it's the data bundle that will be nice for twitter, news etc
@unkn0wnvariable though part of me says don't, just enjoy sun/pool... and kindle!
RT @jodie_nodes: RT @angelaperry: Mubarak. Dude. Egyptians INVENTED writing on the wall. You really should learn to read it. #egypt #fac ...
@paul_houle oops sounds like you might have updated more than expected...
@unkn0wnvariable maybe though pictures bigger. Must check res/size. Proper photos on slr tho, so not realtime
@unkn0wnvariable haven't got a nice -> 300mm lens yet. have cruise later in year. think I need a 70-300 or 18-270 or similar... save ££
@Sara_Kim mojita royale (with champagne). Yummm
@unkn0wnvariable yep same here, like sharing a few on phone - it's so easy but it's more a diary than art.. ;-)
still watching bbc news, but think it may be time to watch some mindless-ish tv.
#sky #fail -- can't play any recorded programs. time for a reboot....
@frontieruk I use it loads.... on existing handset and every one I've owned in last 6-7 years?
@Sara_Kim Best ever was at Hotel du Vin in winchester (at a wedding). Seriously scrummy (and serious..).
@f1photos nope, my own personal acct. Actually a year ago it was 1, now 3 in family
windows/laptop annoying me -- unable to switch graphics adapter. nice to have feature but so often it fails with no way to determine WHY !
Grr some things peeve me off.
grr. ppl posting about new phone x only costing $99. NO YOU SILLY PERSON it.s 24x$$$$ + $99 right. It;s called subsidy, its a contract. duh!
watching horizon/car crash. Slightly worried by technician putting lipstick on a "doll";-)

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