Friday 11 February 2011

From Twitter 02-11-2011

@frontieruk sounds like the app suspend/resume works well -- I agree that does work for many things. How quick is it ie cut/paste btw apps
@frontieruk Oh ha ha just forgot does it not have cut/paste either -- don't get me wrong, shows loads potential, just s/thing I need
RT @Dr_Black: “@BreakingNews: Donald Trump says he will decide by June whether he will run for presidency in 2012 - NBC News” :-o
@Sara_Kim Sounds like she's mastered delegation!
@khouryrt Though there was confusion over which/priority. Surely today means more clarity. Symbian drift down lower end. Meego? yeah right
@vixisabel Sadly not...
RT @andysc: Just saw a fuel tanker filling up at garage forecourt. Seems wrong
realised a conf call I was interested in is 8pm tonight. Ok less interested now, too busy this eve/weekend
It's education & recorded, so no problem in delaying to a more sociable hour ;-) Just prefer live when poss (Q&A & participation)
@wildlime Wohay sounds like you'll have some fun
@AndyBold Actually I thought meego might have a few years back, but not after change. Android - commodity making tricky £. so u/stand WM7
RT @HannaManna: Curious about Qt? Check this letter RT @forumnokia Please share: A Letter to Developers about Today's News > http://n ...
work heating #fail -- temp is on max, but it's on full blast cold air. Ummm. Hammer?
control system gone funny? Now supposedly off, LED power indicator off, yet still cold air....
"An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" - Stephen Elop (#Nokia) #fb
@charlesarthur spot on! I certainly won't be going maemo->meego. Will be android or WP7
RT @mike_griffin_f1: However I do have a deep loyalty to Nokia so if they make a good phone, and WP7 gets better, I might just get one,
@mike_griffin_f1 similar. I certainly wouldnt dismiss the thought tho i feel more draw to android. But good hw/camera influences choice
@flosoft @wilshipley their phones were good let down by outdated sw platform
@AndyBold yes. Agree. Could be a win/win for ms/nokia on that front.
@frontieruk @FreshPlastic i would have liked android/nokia but agree with commodity risk. So do think wm7 made business sense.
@McLarenFan_Jamm @mike_griffin_f1 please dont overuse twitlonger/ . Ok occasionaly but overuse starts to dilute twitter value imo
@jtonline indeed. Cant see me bothering with laptop until i have one integrated.
@EmpireSteve Actually am intrigues enough to consider tho android feels more natural. But nokia hw can be good so watching. Not a def no.
@RachEdwardsF1 thanks for the #southampton #ff rachael
@isleofwightbob thanks for the #ff from the other side of the solent.
@frontieruk i guess they see apple and high end as main battleground
@SophiieBailey thanks sophie for the #ff
Quickly took a look back at quora. Nope, still not getting it. Anyone find it useful (yet?) ?
Late leaving work. But brilliant design discussion on simplifying a design. Wil prob figure out why unworkable on monday
@TheAlanJWright thanks for the #FF
@FreshPlastic indeed, a fairly decisive move
@iMismii thanks for the #southampton #FF
@neilcockerham just checking it wasn't just me
@Paul_Nash_F1 thanks for the #f1 #FF
@EmpireSteve thanks for the #southampton #ff steve
@sxa555 I guess I can't see myself subscribing until I have a phone with offline support (gym) /poss ipod nano (old). maybe then makes sense
@jessfaith Oh dear. No option to travel a different time or by public transport? Not my idea of fun either
I liked a YouTube video -- Two Steves are better than one - iPhone 4 parody.wmv
@michelledh I had a play - looked so slick. Some functionality lacking for me, but went away quite impressed esp for 1st release @jonchoo
@mbdrake I recommend contacting @btcare and/or reporting on the BT customer forum, then chasing the forum mods
@mbdrake I had my HH2 (new user, mid Jan) replaced with a HH3 due to totally apallaing wireless instability
@mbdrake did gather lots of data, times, kept log - they took one look and once got to L2/3 suggested the swap :-)
@melissa_RBRx No problem spotting you in a crowd then
@michelledh I'm more a cloud person. Hate idea of a phone (also a computer) being dependent on pc. that's where android better for me
@michelledh am I right in thinking you have an N900? (still on mine -- planning to prob replace at YE2011)
@mbdrake initial forum mod/twitter response was direct swap only, but infinity support were more clear on a recommended action ie HH3.
@mbdrake I did offer to help with diagnosis/debug, suggest they enabled trace etc - maybe they thought it was best to get rid of me ;-)
@mbdrake not a clue, since haven't had a need to, just seems to work. Have one issue with 0649 restarts. Now open with tech support, but
@mbdrake it's stable apart from this fixed (seemingly) timed reboot. may just do factory reset at w/end. Wifi flies.
@mbdrake does 40Mhz (300Mbps) 802.11n but 2.4Ghz only and usually no spectrum so drops to 150/20Mhz. Also only 1 user Gig.E port. Duh!
@mbdrake Do you mean wireless or adsl chipset? Not that I know either... am on infinity so it has 5th ethernet port for uplink to vdsl modem
@mbdrake I emailed them extra data every day. Even though they didn't ask. Perhaps that helped them decide ... tho being early helped?
@michelledh WP7 almost comes across as iphone dragged into 2011 (as looking so dated now IMO). So so slick. but not n900 power!
@mbdrake can't tell sorry - just bt branding. No external signs. made in china.
@michelledh a bit love/hate. more the former. very flexible, stable. Some "big finger" usability issues and biggest is lack of sw
@michelledh though loads of opensource, great music qual, camera is ok, flexible, can run some desktop linux things. stunning in that way
@michelledh comes down to it being what it is -- a small linux tablet with gsm/3G
@mbdrake I think it will be so they can use for the FTTP 110 (to beat virgin) Mbps service, so Gig.E on uplink & 1 downstream to gige switch
@michelledh it's a different technology, and requires more pressure, but that has other benefits like accuracy.
@mbdrake just means I'd need an extra £30 gig.e switch as room with router is in middle of 2 other sections. Can't cable all to big switch
@mbdrake in loft sadly. If I could I'd have got something decent and managed for fun.
@Nokia_Fan not sure about that @cragnet - think it was more about the overall ecosystem than just device or even core OS.
has mubarak quit? Did I miss that!
Wow missed that. Too busy working @emmagx - good news. hopefully things can settle down and transition more peacefully now
@unkn0wnvariable Not seen any tv, and not really much twitter until now. had this thing called work...
@Queen_of_Snarks not you to I WAS WORKING!
@Queen_of_Snarks I meant too. tut tut. grammar.
@Queen_of_Snarks I usually do dip in regularly! Just was having an interesting technical discussion...
@Queen_of_Snarks serves me right. Must remember to pay less attention next time
RT @OrdnanceSurvey: Exhibition charting the #history of Ordnance Survey opens in #Southampton > #maps #geography
RT @giagia: Literally. RT @ProfBrianCox On Graham Norton later if yer interested :)
@Queen_of_Snarks Well I did today. Fair bit of thinking not doing and may have a cunning plan to decimate amount of effort to do something
@EmmaGx good tip. I think I may do same after today!
@mike_griffin_f1 @unkn0wnvariable Yes, infinity itself great. HH2 was rubbish, now have HH3 which works!
@unkn0wnvariable @mike_griffin_f1 will be going out for new orders soon, not sure exactly when. maybe already.
@unkn0wnvariable @mike_griffin_f1 maybe you'll get fibre to the home -- much faster -- instead....
@unkn0wnvariable You've checked at samknows (which at least refers to exchanges)
@michelleh @frontieruk yep, by power I meant flexibility -
back later... will do #ff then ok!
@unkn0wnvariable do you get anything decent now?
@unkn0wnvariable I live in a sprawling housing-only town but slow speeds due to distance, prob ideal for ftth coverage
@unkn0wnvariable adsl2+ could do 24 Mbps (and up to 2.6 upstream) if you live in exchange ...
RT @Texrat: let me just add one more log to the burning platform: my discomfort mainly comes from devaluation of open source approach in ...
Just watched mary portas's estate agent program -- much better than the mobile one .
@frontieruk yes definately, it's good news for the platform.
@macahan2000 40 >Mhz< (channel width -- 802.11n 300 Mbps using 2 channels)
@EmmaGx I tried it for a while -- can be useful, though can get too many replies! Just active for DMs currently
@michelledh "cuties", now there's a new one! -- thanks for the #FF - oh what's #ffhelper must look
@EmmaGx one of my issues is following too many ppl - should really convert more to a list (still interesting, just not 100% of time)
@EmmaGx though my fav ppl should still be follows.
@macahan2000 of course 802.11n 300Mbps is a bit untenable on 2.4Ghz. spectrum too busy :-(
@michelledh Tried your helper tool. It's suggesting 90 ppl. Oh dear -- to much!
@macahan2000 nieghbours do!
@interestedb the stye appeals to me
top tweeps #ff @ozonevibe @unkn0wnvariable @frontieruk @empiresteve @inacurate @michelledh @mike_griffin_f1 @_pocketdynamo (via @ffhelper)
#ff @mbdrake @etherealtype @queen_of_snarks @sxa555 @lauraleslie23 @emmagx @littlecough @pj_kent @interestedb @paulbackhouse (via @ffhelper)
#ff @imismii @adammanning @rachedwardsf1 @shelley__lee @melissa_rbrx @icicle_halo_ @alexandra_1608 @anotherproblem (via @ffhelper)
@interestedb Now trying to work out what I was saying - if portas though yes style was bad. that guys hair...

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