Wednesday 9 February 2011

From Twitter 02-09-2011

rather enjoyed #outcasts tonight - def some of the spooks production style coming in, rather captivating
Should add I watched #outcasts ep.1 - I see ep.2 is on iplayer too - that will be for another night :-)
@Violet_Aura_ yes there were, yet I was enthralled by it in parts esp in the latter part of the first episode, it really started to build up
@interestedb first series "was" - isnt it showing for first time as of this week? (outcasts -- bbc, scifi)
@McLarenFan_Jamm @LauraLeslie23 I'm happy I didn't rely on twitter tonight - eager to watch ep.2 !
@inbedlam you too! Did you watch it?
real or not real? "leaked" ceo memo from #nokia (engadget)
hooray, think issues causing lots of potential work down to a few key manageable actions everyone will be happy with. #win
been very quiet again this morning -- but got some work done :-)
@EmpireSteve Excellent, but not convinced it will happen. tbh I really don't know. more info meego? Do think android most viable.
@Shelley__Lee I don't think so but yes I think it's real. says there's a huge problem and watch on friday ...
@EmpireSteve will have to read it, but didnt' find it spoilt enjoyment too much. Did think they were rather clever to have created a full
@EmpireSteve earth-like environment within 10 years of starting. They must have some good construction workers and sources of raw materials
@Lipstedo with respect to what. It's basically 1000Gb. Enough space for around 100-200 DVDs
@Lipstedo it's a sensible amount of storage for many ppl at home, but may not be enough for some, and overkill for others..
@Lipstedo 1.5 is probably best sweet spot for hard disks at mo
@EmpireSteve not sure about terraforming, but even just thinking about all the buildings etc. 10 years was def mentioned in first 20min ep1
@pete_v the veggie one? chicken one wasn't. My usual complaint is it's raw hotness not authentic flavours
RT @riveerrrrssss: "@arusbridger: RT @BoydNeil: A man goes to doctor.."I'm addicted to Twitter", he says...Doctor says: "I'm sorry, I do ...
@etherealtype how long before someone invents a chameleon colour which changes with mood?
@M4RKM depends if you can find better wrt limits etc. I did leave, but due to fttc
@Walkerooo :-( working?
@KataHyde into #southampton for folks? Love how quick it is leaving or arriving most of time (helped as I live close 10 mins).beats lgw/lhr!
@Lipstedo @squishmeh @kayels Seems ok. plenty in my timeline. using seesmic desktop which uses the newer streaming api (as does tweetdeck)
At a school meeting about options. This will be fun. Did it a few yrs ago. Guessing same..
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Faith Hill (28), Lady Antebellum (17) & Lucie Silvas (11) #music
Surprised to only have 2.5g on #vodafone at thornden. Thought usually 3g. Down perhaps.
Reading about nokia strategy and a) enjoying maemos multitasking and gen solidithy. B) frustrated at lack of some sw cf android ...
Ouch. No vodafone signal inside. Must surely be a cell down. Big benefit of sms post- queued
received my invite to coop energy. May switch from eon as my fixed rate just ended. Def doing a comparison (signed up to get early access)
@SimonLR you synchronize sms. Never looked into it. Written tips down? Using rsync etc? Interested as have #n900
@vickylygoef1 Shame you cant offer them face masks...
@etherealtype I wonder if smart fabrics will be first.. So shirt goes red when mad.. May ruin sarcasm tho.
@EmpireSteve mm. Think i could watch ep.2 tonight. Yay!
Ok meeting starting....
Home and as ever late to do dinner again...
yay. Next bluray from #lovefilm is 'salt'. Wanted to see that..
@littlecough will bear in mind tho prime motivator will be price. Other aspects factor in if in same ballpark
family calls made, dinner consumed, some hotel arrangements made. Fancy some bbc scifi now I think!
@littlecough I'll look. co-op is targeting half co2 of big 6
@Bazz747 yes, just the same
Yes, definately! for ep.2 at least RT @interestedb: @planetf1 you sticking with Outcasts??
Yep it's confirmed, going to head off and watch #outcasts ep.2 :-)
@Sara_Kim @RhiannonMLane another option is something like #dropbox (free) -- enough space (few Gb) for docs, may also want to backup
@Sara_Kim @RhiannonMLane photos, but tends to cost a bit of ££ (carbonite is one that's popular, I use squirrelsave. About £5/month tho)
@etherealtype quite liked her last series, not quite getting this one, seems a bit shallow. Too short I suppose to get the detail
@Sara_Kim @RhiannonMLane I use a flickr pro a/c for photos, but more for sharing/commenting than backup. more £££ :-(
need to kick myself back into #f1 land. feeling very behind the news ....
@littlecough big difference. Must get one and get some figured at the w/end
@wfavero Maybe it's just me but I find them awkward esp across clients. Fine for occasional long text, but un-twitter-like for constant use?
@_arien I have this vision of the singing getting louder as the baileys get's lower ?
@_pocketdynamo though dare I say I remember looking up things online even in the 80s, just wasn't browser based, more ad-hoc ...
@_pocketdynamo Think I first used *personal* email in around 1981/2 also weather, news,online banking etc
@_pocketdynamo but *mobiles* - well that was newer - I didn't have one until 1998 I think!
@etherealtype yes spot on - it's too general and diluted
I read that thinking about #nokia. Um. interesting to hear their story Friday RT @edbrill: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

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