Wednesday 11 May 2011

From Twitter 05-11-2011

@geraintwjones yeah right.
@geraintwjones or do you usually sleep through them
@sxa555 @br1mcg I currently have Maemo + Android 2.3.3 . Latter is missing pm, camera, gps & can lag so not ideal.
@sxa555 @br1mcg I read the "release notes" for the last meego and didn't even bother. I had tried last Oct. Awful. and no apps really
$28 per user monthly for software+hardware from google based on chrome os/laptop #googleio
and $20/user for educational institutions .. #googleio
@br1mcg @sxa555 What were you expecting/looking for?
@EmLah enjoyed was probably an underestimate! Yep. great job. @justmary47 @petronella
#shouldhavegonetogoogleio - they're getting chrome books now on top of the samsung tablet yesterday! #googleio
@jon_read the actual conference fee would have been money well spent!
@br1mcg yes there's def some nicer apps. I do miss not having a compass for augmented reality apps (star gazing etc) @sxa555
silly me spilt some coke near the pc sockets. immediately powered everything down, it's fine just shouting at myself "silly me" ...
Made dinner - sausage/tomato/sweet potato/pepper/onion/muchroom casserole & mash. + shiraz! Yumm!
@Unicorn36 thats what my kids said!
@JayMontano and how did they run their payroll for their staff etc. Just right tool for job and def has it's place I think
oh and carrots!
@JayMontano offline storage/database/apps too - limited sure, but something.
RT @Lord_Sugar: Just to clarify the apprentice will be on tonight and from then on once a week every Wednesday
@etherealtype love wild rice! Pricey spending!... I didn't post a pic tonight. not pretty enough. tastes good though
@etherealtype never heard of edamane - just looked it up. different. Game to try sometime.
@etherealtype they key question would probably be whether they go nicely with shiraz?
So won some tickets to see "little comets"/"giant steps" - don't know them and is london so not gonna go. anyone wants if xferable. need2chk
just saw someone that follows ask a broadband question. May know. can you repeat. scrolled past too quick!
@The_F1_Laura nice reading am sure. I must add to my list
@Swordsman_uk Hi there. So sky llu will b ADSL2+ rather than ADSL (v1). diff to say but 10 sounds a tad high. I had 2.5 on adsl v1
@Swordsman_uk went up to 4-4.5 on O2 (adsl2+). Can you check with neighbours? Any likelihood of fttc coming (up to 40 Mbps)
@Swordsman_uk do you know your detailed stats currently (snrm etc)
@RachEdwardsF1 thanks rachael @Swordsman_uk
@Swordsman_uk have never used sky, but ppl that do seem gen happy, price good, so not a lot to lose probably. worth a punt I reckon
@Swordsman_uk worth playing about with
RT @vixisabel: RT @MarkKleinman: Some of world's biggest media tycoons poised to become backers of consortium preparing bid to buy F1. h ...
@rachelclarke see I thought that wa sa unit used to measure how hot a chilli was?
Oh just heard there was a spanish earthquake. sad for those involved, though v.small cf japan. still it's massive if affected.
@saltyF1 it's about time you too setup the #jbf1droolclub @50ftwoman
@saltyF1 @50ftwoman hey just to be clear. count me out of that one. right. Am a fan. that's where it ends...
@EmpireSteve I saw. what else!
@OzoneVibe @xplane0202 there was for edward last night ... #twitapprentice
@skybluemandylou no net would be untenable!
@saltyF1 yes I duck out of the thread at that point and think about watching apprentice instead @50ftwoman
My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Deep Purple (3), Def Leppard (3) & Kylie Minogue (3) #music
@Gaila88 glad to hear it will be fine :-)
@saltyF1 @50ftwoman ah clever. shifting the guilt to the reader...
@NickiDavies did you get the job you don't want....
@vixisabel could be a punishment...
right #twitapprentice in 15 mins -- mostly watching not tweeting though!. What hashtag though #confused
@saltyF1 @50ftwoman you've forced me to clear out my head with some more shiraz ;-)
@amanjon nice - we had one about 8-9 yrs ago. So nice! but too pricey for all the time stuff!
orange nightmare #whateverhashtagpeopleareusingforapprenticeasiamconfused
@50ftwoman @saltyF1 and after a few you'll stop feeling guilty ..
this will be interesting #apprentice
I assume the app has to be clean;-) #apprentice
RT @LadyStort: All the men on my timeline had the same reaction. What do you all get up 2?? RT @planetf1: I assume the app has to be cle ...
@LadyStort clean yeah right like @saltyf1 and @50ftwoman
@amanjon ha ha yes
bullsh*t bingo? #apprentice
this prog is why I don't have an iphone #apprentice ;-)
as just saying that - is it uk or >>global boys #apprentice
sadly (as it's silly) think girls idea is better #apprentice
Nick: "it's bland and meaningless" - Yep like most "apps" ;-) #apprentice @bbcapprentice
Blackberry! platform affects app choice. Dumber apps=iphone users I think? #apprentice
@SlyRenard absolutely
@SlyRenard though serious point about understanding audience/market which can differ IMO by platform to *some* extent. (becoming less so?)
as we said here - why did any site choose either! #apprentice
boys better show... #apprentice
there's loads the team could do to promote, just prob not allowed to #apprentice
@EmpireSteve indeed am sure it was prearranged. why else!
girls lose? #apprentice
"step up to the plate" bingo #apprentice
so where is bridge cafe - in east end somewhere I assume #apprentice
@sirsteveyoung of course, but was a point there about the audience (and also failing to understand why anyone gets these apps).
excellent comments from AMS about the app description and snappiness #apprentice
deciding who to call in by committee #apprentice
@Rachaelwith2As not sure about any that standout for all good reasons yet. #apprentice
@Queen_of_Snarks well not quite, but all talk no do so far..
At least alex thanked AMS - unlike Ed #apprentice
@stevemartinross can't remember details offhand, but various ventures from pretty young. his book is a great read
You're fired is on bbchd too -- at same time (within a few secs) tonight unlike last ... #apprentice
dara is very good ;-) #apprentice
only issue with #apprentice is you have no idea what else happened ... all down to the editing ...
lovely quote "most apps are used for time wasting" #apprentice
@Rachaelwith2As was wondering same -- twice as many apps as rest. but guess it's all relative. Probably means over 24 are the olds...
the best thing about apps is focusing sw on being simple & easy to use - something missed for a long time ... #apprentice
@Rachaelwith2As oh thanks you could have at least disagreed. #confusedoldie
@saltyF1 it happens. get them regularly. just have to block...
@The_F1_Laura I'd love to know the total set of noises.
@HollyCraig_F1 not apprentice then. I quite enjoyed clash, go there for more action, but shutter island more intriguing? not seen yet. in q
@The_F1_Laura yes that we do. how many bodily noises we don't ... could have made the difference. Def thought about boys/global when saw it
@tyres2u may have
@eco_retro Agreed!
@etherealtype no silly apps at all? The "worst" I have is angry birds - dont use a lot but it's pretty good!
@Rachaelwith2As funnily enough seeing cousins recently (ableit 3 & 6) we spent ages having fun with bubble wrap popping! The *real stuff*
@The_F1_Laura try hoovering out the air vents - may help if not dismantling... also check no constant high cpu in a task manager?

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