Tuesday, 3 May 2011

From Twitter 05-03-2011

Have seen marketing claims but seem to be only 1-1.5 in practice
No surprise gym machines av. Broken again.
@Nickyhants avatar was an accidental photo...
@jon_read can it be bought from uk retailer? Easier returns? Did it really charge more than once? Can easily get spare batts
@jon_read but was thinking flexibility for cross device
@jtonline assuming woken up from hibernation. Power management settings may cause suspend after few minutes inactivity and no wake guarantee
RT @MichaelxHell: man i need vacation..
@jon_read have read many quote 4000-6000 but in real life little over one 1500 charge....
@jon_read @Nickyhants explain. Am interested
@jtonline you may also need to repartition as your work drive needs to be bigger now whilst your home drive can just take up spare space
Can anyone recommed good mob phome battery suppliers. Copies fine but any reliable with high tested capacity (as orig). Ebay sellers? Ma ...
Multiple Noikia BL5J s needed for silverstone #f1. Last 'nokia' i got was a dud (fake?) Anyway and not cheap. Sellers? Reviews/capacity ...
Traffic seems lots heavier today. Lost track of # changes to get through some lights. 20 mins become 35 ..
@OzoneVibe Thx
@dciphoenix i have the printed recipe at home. Can prob scan/find orig
@OzoneVibe A po box tho. May go straight on plane! @jon_read
@OzoneVibe thanks. interesting. will look later. still like to see tests.
@NeilBaileyF1 are you a demanding user (heavy smartphone, run out battery in day) -- have found some 1/2-1/3 capac.
So what will be first bsod of the working week. Sigh. (hits head on desk)
@dciphoenix sure. I know its printed out at home sat on top of printer. Can scan if i cant find original. Was delicious!
and the BSOD verdict. agnfilt.sys (AT&T netclient). Buffer overflow (corrupted pool block) Time to report again.
ENjoying some lovely extra special waitrose "red" (forget name) tomatoes. They don't have have a superb flavour
@shellk1984 @_MissAnnie_ from your tweets I'm quite glad I'm at work. Sounds scary #thismorning
RT @eileenb: blog: The tweet that caused a media onslaught: I feel really sorry for Sohaib Athar at the moment.  He ‘just hap... http:// ...
@sxa555 Yep strange. Did try calling android- #n900 - video v.jerky even on fast wifi not sure which was problem
RT @eileenb: blog: Royal Wedding Twitter fever:
In addition to wall to wall coverage all day on all channels, Twitter was al... http:// ...
@Gaila88 you could send them down here?
@parboo very worrying. I mean it's not complex right.. I mean if ppl can understand cricket, darts, football leagues...
One week before the next series of #apprentice starts http://bit.ly/jlkJi8
@vixisabel well some ppl make money that way... seriously though email is so much fyi, but voice usually more personal?
mm. My USB/wifi dongle is stopping working when in docking station again. I think it could be hw issue.. oh well minor
from my attempts to download some work-related files today I think for many activities my home broadband is now faster....
RT @Dr_Black: “@belindaparmar: RIM RIP? http://t.co/DKSf0HG
Made it to a slightly earlier than often end of day (well for now). . Now what's been happening here...
@dciphoenix Ok here you go. I found printout and looked it up. Roast sea bass/chilli/lime leaves http://bit.ly/j5OUoc #bbcgoodfood
@Shelley__Lee thanks -- it's different!
@MorganF1 Mmm. have to decide whether to stick too!
@unkn0wnvariable They all look v.serious (just as well). Looking forward to it.
RT @FreshNetworks: Sainsburys hope to become the first supermarket retailer to offer consumers money-saving vouchers via their mobile ph ...
@FreshNetworks @AbigailH am just surprised it took so long. Don't understand why we still have printed vouchers!
@AbigailH then we could talk about concert (and other) tickets, cinema tickets etc. Still a tad early for #NFC but on way
Some articles on the AV vote #yes2av #notoav - have to say am likely going yes as seems reflection of honest voting http://bit.ly/mhlvqL
@EmpireSteve no surprise there. fantastic wasn't it
@NeilBaileyF1 even tho I was working last week, it was still a struggle today. email not so bad (as I'd been in) but felt long
@VickyLygoeF1 all the best for the recovery .
@_MissAnnie_ err not totally, used to be my fav though chrome is for me , opera 11.10 worth checking out too (even IE9 is so much better).
@lau_amyf1 maybe to keep their follow list manageable - certainly my streem is chaotic though I use lists to help
@vixisabel hadd to many over last few days - though if you're cooking!
@xplane0202 ?
@garethstevensf1 if it's not wet... forcast was looking distinctly damp so we may not really find out. #F1
@skybluemandylou what area do you work in?
@Unicorn36 I doubt the only one!
@debs_70 @THEpastamaster there's stories everywhere today with pics of contestants (just google). Looking forward to it
@skybluemandylou professional (or amateur)
@etherealtype seems not too bad here though what would I know (inside in office)
@vixisabel ? must be able to walk around though and presume no running in school so can it be that bad?
@etherealtype hey it may get better once you're in to it. Morning was tough but started to get better...
@_MissAnnie_ I used firefox for years (ever since I remember) but switched to chrome (beta version) a year or so ago (or was it 2). superb!
@_MissAnnie_ it just seems slicker/simpler/smoother/faster/plainer/get-on-with-the-job--er
@skybluemandylou ah! My mum's long retired but that was her area too. Do what I say not what I do then...
@unkn0wnvariable wierd - no "reply-to" on that tweet? (in tweetdeck). You mean apprentice? Yep but its' the show :-)
@unkn0wnvariable umm. I alternate between tweetdeck/seesmic sd2 / chromedeck. None are perfect. All are mostly good. but with annoyances
@noelrooney I'm sure your silly offer didn't put you off given the number of viewings that are coming in!
@unkn0wnvariable I used to use gravity on phone, now use "twimgo" (n900) but also SMS -- big benefit: queueing when offline ...
@unkn0wnvariable also depends if "real" people or marketers/spammers - the latter are very fluid (keyword/activity triggered)
@unkn0wnvariable I still don't have reply to. Do for almost every other tweet. something about the mac twitter client format perhaps
@unkn0wnvariable chromdeck fine. WORKED IT OUT though - the reply link is there but gets pushed out of the fixed size cell tweetdeck uses
@unkn0wnvariable once "read" the "in" of "in reply to" then fits and is clickable
@unkn0wnvariable so it's a UI issue with tweetdeck thats all!
@unkn0wnvariable seesmic is overally fav except for HUGE issue. In #sd2 list updates are about every 8-10 minutes. I have a "top-tweeps"
@unkn0wnvariable list and expect updates far more regularly (minute or two) as my live stream is too busy.
@seeyouatthebar sounds like ideal role model - am sure you'll get invited to talk at the school some time!
@seeyouatthebar ouch. I'm sure there's a fair number.. just sounded like your school wasn't really up there.
@vixisabel eek. I can safely say though I don't speak from personal experience. whats wrong with trainers...!
@jtonline I know @noelrooney has been *selling* - but used internet in past??
RT @vixisabel: http://bit.ly/j9A4f3 War grave experts exhume bodies of 100 sled dogs killed by tour operator in post Winter Olympics mas ...
@vixisabel thats repulsive #MailOnline
RT @franzseabrook: Oh, before I forget, congrats to #saintsfc for getting promoted to the Championship. All thanks to @SawbonesHex's go ...
@saltyF1 Certainly hope so - if I can avoid having to play taxi.
@saltyF1 just may have jobs to do but hoping I can escape at watch #f1 that's all!
@NeilBaileyF1 indeed - and the other part is the other conversations that go on (globlly) when on hols
@craigbjones1 Not hard enough for the early starts then! @saltyF1
@The_F1_Laura have less running - stop apps from auto-starting (can be a killer), add memory, get faster machine ...
@saltyF1 only meant as a a tease ... #F1lunchclub #F1 #Formula1
@craigbjones1 now that's an excellent reason!
I see #akami hosted downloads from adobe (flash at least) is stupendously slow in the UK. ie == broken. point of edge caching is? #fail
Oh interesting - nokia n900 ebay battery test http://bit.ly/iwCXXc
@OzoneVibe they use a new term in that article to describe chinese capacity labellings "vacuity"
@OzoneVibe who knows. The "pricey" scuds look interesting. 30 usd for 3, but that breaches import/vat limit so extra £8+X%+vat not so gd
@OzoneVibe actually can order pack of 3 for 17.87. will it escape customs £18 limit .. tempting for 3?
time for some TV. Think it will be this weeks' #theevent as well behind on V now anyway
@unkn0wnvariable yep. #tgs was incorrectly recorded on sky SD not HD.. and not so much strobing, but def aliasing going on there.
@unkn0wnvariable usually watch on HD

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

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