Friday 6 May 2011

From Twitter 05-06-2011

@Swordsman_uk thanks for the #f1 #ff
@Fundinewithme thanks for the #ff
@vixisabel I often do that. been better this week just seems a shame to miss things!
@KerryCherries thanks for the #ff . tweetup soon hopefully!
@DaveMorecambeF1 gosh I got a double #ff from you - double thanks!
@toria_73 thanks for the #ff
@Taz_Atkinson thanks for the #f1 #ff
Having a quick bowl of lentil soup before going out. Have to say it does rather look like vomit ....
@OzoneVibe not a huge surprise though thought closer. Personally I think it's a mistake/shame
@rachelclarkef1 were these paid-for yours or ask-friends-nicely tours? Looks like you've been busy
@rachelclarkef1 interesting. I should look into options. Turkey's probably a good place for it too (quieter, less brit fans etc?)
@rachelclarkef1 enjoy the weekend. I mean we're not jealous really! I am Looking forward to silverstone!
@Chl0w that's a very suggestive picture.... yep definately suggests it needs to be eaten
@melissa_RBRx they work in that if everyone uses same, easier to search for?
@TashaDragonfly I got told to watch from about an hour in to the fp1 prog till end and not worry about fp2 #f1
@TashaDragonfly #ff btw!
@melissa_RBRx I thought you were referring to twitter. FB did adopt the @person tag though. maybe will. some ppl post same to TW+FB too
@miss_vix feeling a bit :-( about it
@Walkerooo aka never cross amy ;-)
@geraintwjones FF sometimes crashes for me too. chrome is fine. Easy choice.
@unkn0wnvariable there were lots of complaints yesterday - ppl have no memory/longer term view it seems. just whinge and not do.
@macie_sherwood don't you need a house to put that in ? ;-)
right timeout. Need to get ready to head out. Will be all queen'd out (that sounds wrong...). L8rs
Photo: We will rock you
We will rock you
Looking forward to the show.
Time to leave pub and hit the stalls for musical time i thik #wewillrockyou #mayflower #southampton
Photo: Yay nearly time #wewillrockyou
Yay nearly time #wewillrockyou
Wow wow wow. That was so so good. #Wewillrockyou . More later but very good
Pretty comfortable in the #mayflower too. Seas squidgy. Some aircon. Sound is so good (and loud). Brill lighting. Superb cast
Fantastic. What a show. Amazing. Wow wow wow again. Standing ovation. Brilliant. Best musical i think have ever seen
At this point it is so tempting to stick queen on very loud. But no competition and #f1 fp1 is still waiting...
@miss_vix Only sympathy as that what you put in a tweet earlier today...
@Lord_Sir_A @Petronella glad u enjoyed it too. Was totally stunning.
Sorry guys it may be #ff +1 from me tomorrow. Work then theatre and now f1...
@miss_vix i will do. Perhaps skip early part. Had intended quiet nite in but got ticket for the queen musical at last min. It was so good!
@miss_vix assume you have done fp1 then... And still find it odd/annoying theres never fp3 online/iplayer
@miss_vix dont care so there!
Now finally say down watching #f1 fp1
@Lord_Sir_A @Petronella Am still buzzing from it (can't you tell). time for a beer to calm down!
@miss_vix as usual
@lau_amyf1 thanks for the #ff laura
@The_F1_Laura thanks for the #f1 #ff laura
@parboo @_pocketdynamo thanks for the local #ff #southampton
@vocd Hi. mind me asking what the mention related to?
@vocd Ah! I see - from pete's #ff - now I understand - sorry!
@Pete4L thanks for the #ff
@Miss_F1 thanks for the #f1 #ff christina
@f1streaming the best and maybe the last?
@bprosperi thanks for the #f1 #ff
@NickiDavies thanks Nicki for the #f1 #ff and chat
@SlyRenard thanks again for the #ff
@IamNii_Teiko Just more attention to how users interact...
@macie_sherwood if it's a good deal too right!
@mario_eb thanks for the #f1 #ff (trying to catch up apologies if dup!)
@xilualot was thinking same walking to car from theatre.. it was strangely enjoyable!
@xilualot Ah! well that's true too -- watching the spray in fp1 as we speak!
@nicola_webbf1 thanks for the #f1 #ff
@xilualot rain can cause issues, though if you have a decet enough setup (alignment, dish etc) it shouldnt' necessarily affect it
@xilualot we're down south (signal is stronger) but in 7 years in this house I've NEVER noticed any breakup from weather etc.
@xilualot used to get it in old house. tho current dish is on chimney so above some of the trees and maybe slightly sheltered
@xilualot iplayer - it's how I'm watching , as it happens via the bluray player (has iplayer built in)
@xilualot with decent net connectin and kit the picture is barely short of standard bbc - and iplayer HD isn't much down on HD 720 not 1080
@xilualot it's the nice thing about current freeview/sat boxes, bluray, tvs etc - many have iplayer no PC needed!
interesting comment in #fp1 on commentary - "in terms of atmosphere it's a 0" - ref turkey #f1 :-(
@Alexandra_1608 Of course if you do #silverstone you can do @MarussiaVirgin camping too (which I am so looking forward to!)
@kayels you probably know better than I do. I give up trying to understnd

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