Wednesday 4 May 2011

From Twitter 05-04-2011

@unkn0wnvariable I see #itunes as a significant inhibitor to iphone - at least in past. but I'm fussy..
@unkn0wnvariable #itunes search -try looking for video podcasts covering science from UK updated in last 3 months etc. No multi facet search
@unkn0wnvariable performance could well relate to the windows implementation (even on multiple fast systems). Looks like they have NOT
@unkn0wnvariable split out all the UI processing to a seperate thread so for some long ops (which is fine) UI becomes unresponsive #itunes
@unkn0wnvariable yes as it happens HOWEVER I don't play anything on itunes really, just old ipod sync
@unkn0wnvariable which works, but not so good for browsing within the store
@khertan thanks -- hit same error though. Also trieed reinstalling khweeteur and dpkg --configure -a ?
@khertan I do have "/usr/lib/" from libshiboken1.0 1.0.1-1maemo1 (sym link to same name ending 1.0.1)
@khertan 1.0.1-1maemo3
@khertan error is coming from "from QtMobility.Location import QGeoPositionInfoSource" (aren't python expert) but it's qtmobility libs
If I'm grumpy today I blame the lizards (stpoping me going to sleep) or the dogs (waking me up early). You are warned.
@saltyF1 not all, just up late/tv then woken up early. + shock of being back...
@khertan thanks. fails to start though. do get error "Pysode QtMobility not installed or broken", error dbus related. can post in a bit
A confirmed slacker now? Lost my mayorship of work... #4sq
@geraintwjones v
oh funny. virtualization now so good I get this in vmware session "This .... is to be executed in a virtual machine" ;-)
#win - small work team meeting outside sat by sunken garden chatting. Nice change from a conf. room!
Sat outside for quick lunch. Isnt half sunny
@victoriarusso sounds like a general leadership comment?
RT @finiteattention: Excellent A-Z demolition of #no2av's poor arguments, beginning with Australia: /sortavia @ciphe ...
@MichaelxHell me: nokia n900/maemo. Son:nexus-s/android. Daughter: htc trophy/wp7 oh:samsung non-smart-thing-id-rather-forget
@VickyLygoeF1 feeling recovered now and back to normal then! (hope)
@THEpastamaster tho many do. U can vote for one if u like. Av seems fairer with me as can indicate preference
@saltyF1 not going to get better. Careful driving? Per interested in ev's when replacing (mine 10.5 yrs old now)
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe as fyi i leave them on. On *nix login as noemal and use sudo. Similar/safer
@MichaelxHell no ios. Biggest surprise so far is #wp7. So slick (tho daughter happy with text/fb/web). Browser v.responsive.
@snipeyhead so that will be all your location data for the last 3 years now up on the nike site then ;-)
@chromedeck I keep getting #chromedeck "freezing" from time to time - totally unresponsive. anything from 15s-120s. Known? update? #beta
@snipeyhead Ah I was thinking treadmill was net connected, you plugged iphone in, it uploaded. I guess it's other way around. pull to phone?
@snipeyhead we have those life fitness ones at our gym. and/or can write to usb tho I don't really bother any more
@snipeyhead Our gym at terrible at tech - wifi often broken/slow, screens corrupted, sync cables not working, sw glitches.
@mseckington Are you travelling to/from netherlands "just" for dental treatment. It's so pricey here. daughters was about 3k I think
RT @TheNextWeb: Canalys: Android Still Top Smartphone OS, Increases Share To 35% by @m4tt on @TNWmobile
RT @monkchips: People Killed Per Kilowatt Hour « Jim Grisanzio coal vs nuclear, pace @billgates
RT @xplane0202: Here's a pic of the wasps nest on our conservatory roof
has been sent Eat, Pray, Love - Blu-ray:
We had some visitors today
@noelrooney already called. Giving them 24 hrs may just be finding a new home.
@50ftwoman the photo was unedited accident so blue sky was the actual sky. I did almost def have a cpl (polarising) filter on thr slr
@50ftwoman which is an utter must for water/sky/foliage/metal/glass ... Basically anything outside. I will go check photo to be sure
@VMRonSunday mix is good @loadandshoot @cn009 @cwatc
@KerryCherries leaving them until tomorrow
@NickiDavies i had to open window above them to get a photo!
@noelrooney honey bees i believe
Bees still on roof. Seem very calm and quiet expect waiting for scouts to report back. Leaving them in peace for now
@OzoneVibe indeed. I think they must have the g+t out by now
@noelrooney for bees think its more local beekeeper. Tho seems we have some 'home emergency' cover that covers wasps/mice etc.
@NickiDavies pretty sure they are (i posted a photo)
My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Sky Ferreira (13), Jessie J (12) & Clare Maguire (8) #music
Gosh my first #flickr upload was july 19 1999
@unkn0wnvariable flickr was reminding me i need to pay my fee for a pro a/c...
@miss_vix just ahead of the game :-)
@unkn0wnvariable kept meaning to look at alternatives before subs renew but prob will just carry on.
RT @EmmaGx: Looking forward to: Voting Yes tomorrow ... Not looking forward to: Losing out to the huge no vote from those afraid of chan ...
@unkn0wnvariable never really used that site. did think about smugmug etc
@Alexandra_1608 less dangerous than women and shops though
@TashaDragonfly at this point "prove it", "photo". second thoughts sounds far too scary.
@pj_kent there's a bit banner notice on the @lovefilm website! (ie YES)
@riveerrrrssss must try and align times - am I still #4sq mayor?
@skybluemandylou haven't seen those for years. Are they still as sticky as ever?
@honeybee85 yay! :-)
@Unicorn36 oops. can happen. positive or negative though? f1 ? politics? or bitchiness
@SlyRenard that's forever. do you get any compensation? They should reroute calls for free if you ask (to a mobile). BB also off? ouch
@slackbladd3r not a fan then? Do you watch local or UK versions? I think they're actually good ppl this year.. and a better show than UK
@andiecapes def not PR, personally I just find the idea of espressing preference omre appropriate than black/white single cross @robbingham
@sxa555 Sounds like our washing machine. The last "1 minute" always lasts about 15-20.
@anotherproblem Some of the high spec lights (probably more like £200) are amazing like serious headlights. that what u mean?not cyclist tho
@Unicorn36 always good fun to stimulate debate
@Unicorn36 Now I feel bad about suggesting it was something light. I see what you mean. A definate sensitive issue. Think I'll be quiet now
@unkn0wnvariable indeed not that social then!
@slackbladd3r emotionally I can believe (think iphone). but beyond that its getting perverse. Can believe there are some but dont wanna know
@jtonline YES! Hoping to get tkts tomorrow with @ozonevibe for sat lunchtime @sotonbeerfest @andrewferrier @JamesAHart @jacksri
@slackbladd3r I like it as light entertainment - steven tyler is so poetic & seeing jennifer every week is hardly a hardship
@miss_vix I read somewhere honeybees get upset by loud noises. Hoping our "visitors" don't get upset....
@epredator my usual beef (ha ha) with carveries in general is that I'm fussy - meet (beef etc) a little pink, vegetables crisp
@hunni_h I tweet my @lovefilm dispatches too - other ppl usually comment before I even know what's coming! Funny.
@Walkerooo ah cute.
@The_F1_Laura ha ha -- you did see my photo didn't you
@chromedeck are there known limitations with URL shortening in #chromedeck #beta - seems quite hit/miss only some links work?
@EmpireSteve nice idea, though premium really needed. My big issue is neither old ipod or n900 do spotify offline either, so cant replace dl
@The_F1_Laura on top of our conservatory! They were busier earlier too - sleepy now
@sxa555 mistake!
@miss_vix please get them checked if you're worried (in case you're near me!)
@saltyF1 so what did you see?
@miss_vix just to answer earlier tweet -- not ignored!
RT @epredator: We wont be back in time to vote #yestoAV so if you are wavering plz go and vote yes (for me).. (was late to organize prox ...
@sxa555 ha ha. love timing windows
@hunni_h indeed!
@miss_vix can be confusing. I never remember what i said even short while ago. Evening post work/dinner catchup
@EmpireSteve No tracks i own is fine. More about switching to subs model and offlinre caching instead of album purchase
@franzseabrook indeed - did that last night with too much scifi/gadget tv
@paulbackhouse Is Sony Bravia connected to PSN network perhaps -- which sony closed due to security?
@paulbackhouse iplayer working here - though I've not tried on the sony bluray - maybe their implementation is hooked into PSN somehow?
@The_F1_Laura Similar books or any. If the latter, the millenium trilogy by Steig Larson (girl/dragon tattoo etc) are brilliant(read 2 of 3)
@mixindave @paulbackhouse I just went to check mine (bravia on bluray BDPs370). iplayer/lovefilm etc all fine. just qrocioty down
@50ftwoman well heavy gaming, typing docs, big screen reading/editing sure - but simple stuff, phones these days so good!
@LukaSambuca at that point I so wish there'd been a whole queue of people wanting to use it all at once.

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